I can't find this brand on internet.
Is it a slow release niacin? How long does it take to feel the flush (when you could) and how long did the flush last?
I use Nature's way 100mg capsules. It's not slow release. Generally slow release doesn't work very well at all.
The flush and effecetivity of niacin is highly influenced by what's going on in the digestive system. If you take 75mg first thing in the morning you can get quite a flush and great effect. If you take 400mg an hour after eating dinner, NOTHING happens.
My best success (which is about 95% certain to work is first thing in the morning. Admittedly not always the most attractive time to be engaging in sex activities. Althugh niacin for me works very well, one thing I really m iss is the spontenaety. I'd love to go out for dinner, have a few glasses of wine and agreat meal and go home and make love.
Doesn't work! Niacin is useless under those conditions. I found that even a glass of wine or even a coffee or glass of juice before the niacin, even if it's first think in the morning (I don't usually drink wine first thing in the morning) can reduce the effectivity of niacin a great deal.
Sometimes, if I've had a barbeque or big steak dinner at night and then slept 8 hours, even afterwaiting til first thing in the morning, the effectivity can be quite reduced.
So almost 95% guaranteed, light meal, 6 or 7 PM, nothing heavy for the rest of the evening and a good 8 or 9 hour sleep beforehand.
Then do it in the morning before anything else.... I make my wife breakfast (without testing anything) take my niacin, and by the time she has finished, she's awake and ready and I'm flushing and ready. Works every time.