The symptoms of iron deficiency occur before progressing to full blown anemia and many doctors will assume that since your not anemic your fine but this isnt the case. Many people near the "acceptable"range of ferritin stores (50) suffer from the many deficiency symptoms. Personally im shooting for 75-125 ferritin levels.
After searching for "iron and catacholemines" and "iron and dopamine" and reading the journals I knew i was onto something. I knew i had slow adrenal clearance for example if i were to argue with someone i would feel my adrenaline ramp up and then I could feel it stay elevated for many hours. So i started iron supplementation before getting a test and while this has worked i wish i had gotten my levels tested before hand but i just didnt have the money since the pois had me so unproductive. I do plan on getting a test next week. Ill report back at that point. Also just so everyone knows ive been on iron for 54 days and continue to improve in all areas, mood, energy, sleep, patience you name it. Im more social and energetic now that im not always bordering on fight or flight mode.
Many things have helped, niacin, niacinamide, raw garlic, p5p, methylb12, magnesium, zinc and after an ejaculation i do a little extra vitamin e, p5p, garlic, zinc and niacin for good measure and plan on starting a daily grassfed undefatted beef liver supplement but i trully believe that for me personally iron was the main problem. The deficiency seemed to slowly and gradually get worse over the course of about 8 years.
Anyone who has digestive issues and/or takes stomach pills or antacids are compromising their absorbtion of iron, magnesium and many other nutrients and minerals and are at higher risk. And the guys taking a lot of zinc are possibly at risk since zinc and iron compete for absorbtion.
My symptoms were brain fog, totall fatigue, burning eyes, anxiety, irritability, depression, weakness, didnt want to leave the house, and cramped pelvic floor. Now I only feel a very slight flunctuation in my dopamine on days 2 and 3 afterwords which is normal and im still improving so who knows.
As far as the sibo and possible candida are concerned thats a tough nut to crack, I eat a grainfree Paleo diet low in sugar. Also I chop up a tablespoon of raw garlic and shoot it down with some kefir as i hope this will kill any excess candida, the only problem with this is garlic makes me hornier than a jack rabbit on fertility meds..but it does make me feel more vigorous in general also.
I hope this helps and is comprehendable, ive been writing these posts on a phone which is kinda tough for me. Feel free to ask me any questions. Im happy to help as i know what its like to live with pois.