I don't think nyan is saying that POIS is psychosematic, the opposite, but I guess he'll have to speak for himself.
When I read what he wrote, I had to go take a look and see what homeopathy actually was. I had had a mistaken impression, thinking it was natural/herbal medicine.
But when you read that homeopathy "believes that water has a memory...." and that dilutions may lead to not even having a trace of any biological element of "value", you have to wonder what IS their basis for bringing cure?
I understand that certain "curanderos" work more on perception control, than on actual physical biological remedies, while others may have a very firm basis in energy and herbal influence. Accupunturists too for intance, with higly sofistocated energy techniques and specially selected herbal medicines can really and effectively cure complicated ailments.
I can only imagine that at best, a homeopath could be a sohistocated form of psychologist. This could cure many things.... BUT NOT POIS! That needs to be clear. POIS is NOT psychosomatic. Perhaps I need to investigate homeopathy further.... But it seems to me, too many on NSF have spent a lot of time and money with hope for a cure in site, only to be let down time and again.
That said, a homeopathic perspective could well serve to alleviate some parallel symptomatic repurcussions, so as long as that is clear......