Great post about pine bark extract / Pycnogenol, Nanna! Well referenced too, as usual

I have been using pine bar extract for many years, mostly for sport, because it is a potent antioxidant, and I tolerate it very, absolutely no side effects. It is good for energy, in line with (e) and is good for my joints and muscle ache after sport, which tends to confirm (a), (b) and (c). It is still part of my sport pre-pack, so I take 100mg of it at least two times a week.
I have also discovered, through a "side effect", that it promotes nitric oxide production. I noticed with time that "morning wood" was more stiff than usual when I had taken pine bark extract the day before... not a bad side effect, though... and this would explain (h) After realizing this "side effect", last year, it happened that I took it in advance when some sexual activity was planned

Even when taken like 12 hours before, it still gives its little extra, and it also contributes to tame the POIS beast, so it does not hurt

I can add that pomegranate extract has the same "side effect" too. Resveratrol, too, maybe, but my resveratrol formula contains some pine bark extract, so I cannot be sure if resveratrol itself is a "hardener agent". ( For anyone wondering, nitric oxide (NO) is a natural vasodilatator in the body, and is essential for the erection process, and the well known Viagra and Cialis are working through the NO pathway )
I have never realized pine bark extract was also a mast cell stabilizer - thanks for the information. I have updated my post on natural mast cells stabilizers to include it - see at bark extract could have make it part of my pre-pack, but I didn't have any at hand when I first formulated it. It was partly because the Pycnogenol brand is expensive. But now I have found a less expensive pine bark extract that has the same good results for me ( I use , which are 100mg caspules). I use it for POIS "leftover" symptoms, when needed, and it works good, along with other products.
About (g), I cannot tell. It has been very, very easy for my wife to get pregnant, both time. First time, it took only one month for her to get pregnant..... it was deliberate form our part, but we thought it could take a little longer than that...hahaha... So don't worry too much, you may be surprised how easy this could