Hello to all of you,
I've been investigated the gluten lead recently and I think there is something :
-First of all, there is different testimony of people flaming that there are pretty much POIS free since they eliminate the gluten from their diet
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1240.0http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=387.msg10629#msg10629Seth recently :
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.19475-Some people have been diagnosed with gluten allergy(kurtosis, urano, etc)
-If you read about gluten intolerance/sensitivity, you find out that there is tons of potential symptoms ; it's due to the fact that (i) gluten triggers autoimmune reaction with the typical symptoms of it and that it can cause malabsorption and deficiency(of amino acid/vitamins/minerals) that lead to various symptoms and can explain the fatigue and the cognitive impairments.
-One the promising "cure" some year ago was multivitamin program ; helped a lot ; It's not surprising if we have deficiency and potentially lead to digestion problem.
-Some people I've talked with doesn't get weight easily and I'have read in POIS forum that they have greasy/sticky faeces and digestion problem : it's typical if gluten intolerance is involved ; we don't digest fat.
I believe that Orgasm/sexual activity just trigger/worsen an underlining problem ; It's maybe a mistake to focus on O.
Nevertheless, there is a link between potentially digestion and Orgasm...and this could be the Vagus nerve(object of the ongoing POIS research).
Personally I will verify that lead and going to a strict non gluten diet for at least 2 month
good luck fellow poiser's