POIS Life Style => Lifestyle Diary and POIS Summaries => Topic started by: Thomas on June 29, 2023, 07:13:13 AM

Title: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Thomas on June 29, 2023, 07:13:13 AM
I'm starting this thread to have a place to write down my progress with POIS as it happens.

My situation

I'm Thomas, I live in France, and I'm 33 years old. It's been about ten years since I became aware of the symptoms I experience after an orgasm, but I can't say for how long I've had this condition.

My symptoms: Fatigue and physical weakness, concentration difficulties, memory issues, trouble thinking clearly, communication difficulties.
These symptoms also lead to the following: stress, loss of confidence, depression due to avoiding social situations and my inability to have normal interactions with people when I'm experiencing POIS.

Onset of symptoms: Between 6 and 24 hours after orgasm.

Duration of symptoms: Between 1 and 2 weeks.

My remedies:
Currently, I practice abstinence because even with the remedies mentioned above, the symptoms are still present.

Medical appointments

Today, I had my first appointment with my general practitioner to discuss this problem. He had never heard of this condition, but thanks to the name of the syndrome, he was able to find a scientific publication on the subject and confirm with me that my case aligns with the 5 criteria described in this study: https://bacandrology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12610-019-0093-7 (https://bacandrology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12610-019-0093-7).

For a first attempt, he prescribed the following medication:
- Paracetamol + Tramadol


I'm also considering scheduling an appointment with a functional medicine practitioner because I absolutely don't want to take Tramadol-like medications for the rest of my life if it can be avoided.

Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Muon on June 29, 2023, 07:17:55 AM
Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Quantum on June 30, 2023, 07:27:49 AM
I'm starting this thread to have a place to write down my progress with POIS as it happens.

My situation

I'm Thomas, I live in France, and I'm 33 years old. It's been about ten years since I became aware of the symptoms I experience after an orgasm, but I can't say for how long I've had this condition.

My symptoms: Fatigue and physical weakness, concentration difficulties, memory issues, trouble thinking clearly, communication difficulties.
These symptoms also lead to the following: stress, loss of confidence, depression due to avoiding social situations and my inability to have normal interactions with people when I'm experiencing POIS.

Onset of symptoms: Between 6 and 24 hours after orgasm.

Duration of symptoms: Between 1 and 2 weeks.

My remedies:
  • Abstinence - I feel really good after 1 or 2 weeks.
  • Antihistamines before and after - Slightly reduce my symptoms.
  • Vitamin B & Magnesium - Reduce anxiety and fatigue.
  • Taurine + caffeine - Reduce physical fatigue.

  • Heart coherence exercises 3 times a day - Help me better manage the effects of POIS, sleep better, and recover more effectively.
Currently, I practice abstinence because even with the remedies mentioned above, the symptoms are still present.

Medical appointments

Today, I had my first appointment with my general practitioner to discuss this problem. He had never heard of this condition, but thanks to the name of the syndrome, he was able to find a scientific publication on the subject and confirm with me that my case aligns with the 5 criteria described in this study: https://bacandrology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12610-019-0093-7 (https://bacandrology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12610-019-0093-7).

For a first attempt, he prescribed the following medication:
- Paracetamol + Tramadol


I'm also considering scheduling an appointment with a functional medicine practitioner because I absolutely don't want to take Tramadol-like medications for the rest of my life if it can be avoided.

Hi , Thomas and bienvenue sur le forum /welcome to the forum !
Your symptoms are very typical of POIS, for sure.
Let us know how it goes with the NSAID and tramadol.
Be sure to take a look at this chart  for potential other methods to reduce your POIS symptoms: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448 (https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.msg19448#msg19448)

Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Thomas on July 10, 2023, 04:47:22 AM
I did a very positive test last week, a bit messy though but definitely something to explore :

2 hours before O : Antistaminic + fenugreek
Just before O : B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) + magnesium
During sex : Deep inspiration and expiration. I heard about this in a Karhezza video to better control his ejaculation, I wanted to test it but I do not know if it has an effect on POIS.
after O : NSAID

D+1 : When I woke up the next morning, I felt pretty normal until about 1 p.m. when I felt the effects of the POIS starting to kick in. At 2pm, I took the following stack : NSAID, concentrated black radish capsules, antistaminic, fenugreek, b vitamins & magnesium. I had almost no effect for the rest of the day. I had no physical fatigue and was even able to do a sports session.
Just before bedtime, I took NSAID + fenugreek

D+2 : Same stack

D+3 : I felt normal. I continued to take the same stack on that day just in case.

D+4 : No complements or medecine took this day. I've started to get the good bodily sensations again that tell me that POIS is over.


Global POIS reduction during those days : 80 - 95%

It's a big success for me. Previously, the symptoms lasted between 1 and 2 weeks. With this stack, I hardly felt a thing and I was back to normal after 4 days.
I'll be doing this same test several times to confirm that, of course, its success may come from the placebo effect or other factors.

If it works several times in a row, I will try to refine it to see if certain supplements/medicines are useful or not (effect of the black radish for example?).


I've also been monitoring my sleep debt with an app for several months now. It's been a great help for me to know that I'm chronically sleep-deprived and to see the impact it's having on my physical and mental health. Knowing that, I'm careful to get a lot more sleep from now on.
I think it's also a good help in coping with the symptoms of POIS.

I'm also not considering for the moment testing tramadol prescribed by my GP.

Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: kosmo35 on July 10, 2023, 09:45:56 AM
I advise against such an excessive use of NSAIDs because in the long term they can easily lead to gastric ulcers.
Remember that inflammation is a protective mechanism.
Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Thomas on July 11, 2023, 07:51:55 AM
Thanks for the advice. My aim is not to take them for life. I have a functional medicine appointment in 1 month, I hope I'll find other solutions.
Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Thomas on August 16, 2023, 09:39:18 AM
I did a second experiment with my stack, not quite under the same conditions, but still significant.

Just after O : B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) + magnesium, nsaid, fenugreek

D+1, D+2, D+3, D+4 : Daily dose of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) + magnesium, nsaid, fenugreek . Global pois reduction of 60-70%.

D+5: Back from vacation, I was able to add black radish concentrate and cetirizine to my stack. This helped me get rid of the last effects, which were mainly sinus pressure and headache.
POIS reduction on D+5 : 95%


I'm also just back from my 1st functional medicine appointment. I have a whole list of medical tests that I'll be doing next week.

Some interesting information came out of this appointment:
 - I don't eat enough protein because of my almost vegetarian diet. It would seem that you need protein every day, even in moderate doses, to better digest sugar and provide energy to the mitochondria. I'm going to incorporate skyr-type fromage into my breakfast.
 - Eating little meat leads to a coenzyme Q10 deficiency. So I got a prescription for a supplement
 - I eat too fast. I swallow my food with little chewing, which means that many of the nutrients in the food do not pass into my body.
- Coffee and tea intolerance may be due to a liver problem. That's why black radish concentrate seems to have a positive effect on me, although it's apparently not the best solution for this problem.

All in all, it was a very positive appointment with a very knowledgeable and caring person. I now have to stop taking all my supplements for 1 week for medical analysis.

Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Dav on September 13, 2023, 02:55:53 PM
Bonsoir Thomas (I'm also French),

Could you please specify which antihistaminic you use and the doses for each product (vitamins B, fenugreek, etc)?

In the last 4 months I have been using a technique of squeezing all my semen out to the last drop after ejaculating, and incredibly enough it has worked really well (my POIS is not as severe as yours and lasts only 1-2 days). I posted today about this technique.
Regular cardio exercise also helps me a lot.

Thank you!
Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Thomas on September 27, 2023, 10:16:59 AM
Hey Dav, thanks for your reply and sorry for my late one. I'm definitely going to see your post.

I use Cetirizine 10mg, 1g of fenugreek, magnesium 300mg, approximatively 1mg of B1, B2, B6, 200 micrograms of B9 and 2.5 micrograms of B12 (this product for french people (https://vitavea.com/products/magnesium-vitamines-b-plus)), Nurofen 250 mg and 2 capsules (20g) of concentrated black radish (this one (https://fr.arkopharma.com/products/arkofluides-radis-noir?variant=40375759995040)).

I'm still working with my functional medecine, doing a lot of test and trying some other food supplements. I will update about it I soon as I have results, but it will probably take months.
Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Dav on September 29, 2023, 05:22:46 AM
Thanks for the details, Thomas!

I use sea magnesium Mag 2 (300mg combined with B6 and B12) and 300mg fenugreek caps + antihistamine Donormyl:

1. Magnesium right before sex/masturbation, 2. Squeeze-out technique right after ejaculation (+ wait 20min to be completely flaccid again to squeeze out the rest to the last drop)
3. Antihistamine after ejaculation with 3 caps of fenugreek (=900mg). Donormyl will also make you sleep, which I guess is an added bonus at night ;-)

With that I would say my symptoms disappear at 80%. It is the best result I have achieved so far (I've had POIS for many years)

It will be great to hear about your upcoming experience.

Title: Re: My Journey as a Poiser
Post by: Thomas on January 05, 2024, 09:01:05 AM
Since my functional medicine appointment in September, and following various blood tests, I have been taking the following stack:

Vitamin D 4400IU + 75 µg K2 (Enables hormone production)
Magnesium taurate 2000mg at each meal (energy, fatigue)
Omega 3: 570mg EPA and 430 DHA (antioxidant)
Coenzyme Q10 200mg (Helps mitochondria produce energy)
Vitamin B12 MHA 1000µg + L-methylfolate folic acid 400µg (B9) (Reduces homocysteine)
Iodine, 1 tray of seaweed per week (Good for thyroid hormones)
Selenium: 5 pecans (Good for thyroid hormones)
This stack is similar to the one proposed by Nanna1.

After 3 months, my symptoms now only appear 3 days after O, whereas they used to appear within 12 hours. Additionally, the symptoms are much more manageable and last only 3-4 days instead of the previous 7 to 9. This is a very positive improvement.


I also have undergone many other tests since, and my doctor has just communicated the results:

 - My homocysteine level is too high. This can lead to mental problems, depression, and degenerative diseases. The solution to this problem is to take vitamins B6, B9, B12, and possibly molecules providing the methyl group: sam-e, betaine.
 - The 2/16 OH-estrone ratio is too low; I produce too much 16OH that the liver cannot eliminate, which circulates in the blood and eventually deposits on the hormonal glands.
 - T3 and T4 are too low, indicating hypothyroidism that needs to be treated. Low levels cause a slowdown in cells and organs.
 - I also have insufficient cortisol, probably due to stress, leading to muscle weakness and fatigue.
 - Intestine: I have a candida-type fungal infection, insufficient anti-inflammatory bacteria, and too many inflammatory bacteria.
 - My pregnenolone level is low, indicating a mitochondrial deficiency and implying issues with memory and concentration.

So, I have a long list of additional treatments to try over the next 4 months. I will keep you updated on the progress.

Another very important factor is stress because it depletes the body of many nutrients.