Thank you, Spartak, for this detailed account of your POIS history ! Thank you for having taken the time to write and share this on the forum.
I will stay connected to hear about what brings you some relief, and hope to be able to integrate some of your data in my POIS types chart.
I wish you to find a way to adapt to POIS, like abstaining for longer periods of time. I know it is harder when younger, but for us, it sure has advantages. What helps me to extend to a release once a week or once every two weeks is to find other significant source of pleasure in life, like playing sports or playing music. I wish you to find something of this kind in your life, and enjoy more POIS-free days.
Hi,thank you Quantum!
,I.couldn't reply earlier,I am traveling a bit.
For me being among friends is the best way for abstaining.I have problem that if I am abstaining for more then few days I become calmless.I tried meditation but it wasn't helpful ,I simply can not relax.For example I play guitar only when in POIS because when I am ok I can not relax and enjoy,even people say that I am hyperactive. Recently I heard that it can be due depression.
Since I was taking these things long ago,I belive that is not against the rules to share it now.
Here is what was helpful(and not so helpfull) for me:
Niacin: Avoids full brain fog blast for for some time.For example if I have O before sleep,I will sleep better (with less nightamares),I will wake up more alerted ,but in the next few hours POIS will strike back.In my case it has positive effect mostly on brain fog.Other symptoms are not that differente.
So lest say:
Positive side:POIS related:
less brain fog (I don't like %,because they are subjective,but maybe 20% less in the next few hours,maybe 10%
up to 12 hours,then POIS strikes back.I took it in time when my POIS was longer(3 days),I also felt bit better in 3rd day.
Non POIS related:lowers my blood pressure and makes me more calm,also lowers my libido a bit,which seems to be good thing for us

Negative side: related to POIS:none
non-POIS related : sometimes mild discomfort in liver and stomach.
I dount count flush,because I like it a lot

Dosage : 200+mg on emtpy stomach before O ,I notticee that I can have O after flush (up to hour I tried),durring flush and even a bit before flush effect is the same for me.
Fenugreek seeds and garlic:
Garlic - no effect at all
Fenugreek(took seeds) POIS much worse,brought vommiting to my POIS,headache and brain fog were stronger
then ever,2nd day was rally bad as well.
Even when not in POIS I felt less creative after it. But THE MAIN SIDE EFFECT which I will in smaller strengh expirience with magnesium and tumeric later was constant strange simulation inside me,I am not sure is that prostate or something else.
But even minor sexual thing ,like beautiful girl on the street was enough for mini O without E (even without erection),but enough for mini POIS. It was impossible to cure that ,only after new O I felt less stimulation.
Only positive side(I guess due that over stimulation),I enjoid more in O and during masturbation/sex.
Xizal (anti-histamic) and
Diclofenac/Voltaren( nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug )
Both have similar negative effect,I had complety apathy for few days after,that felt really bad.
Tumeric/Cucurmin -1st thing that has positive effect on my mind.I felt more connected,I even flirted with girls online durrimg POIS,simply brain worked better.
Side effect :same over stimilation mentioned above,and stornger headache then usual.
Beta blocker (Propranol),primary for blood pressure,I am not takining it when in POIS because it many times gave me more brain fog and headache, before POIS (not directly,I should use it every 12 hours)no bigger effect except that I feel calmer
Gluten free diet (1,5 month) some effect on brain fog,se nothing scientific
I want to respect rulles ,so I will wait few more days before I share about few more things I tried and combo of those things,also because I want to check more are maybe some improvents permanent.
I think that is not wrong to say that with magnesium and zinc I expirienced hudge improvement,but also some really bad side effects.
*I mentioned above that my Pois was 3 days and also that I think that some improvments might be permanent,that maybe sounds confusing,so to explain.
Like I wrote in my prvious post,my POIS never felt stable.So over years I expirienced various severity of various symtoms.
Maybe I affected Pois somehow but I was not aware of,but anyway,for example around 1,5 year ago POIS went bad from itself,and I had for about year
3 days of symptoms.Few monts ago I notticed that I have again 2 days long POIS.Also once for a short period of time some symptoms last even a week after,it went better from itself.I had NE last night,and symtoms seems bit differente then usual,lot of improvent,very few seems bit worse.
So I just HOPE that some improvments might be permanets,but can't claim anything.Time will show,and I will share.
ps. Hot showers and hot weather are bad for my POIS,forgot to mention in previous POIS.
I hope that Quantum would not mind for paste his signature here:
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you. Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at
As always sorry for bad English.
With respect to all POISers