Author Topic: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?  (Read 10636 times)


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had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:21:41 PM »
hey all,

i'm new, first.I'm writing you because i'm a bit confused. here's my story:

started masturbation and porn at 12.i  don't remember much of that period , i didn't enjoy it much. i stumbled accross the nofap sub when i was 15, totally by accident ( by clicking on the "random sub" button) tried it and enjoyed it. felt totally different during abstinence. months go by and i start to realise that i just feel really shitty during 4 day after an orgasm. the negative feelings were getting stronger as the years went buy. from 16 to 19 years old, those were my symptoms , everytime i masturbated , and they lasted 4 days everytime:
depression (feeling low, people hating me, feeling like having no friends, loosing interest in life, low self esteem, suicidal fought)
fatigue (especially on the first 3 days , feeling tired during the afternoon usually)
brain fog
difficulty concentrating
increased shyness

i discovered the existence of pois at 18-19 years old, i stumbled across  this forum.i had no idea it existed.  I was directly conviced i had it and it killed me inside. i placed myself in the early stage of pois.

But here's the thing:when i discovered pois i started seing a sexologist for a year and a half. I couldnt resume you right now what she told me because it's really long, but as of today i don't feel pois symptoms , since last summer. i didn't take any medicine. the moment i masturbate maybe 3 times a week and i have a normal life.

that's why i'm confused. Did i have pois ? or was it something else ? because i looked everywhere on internet and didn't find anyone who cured pois with therapy. i swear i had the symptoms described before.


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2018, 07:01:24 AM »
Hello carmack97 and welcome to our forum!

It sounds like POIS symptoms to me, with maybe a strong psycho-somatic component or maybe not. What did this sexologist tell you? Did you change your habits, lifestyle or something?

I think it is the key in your history. Could you ellaborate it more? Maybe your experience will be useful to other members.

hey all,

i'm new, first.I'm writing you because i'm a bit confused. here's my story:

started masturbation and porn at 12.i  don't remember much of that period , i didn't enjoy it much. i stumbled accross the nofap sub when i was 15, totally by accident ( by clicking on the "random sub" button) tried it and enjoyed it. felt totally different during abstinence. months go by and i start to realise that i just feel really shitty during 4 day after an orgasm. the negative feelings were getting stronger as the years went buy. from 16 to 19 years old, those were my symptoms , everytime i masturbated , and they lasted 4 days everytime:
depression (feeling low, people hating me, feeling like having no friends, loosing interest in life, low self esteem, suicidal fought)
fatigue (especially on the first 3 days , feeling tired during the afternoon usually)
brain fog
difficulty concentrating
increased shyness

i discovered the existence of pois at 18-19 years old, i stumbled across  this forum.i had no idea it existed.  I was directly conviced i had it and it killed me inside. i placed myself in the early stage of pois.

But here's the thing:when i discovered pois i started seing a sexologist for a year and a half. I couldnt resume you right now what she told me because it's really long, but as of today i don't feel pois symptoms , since last summer. i didn't take any medicine. the moment i masturbate maybe 3 times a week and i have a normal life.

that's why i'm confused. Did i have pois ? or was it something else ? because i looked everywhere on internet and didn't find anyone who cured pois with therapy. i swear i had the symptoms described before.


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2018, 01:05:40 PM »
Hi Carmack,

I am very interested to hear more about your story, especially your therapeutic treatment.  I have been in psychotherapy now for 10 years myself, and it helped me a lot to manage my emotions ( my childhood left me with much deep emotional wounds), and this therapy also helped in reducing my POIS symptoms, since my symptoms are mainly extreme fatigue with severe emotional. symptoms.  My results are not as good as yours, and I still have to take my pre-pack before release, but psychotherapy is a part of my overall control method for my POIS symptoms, along with supplements, moderate exercise, yoga and meditation, healthy diet, and the like ( I have a 80% to 100% rate of relief, for 3 years now with my method).  So, you are not entirely alone to have success with therapy for POIS, but your level of success is far better than mine.  There is also the fact that I am seeing a psychotherapist, not a sexologist - I discussed many times my POIS problem with her, but we are not on this 100% of the time, obviously, because of the many issues I had in my life.

Like Observer has said, the symptoms you describe sure sounds like POIS.  If you look to the criteria set by Dr Waldinger, you had them all ( see at ).  So, I have no problem to say that you have cured your POIS through psychotherapy alone, since now it has been about six months you are POIS-free.   I would like to add you as a reference member in my POIS type chart, as " POIS responding to psychotherapy alone", if you have no objection.  ( You can see my POIS type chart here:  POIS Types Chart . I gather in it the many different methods that have been efficient for one or more members, for at least 70% to 80% of symptoms, for at least a few months.)

With time, I came to understand that there are more than one type of POIS, because no single method is efficient for all of POIS sufferers, and even those who are efficient for many still are for only a fraction of POIS cases.  I suppose you type had a more important psychological aspect, and I am glad for you that you are POIS free now.

I truly hope you could share a little bit about that 1 year and a half of therapy, if you feel it is appropriate for you to do so.  This would be of help for other members, and could be of help for myself for sure, as it could lead to interesting information that I could use in my own, ongoing therapy.

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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2018, 02:35:30 PM »
hey everyone thank's for the reply. I started to write something , it's gonna be a bit long (it's already 2000 world)
i'm going to try to explain as much as i could, but it's a bit tricky , but honestly i advise you to see a sexologist if you havent already , to listen to her/him without confrontation. My sexologist is also a therapeutics , and she is more attached to alternative medicine , and a bit of spirituality. She is a really happy person and that helped a lot . If you try a sexologist and you feel like it's not going to work , try anoher one. i think they're all diiferents!
i'll try to finish my post next week. You may not agree with everything i'm going to say but still i think it will help.
the main stuff i learned this year, with research and with her, were:

-reconciliate with masturbation
-masturbating in a healthier way
-stopping porn
-meditation , and especially Taoist Testicular Breathing
-the relation between healthy lifestyle and healty sexuality
-overcoming sexual guilt

btw i'm not english so there are going to be some mistakes if that's alright ! cheers, i'm with all of you


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2018, 04:52:38 PM »
Hi Carmack,

Thanks for sharing the broad lines of your therapy. MAny of those have been discussed on the forum, and used by some, like meditation, healthy lifestyle, stopping porn, and so on.

Don't worry about your English, what you write is clearly understandable.  It is the information that your text will share that is important, more than the grammar and spelling in it.

I look forward to read your text.  It may help other members.  For many members, therapy alone would not be enough, but my personal approach is to combine everything possible to help reduce my POIS, and therapy can only be helpful ( and have been, for me, at least, and for you too, for sure!)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 04:54:39 PM by Quantum »
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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2018, 09:27:09 AM »
Well, I think it is highly interesting what you have to say Carmack.

We will be waiting for your composition. We sincerely appreciate all your efforts with this task.

I have been thinking lately that POIS in some of us is consequence of "Bad Orgasms" - the state of the mind (neurotransmitters) and conscious breathing during the Orgasm, our lifestyle (especially diet), and even baseline anxiety levels can release insane amounts of cortisol and other stress hormones if we have a "bad Orgasm". The chemical hangover resulting from this release can make our life miserable for the next days.

From my point of view, niacin helps people like us (the ones who suffer from the same "niacin POIS-type") to have these "good orgasms" (related to the vagus nerve theory, maybe?) but we could maybe achieve to have good orgasms by ourselves. We can even learn again how to have them in the end, I am not ruling out this idea. I found that stimulating the glans directly worked to a great extent. I am also using meditation/breathing techniques which are helping me enormously, and I am trying to use them during an Orgasm. My breathing becomes just horrible before/during/after an Orgasm, this is something that I have been noticing since a while ago... however it does not seem to happen when I have taken niacin before.

I am sure your experience will help a lot of members.


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2018, 12:53:52 PM »
clleaner version, without all the interrogation marks , in pdf :

(I?m not a native English speaker. And I?m lazy so there are going to be mistakes.
Reading this won?t cure your pois. I?m just trying to prove, that I did get cured, and people in the same situation as me, can also get cured. If this is false, then I never had pois. But apparently I did, so here?s my post )

Hey everyone. I?m here to talk about my story, dealing with pois symptom for roughly 4 years, starting at 16-year-old and ending at 19-20. I manage to get rid of the symptoms with the help of a therapeutist/sexologist. I didn?t use any kind of medication, and It took me 1 year with her to get cured. It?s been 7 month I haven?t felt pois symptoms. the 6 months before that, I oscillated between positive and negative state , with an almost constant progression against pois.
By reading a lot of stories shared by people having this condition, I realized I was in the ?first phase? of pois. My therapeutist didn?t seem to be a specialist in this condition, but she dealt with a lot of patient having a specific relationship with their sexuality, like people suffering from erectile dysfunction, porn addiction, childhood trauma, etc. 
Honestly, I feel like I could write a gigantic post about it, I have billions of thoughts about pois, but right now I don?t have much time and writing in English is a tough exercise for me. I?m going to try to explain how I manage to feel better, but it?s a bit tricky, since I realized things about my condition during the process of my recovery, not at the beginning. All this is still a bit confusing for me. I hope you?ll find some explanation in my post. 
I?m not addressing this post to people who suffer intensely from pois, because I don?t know if I had the same condition as you. My symptoms were: fatigue, depression, anxiety, fogginess, and feeling like whatever, I would do, I couldn?t get out of it. However, I never felt flu like symptoms, so I wonder if this a step in pois which I can?t really help, as I didn?t live it myself. So, this most is mainly for the people who have the same symptoms I had, and maybe not for a too long period of time in their life (around 4 years). I think it?s also mainly for people who have or used to have a porn use or addiction .I am saying all this because I don?t know if I can cure anyone, but still think my story will resonate for some people. 

. First, I?m going to talk about my story: 
I watched porn every day from 13 to 16, and I tried to stop at 16 because I was watching more and more intense material, and I was using it way too much. I randomly fond the nofap subreddit, and I followed their guidelines without thinking about the possible repercussion it will have on my mind and body. I watched a lot of hardcore porn, male dom, rough porn in general. I didn?t really know why I was watching it, and I started to fantasize a lot on doing those stuff in real life with people from my entourage. By trying to stop I also abstained from masturbation, and that?s when I realized I was feeling a lot better 4 day after an orgasm, so I also tried for 4 years to abstain from masturbation as much as I could. I felt really different compared to the period I masturbated every day. I usually relapsed once a week or once every two weeks, usually the week end.  Almost every time I relapsed with porn, and usually by binge watching videos for hours. The days after were always similar: fogginess, fatigue, mild or more severe depression, suicidal though, anxiety. I was feeling unmotivated, empty, and dependent from a strong emotion of sadness and vulnerability. The symptoms were getting more and more intense over the years; at the beginning it was making me anxious around girls, then around my friends, then my family, and then pretty much everyone. I don?t remember having any suicidal thought when I was 16, but 2 years after those though would come sometimes during the symptoms. The fatigue was more and more present, I had to compensate with sport and meditation to feel better. but I still had that particular feel, like having a weight which was making feel low, a weight I had to undergo every time I masturbated. The symptoms were the same if I masturbated without porn , but with less shame and guilt. However the anxiety , fatigue , fogginess and depressions remained. I couldn?t understand at all why masturbation would put me in a state like this.
20 months ago, I had an experience which made me realize that I couldn?t just abstain from masturbation for the rest of my life. I had to find a solution. I was working at a festival, it was my first big gig and it was really important for me. Because I had to feel good I abstained for a week before, as usual before any particular event. But I was so stressed that I had a wet dream the day before the festival. I felt like shit all weekend, didn?t enjoy playing at all, got depressed and cried, felt horrible around my friends, etc. I couldn?t stand it anymore, so I started therapy. 
The therapy 
I think that the point of therapy is to solve your personal problems with personal solutions , so I don?t really know how to resume what I learnt with her but I?m going to try to explain. We didn?t find the solution to pois , she found the solution to my problems , which resulted in POIS symptoms. She never really explained me why I felt like this , perhaps she didn?t know the exact reason , but she seems to know a lot on living sexuality in the healthiest way.

During my therapy, I was in a deep conflict with myself. I couldn?t believe I could get cured by therapy, because I read so many things about pois on internet saying the opposite. I saw a first psychologist, but it didn?t work, so I went to see a therapeutist/sexologist. When I told her my story, she asked me in detail the feeling I had after masturbation. She also asked me how I masturbated. That?s the first I changed at the beginning of the therapy: Reconciliate with masturbation. 

My sexologist talked a lot with me about sexual energy. I realized I didn?t really have a clue of how sexual energy works and how to use it properly. I also realized that ?low energy? we feel after masturbation is an energy. It?s the proof that we have a lot of sexual energy, but we don?t know how to use it. What?s more, abstaining from orgasm for several days or week can build up a tremendous amount of sexual energy, which is released after orgasm. Releasing all that energy at once would result in a change of mentality and a change in your body chemistry. It?s been shown for example that stopping coffee gives you headache at first, because you get less dopamine and more adenosine. I guess that the way you masturbate has a correlation with the chemistry changes.
I also learnt about the difference between orgasm and ejaculation. I didn?t find the English term but in French, ejaculation is the ?orgaste? which happen at the same time as orgasm. She explained me that These are two different things, and it can be really healthy to dissociate the two in order to reach orgasm without ejaculation.
I told her about my porn use, that I considered myself addicted, and that I didn?t manage to stop. I told her about how I was feeling after masturbation. That?s when she started to talk about the sexual energy, and honestly, I don?t really remember her word, but it was something like this: you accumulate sexual energy when you abstain. Depending on how you use it, it can turn into something healthy, or it can just turn into sexual frustration, which can create stress, and anxiety. She finds it logical to have a wet dream if you?re stressed, because your body can?t cope with sexual frustration anymore.
So, I told her I was feeling bad after masturbation, so I tried as much as I could to abstain. She asked me if I knew why I felt bad after an orgasm, and I told her that I was feeling empty, like if I just threw out my energy of my body. She asked me if I was feeling any guilt toward masturbation, and I said yes, mainly because of the porn I watched. She told me that there was no reason to feel guilty after masturbation, because it was something normal and natural. She told me that many people think this is wrong and that fought can be deeply rooted in you, depending on your past, your family and education. Honestly , I think at that point I had almost forgotten that masturbation wasn?t wrong . I knew it was affecting me, so I considered as something wrong and bad, at least for me. However, she agreed that porn can create guilt and she told me that it will help me a lot to stop porn; she didn?t say porn was bad, she even said that it could be beneficial in some way, but that porn addiction could have a really big impact on someone?s sexuality.
She explained me a bit what happens in the body during sex/masturbation. When you masturbate, you take that sexual energy and you interact with it. Slowly, you interact with it more and more, to the point of orgasm , a point of satisfaction. She explained me that there is different way to reach orgasm and that influence a lot on your sexual energy. If you masturbate only in order to reach ejaculation , that means going quickly for example , you?re not going to accumulate enough energy , but ejaculation will take you energy; so if you lose more energy with the ejaculation, compared to the energy you build up during masturbation, you end up your masturbation with less energy than before.
So again, she didn?t really tell me all of this exactly like this. This is also my interpretation. I see it like this: orgasm give you energy, depending on it size (the bigger it is the more you get energy from it) ejaculation takes you energy every time, so you compensate with an orgasm.
Then she explained me, how to masturbate in order to build up a lot of sexual energy and feel satisfied and at peace. I can?t deny that it was a bit awkward to receive masturbation advice from a 40-year-old woman, it was a bit weird at first, but I got used to it.
So, she told me to try to masturbate like this:
Put yourself in a comfortable position. Try to relax, you can meditate before (works well). Control your breath; take deep breath, relaxed, don?t hold your breath at any moment, even during orgasm. Your breathing must stay calm
Have you muscle relaxed during all the session: don?t flex your legs for example. This is classic! I heard so many people doing that, and I was also doing it. Keep all your muscle relaxed. This will make the sensation flow in all your body. Don?t flex also during orgasm.
Masturbate slowly and gently. Like if you were making the most passionate love of your life. At the same time, erotize vaginal penetration (or the other ones) you can erotize the penetration going at the same speed as your masturbate, that?s better, and again, slowly. There really is no need to go quickly or aggressively. Have a soft grip, don?t squeeze you dick.
You can also move your hip as if you were making love. Your hand doesn?t move; your penis moves in your hand. Try to move only the hips, not the body. As far as I understand, doing this create a deeper connection with your body. And it?s closer to real sex anyway
You can also use oil to make it more real. It makes it more intense. I didn?t understand why she told me this, but I do it for time to times and I guess it help having more fun and sensation. I don?t really do it anymore but maybe it can help some people using oil regularly.

So, try to do all those things. Focus on the sensation masturbation gives you in every part of your body, focus on them. At some point you?ll feel orgasm coming up, at that point don?t start to flex, don?t change your breath, don?t start to masturbate quicker, just let it come.
Of course, don?t use ANY artificial stimuli (porn, erotica, Instagram, etc.) use your mind only! Thinking about romantic sex was useful for me, because bit by bit i went away from porn fantasies.
To be honest I never really masturbated like that before. it was really new, and really really benefic. Of course, everything didn?t change at first, but now I try to masturbate like this every time, and this is for me the most important action which helped me.

 The rest was more about the mind and changing the way I was seeing sexuality.
So, after my first sessions she told me that I should masturbate again. She told several times that there was nothing wrong with, it, and I was in the age of doing it, that If I wanted to do it 3 times a day I could. I added my self one rule: as I used to feel better 4 days after orgasm, I always masturbated more than every 4 days, so I never feel again the feeling I used to have with abstinence. I think that helps a lot, because if you set up this rule, you don?t feel tempted to abstain again. I was confused by thoughts like ?today I feel like this because I?m on day 3? or ?today I feel differently because I?m on day 6! ?etc.

So I started masturbation again, and every time with the tips she gave me (breathing, moving hips , going slow , etc. ) I think it?s really important to do all the tips first, in order to really mark a difference with how you used to masturbate before.
At first, I was feeling really low. I couldn?t believe I was deliberately putting myself in this situation every day. But compared to before, the masturbation felt nicer, because of all the techniques she gave me. After I really felt tired and sexually satisfied, I didn?t want to do it again.  I found it a bit recomforting to enjoy masturbation more than before; even though I considered it being harmful to my body , I could still receive benefits from it: orgasm were better , and slowly the feeling of deception and anger I could feel directly after orgasm were replaced by a gentle feeling of relaxation and fatigue that would easily put me to bed directly.
However, every day I felt all the symptoms; usual brain fog, anxiety, obsessive thought , fatigue etc. but as I considered that it was going to be the ?new me? , I considered myself as a depressed person more than someone who as pois. Day by day I tried to dissociate the fact that I masturbated with my low emotions.  I tried to find the other problems that could be the reason of my depressive state. I knew that I had other problems in life, dealing with low self-esteem, anxiety, light ocd, trouble finding my sexual identity and dealing with identity crisis and existential crisis. For a long time, I considered masturbation as the reason for all those problems, because they were coming back at every ejaculation. But now that I was forcing myself to ejaculate more than every 4 days, I saw those problem more directly because they would never go away. I had to find an answer to all those issues in order to live the normal life I always idealized.
I started doing sport way more than before, and as I was feeling low every day, I didn?t really have a choice to exercise every day. Running helped a lot with the brain fog. Sport was giving me some positive though and emotions.

 I kept seeing my sexologist, and I kept saying her I was feeling low because of masturbation, and she kept telling me no, and tried to find the reason why I was saying this. I was only saying this because of the experience of my past. She told me to get over it and think about the present. We talked more about my social anxiety, trouble talking to girls and people in general.
For the first time, I started talking almost normally with people, while having the pois symptoms. It was still the same thing: I didn?t have the choice anyway, I can?t wait 4 days anymore; If I want something, I have to take it, right now. I entered in this state: I have to get out of depression.
I think it took me approximatively one year. I kept masturbating frequently. I tried abstaining sometimes, but It put me in a state of confusion. It was tempting to abstain again, I was seeing it as a trick to feel good without doing any effort. But doing this was counterproductive because when I relapsed the pois symptoms would come again , more strongly. But trying it made me realize that the difference between the state of pois and the state of abstinence were starting to merge together. And I was starting to feel a bit less tired. The great thing with this Is that I was feeling the same every day, so it forced me to get a routine of sport, meditation and healthy life style. Before, I was mainly doing it when I felt the pois symptoms, so I didn?t really manage to find an efficient routine. That?s a big difference. Before, when I was feeling good, I just profited. And when I felt bad I did sport and meditation to cope with negative emotion.
Something which helped me a lot also is testicular breathing. It?s a Taoist technique, in which you breath ?with you testicules? : while you breath , your testicules are actually moving , up and down. I know it sounds absurd, but I checked in a mirror and I actually saw them moving. I learned it in several books talking about Taoism. It?s complicated to explain, and you have to know how to meditate and you have to understand some of the basic of the sexual energy, and the global energy in Taoist culture (or other) in order to practice testicular breathing.  I felt like this technique is taking unused sexual energy, and make It flow again in your body. After it, I felt like I was stronger, like if I abstained several day. It was really useful for social events.
Taoism helped me a lot: they have a brilliant view on life. They?re talking about the ups and downs in life, that they exist and it?s unnecessary to fight them. the more you live closely to the cycle of your emotion, the less you realize it?s moving. It?s like looking a curved line really closely, so close that you see it as a straight line. When you?re feeling down, accept it and just live it, the cloud will always go away and will reveal that you sun is always there, it?s only masked by clouds from times to time, but it actually never disappears. You?re the sun, not the clouds in front of it.
I think that when you suffer from pois for a long time, and that you choose to run from the side effect of ejaculation by simply avoiding as much ejaculation as you can, you keep nourishing the idea that you?ll feel low after orgasm and you stay vulnerable from it. It seems to be official that there?s a chemical change after orgasm; raise of prolactin, lower testosterone etc. if you assimilate negative emotion toward this specific chemical change, those emotions will always come again when you orgasm; I think the body remembers, and when you orgasm you?ll directly consider this new state as negative.

As of today I can?t really say if I have brain fog, or if I?m particularly destabilized by the last time I had an orgasm (2 days ago). I?ve been in this state for so long that I don?t consider it as negative anymore; I took control of it, and the more I saw myself being positive during this state, the less it affected me. I think my body got used to that feeling again and now I?m capable to cope with it without thinking about it.
The thing is that I can?t really convince you to choose the path I took, I don?t really know if that could work for everyone. However, it worked for me and there are certainly people who suffered from pois for the same reason as me. Here?s a summary of the things to do:

-if you think you have issues toward sexuality in general, try to work on them, or give yourself elements which will help you solving them. I?m talking about: porn or sex addiction , feeling of guilt/shame because you masturbate or have sex , difficult experience with partners you had in the past which still have an impact on your life and how you see yourself right now. You can see a therapeutist to talk about that first and try to solve pois afterwards.
-Try masturbation the way I described it before in my post. do like this every time. Don?t force yourself to masturbate but do it when you feel like you want to release sexual tension. It will be easier to do it before going to sleep at first, so you will regenerate during the night.
-put all the things you usually do to cope with pois symptoms: meditate every day ( I found doing another session after masturbation was really benefic) meditation for me was huge. I make meditation without any apps, just me on a pillow, for 5-10 min every day. But I guess you already know the benefits from meditation.
I hope my post gave some info and maybe some reassurance on pois. I can?t really explain more how I got cured, there must have other factors which I forgot to mention or that I simply don?t realise. If you have any question feel free to ask me , and tell me if you disagree with me and why.
Cheers and good luck to all of you.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 12:58:46 PM by carmack97 »


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2018, 02:03:14 PM »
Thank you very much, Carmack, for the time you have taken to write this detailed account of your POIS therapy.

As you said, this method may not be successful for all members, but I am sure that many members could benefit from this approach for, at least, part of their symptoms, in particular the emotional symptoms like anxiety, irritability, mood swings, frustration, depressive feelings, social withdrawal, and the like.

Personally, I have been in psychotherapy for more than 10 years, and it have helped in both direct and indirect ways for may POIS.  For example, my anxiety level is normal, now, out of POIS, and is quite normal in POIS too ( If I use my pre-pack).   Finding solutions for our specific psychological problems, as you say, can only be beneficial.

I hope you will stop by from time to time, you may get comments in this thread, and questions, in the coming months, and even years. 

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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2018, 04:19:37 PM »
Hey carmack97,

I read your post. It’s quite rare that I experience so many conflicting emotions while reading a post. I still don’t know what to think of it. Maybe I have to read it again and again to fully comprehend it.

But I still want to thank you for effort. You shouldn’t worry about your English. Everything was very clear and easy to read. Your symptoms are similar to mine. I also don’t get flu-like symptoms. Only, mine last 2 to 3 days (exactly 3 nights) instead of 4. The duration of illness is independent of the number of ejaculations I have during a day. It is like paying for a subscription. You pay the 3 days of misery and you can have all the “fun” you want during day 1. I think that you have the same thing. Can you confirm this.
I am also curious about how you counted those 4 days. How does it work? Are you sick during remainder of day 1, plus 3 full days of illness and then at day 5 you wake up “normal”.  Is this correct? Have this always be the case? I also would like to know how you sleep during these days.

About your post, I find it quite remarkable that your sexologist advised you to keep masturbating during that first period while you were still clearly suffering from its negative effect. You mentioned that somehow you got used to it over time. But you went through this for one year … I find it hard to believe… Some members here have developed a chronic form of POIS in the past. I had it for 6 months. These months were the worst months of my life. You actually chose for it… How did you do it? Were you studying during this period? If so, how did you perform during that period? How do you perform now, compared to the periods of abstinence in the past?


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2018, 08:16:08 AM »
Thanks for your efforts carmack97. I think you did a really good summary. Members will surely appreciate it.

POISers should consider all options, even that it could be a event of psychosomatic nature in some of them. I definitely think that some of us suffer from an overreactive sympathetic system (which causes the HRV to drop after Orgasm).


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2018, 02:22:13 PM »
hey julius

my symptoms were like this general : day 0 (the day i masturbate) : really cloudy and tired. day 1 : the same. day 2 'im usually really depressed. day 3 and 4 tired with sometime a rise of anxiety. when i wake up on day 5 i feel totally fine and normal.

i didn't really started masturbating all the time at first, i kept abstaining for important events. then i gradually stopped doing this.
at the beggining i felt bad but at the same time my sexologist seemed was really supportive and it motivated me. and i was doing this for a purpose, i think that the fact that i obligated myself to feel the pois symptoms everyday is different form someone who would feel the simptoms everyday but without wanting it and knowing why. but also at that time i was already capable of coping with the pois symptoms, i knew i was feeling different and vulnerable, so i just stayed at home doing music. i also smoked weed more and gradually went back to occasional smocking. it was a feeling i already knew and i though that if i really had to go through it to get cured, why not. also i remember feeling fine from time to time, thank's to some sentences my therapeutist told me, which had a direct impact on how i was seeing sexuality at that time.


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2018, 12:52:45 PM »
hey julius

my symptoms were like this general : day 0 (the day i masturbate) : really cloudy and tired. day 1 : the same. day 2 'im usually really depressed. day 3 and 4 tired with sometime a rise of anxiety. when i wake up on day 5 i feel totally fine and normal.

i didn't really started masturbating all the time at first, i kept abstaining for important events. then i gradually stopped doing this.
at the beggining i felt bad but at the same time my sexologist seemed was really supportive and it motivated me. and i was doing this for a purpose, i think that the fact that i obligated myself to feel the pois symptoms everyday is different form someone who would feel the simptoms everyday but without wanting it and knowing why. but also at that time i was already capable of coping with the pois symptoms, i knew i was feeling different and vulnerable, so i just stayed at home doing music. i also smoked weed more and gradually went back to occasional smocking. it was a feeling i already knew and i though that if i really had to go through it to get cured, why not. also i remember feeling fine from time to time, thank's to some sentences my therapeutist told me, which had a direct impact on how i was seeing sexuality at that time.

Thank you for your post, man. Well, your case is very similar to mine. I used to feel a dull headache during the POIS-days. That vanished over the years. I don’t experience any physical symptoms, but mentally I am just not there. The strange thing is that I don’t get sick after nocturnal emission. I wake up completely fine. Because of that, sometimes I doubt whether I have POIS in the first place. I also thought it might have to do with masturbation. I thought that maybe if I push myself over the edge in a different manner, I might not get sick afterwards. Since we are sharing weird stuff in this thread, I have a weird story of my own that I want to share. I tried to reach an orgasm by just listening to a voice. Actually I wasn’t trying, but more experimenting. I was quite doubtful and cynical about it and didn’t believe it would work. It surprised me. It got me extremely aroused to the point that I lost all my doubts and cynicism about its power. I didn’t orgasm though. I stopped right before. But the POIS kicked in anyway.  My body just cannot handle the pleasure, I think. During a nocturnal emission there is no pleasure involved (in my case, because I never “dream”).

Or maybe it’s something psychological in my case. Who knows? For now, abstinence is the only solution for me to function properly. Otherwise, I would lose too much of myself. When I am on POIS, I always have this little fear that I might not recover… A horrible thought indeed.

Best of luck to you man. Even though I think I need it more than you.


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Re: had light pois, or pois-like symptoms, for 4 years?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2022, 05:32:14 PM »
I think that carmack97 cure is an option.
My boyfriend has it and he is seeing a dr but have not worked for him.
I thin his Testosterone levels are quite low maybe it will help
But also I think taht doing the mental/spiritual work is a good option.
I have been reading abou it and about sexual energy in general.
There is a question that I have for carmack97:
do you eyaculate or just have orgasm? If you masturbate like you say and eyaculate pois sympotomps dont apear?
Have you tried that with a parthener?