for some reasons i always have felt better when i didn't had orgasms.... did better on school , less depression, no anxiety, better social interactions etc...
2 years ago my health started degrading for no particular reason, and it got worse over time.
after reading tons of books about allergies, diets , diseases, biochemistry i couldn''t find what was wrong with my health...did elmination diets and everything on dietary level... even took different kind of chemical components and meds but nothing really helped long term ( in comparison with not having a O )
2 days ago i had a O after 2 weeks of having no O... 6 hours later i had fatigue, rubber feeling in legs, depression, weird pulsing shit in my brain, brain fog and no motivation at all.
next day i jerked off because i wanted to know if it gets worse if i would get another O... and it did, 6 hours later i got a wave of fatigue - almost to the point where i needed sleep. right now i got a huge depression which i didn't had for 1,5 weeks.
main symptoms are:
short term fatigue ( lasts 24 hours )
brain fog ( lasts a few days )
extreme memory problems ( 24 hours )
depression ( last a few days, like 4 )
mood swings ( lasts 3 or 4 days well )
i felt very good for 2 weeks at least untill i had a orgasm.... i have taken meds ( SSRI , SRNI ) , stimulants and other drugs but nothing makes the symptoms go away. for some reason niacin, fenugreek, cannabis and theanine improves my health and relieves like 40 % of these symptoms ( physical ones but not mental ones ).
My brother is a severe case of POIS
Do you think i have POIS ?