I'm really glad I found this site/community. Makes me not feel as lost.
Upon discovering POIS, I said to myself; Thats ridiculous, a sickness from ejaculation? But the more I thought about, the more it made sense to me.
Upon ejaculation I almost immediately feel burned out. I struggle from intense brain fog, anxiety, and depression. For the whole last year I told myself I'm going to stop looking at porn or masturbating for at least 3 months and see if this clears up any. It did see to clear up a good amount. I feel more happy, less anxious, and could think clearly. The only problem was even if I had sex one time, I would be well on my way back to square one.
I thought to myself, I might feel better while abstaining, but a life of complete celibacy is not for me. I'm Bipolar 2 so I go back and forth between intense productiveness and happiness to intense depression and brain fog. The amount of times I ejaculate seems to play a big role in the switching of my moods.
I really feel lost and at my wits end. My depression has gotten so bad I can barely function. I'm trying out some new meds for BP disorder but I feel like I need a pill that helps POIS. I think if I told my psych about POIS she might laugh at me, as that is the reaction i've gotten from anyone I have told.
So thanks for listening and trying to help!