Author Topic: Speech Impairment  (Read 6316 times)


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Speech Impairment
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:36:04 PM »
I've always had a speech impediment when I was little, I was slur words and stutter a little. But during POIS, I get full blown stutter and slur -- I always always have to repeat myself. It's not only embarrassing but extremely annoying when trying to have a conversation.

I feel that with the combination of brain fog, and speech impairment, and with high libido, I suffer greatly.

Does anyone else have problems with speech while in POIS?

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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 05:11:07 AM »
I can see how POIS could aggravate a speech impairment issue.  I never used to have such an issue but while suffering from POIS I do struggle a bit more than usual to find the right words to say.  I mean it is pretty much understandable.  With all the problems POIS causes or could cause with the brain I wouldn't be surprised if it does affect speech, and I'm pretty sure it definitely hurts the capabilities of a lot of POIS sufferers to develop their thought and find the right words to say.
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 06:45:09 PM »
Does anyone else have problems with speech while in POIS?

I've never had a speech impediment or stuttering, but during a bad POIS day I can definitely slur a word or two. And yes, it's a struggle finding the right words to say. I would imagine that it looks to others like I didn't get enough sleep or something, when in reality it's POIS. When I'm not in POIS, I can be quite talky actually with those I'm familiar and comfortable with.


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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2014, 04:08:12 AM »
Guys, for me POIS means inability of speaking and thinking.Incapable at all at communicating,finding the right words,in the right order.Lack of creative thinking and expressing myself as i feel a barrier has stopped all speech flow.
For me this is POIS.Speech and obviously thinking problems is my most noticable symptom.
I find it surprising that you dont have problem with speech.I thought this was some kind of standard to POISers.
Speech/thinking impairment makes you completely anti-social and tends you to avoid communication with people.


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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2014, 02:18:34 AM »
Guys, for me POIS means inability of speaking and thinking.Incapable at all at communicating,finding the right words,in the right order.Lack of creative thinking and expressing myself as i feel a barrier has stopped all speech flow.
For me this is POIS.Speech and obviously thinking problems is my most noticable symptom.
I find it surprising that you dont have problem with speech.I thought this was some kind of standard to POISers.
Speech/thinking impairment makes you completely anti-social and tends you to avoid communication with people.

I definitely notice problems communicating, lack of creative thinking and hard time expressing myself. What I meant by no speech impediment was simply that my words and speech sound as they should. I still have a hard time expressing myself during a bad POIS day. It does make me a bit more anti-social too. Just wanted to clarify a bit.


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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2014, 03:49:46 AM »
I slur when in POIS.


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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2014, 04:18:53 AM »

For what it's worth, I also know my speech and communications isn't clear when in POIS 3/4 day phase. My missus regularly says I am mumbling, but I have always put that down to the depression side of the condition, and what has been better articulated on this board as cognition, brain fog etc, but maybe there is more to it than that, as you seem to have a more frustrating outcome from POIS onset.


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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2014, 11:52:49 AM »
Same thing happening also with me. I started  to talk when I was 3 years old. I have been very quiet person all my life but nobody have told me than I am autist. When I sleep to much (daytime), then I have more brain fogs and speech problems. 


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Re: Speech Impairment
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2014, 04:55:17 AM »
When in POIS I can`t speak clearly and can`t look human in eyes

Self-confidence is pretty low on me too in POIS sessions.
I get extremely anxious and embarrassed when contacting people.