Yes we can I think.But it is at least for me 1000 harder compared when not in P.O.I.S
I don't want to sound like I am praisim myself.
But before I fall in POIS related depression I was quite comunicative,good speaker,good with words and in expressing myself.
Since my P O I S was not always severe, I was quite sociable even when in POIS.(I didn't enjoy,but I was somethimes good,sometimes very good in making jokes,selling products,and in general making bussines deals with with other people,and even with girls).
Main problem was for me while in POIS was not to hurt anyone,since I don't really have system of values in P.O.I.S and how to show attidude with damaged memory and that "guilt and shamed" felling.
About Charizma,let's say that when in POIS I gave ( I don't go out if I don't have to anymore) more cold,closed guy and always on distance impression,more ironic and careless.
and when not in POIS positive,frienldy,life and people loving ,and in general open and warm.