Constipation is directly linked with pois
but the psych medication made it worse
I don't know if it s a good idea the psy medication
some anti depressor can help for a while
but you ll be addicted, no cured and the side effects of this medication
i NOT advice the neuroleptic
after many years of these shit, a pretty good gift, the dystonia ....
did you past the test blood about gluten allergy ?
if the gluten is the reason of your constipation
perhaps, some vitamins : K, magnesium, b9, A, B12, could help
also against constipation
you need to eat a lot of mushroom, rich on fibers
you can try the reishi mushroom, like complement' food
there s also the psyllium blond but not working in my case
did you see a gastro entrerologist ?
Me, yes. Nothing wrong in the blood test
always the same story ......