On one corner of lip, I have a darkened area for last 10 yrs, very mild face nerve weakness (increases 20 fold during POIS), it looks to me as if tissue has died (skin is dry flaky, rimpled). Doc says apply vaseline and gave gabapentin (which works but I dont use it). This darkened area has a sharp burning/tingling feeling - very uncomfortable. This tingling increases 20 fold during POIS. Maybe this dark area developed due to irritation since I have habit to stretch this skin (it helps me abate the tingling feeling).
Does anyone else has this?. I am suspecting this might be weak immune system, candida/fungus/virus, since I get canker sores on the inside of mouth. I tried AHCC in hopes to killing the virus, but AHCC messed up POIS and caused nasal congestion. Currently trying Riboflavin, I started it yesterday, will know in 2-3 weeks.