Hi FB,
It is just my guess based on the study ongoing calendar, and the delays in each part of the study so far.
Somewhere between now and the end of the year, the experimental part of the study will be over ( that is, the tests and measurements with POIS sufferers participating in the study.) After that will begin the review of the data, the discussion of these data and what can be learned from the results of the study, and the writing of the paper itself. When this final paper will finally be to their liking, it will be pair reviewed ( probably in this case by a NORD committee? I don't know about all the details). When everything will be fine with the final paper, it will be submitted to a scientific journal for publication, and eventually, accepted for publication. It is hard to know exactly at this time when it will be published, but it should be somewhere in 2017. It depends on the speed at which each step will be completed: redaction, revision, acceptation for publication, and any other step I do not know about because I do not work in the research field. It is hard to tell when the publication itself will happen. Early 2017? Spring 2017? Later? I have no idea, but I do hope it would be in the first months of 2017.
The 4th - and last, I think - interim report will be out maybe in a month or so. From there, I would be very surprised that all the other steps would be completed in the 10 weeks or so before the holiday break, that is why I expect the results for 2017.
Sorry if this come as a disappointment for any member, but in the other hand, I am not sure that many are surprised, considering the slow pace for each step of the study, so far.
But I am sure it will have worth the wait. Valuable knowledge on POIS and its treatment will be detailed in the final paper. Furthermore, whatever the results, this study will put POIS on the map of medical research, and attract more attention to it, and make more POIS data available in scientific articles for other researchers. Do not forget that this paper will contain, among other things, the data obtained from the members of this forum through the survey done here last summer ( June and July 2015) by the Rutgers team. I do not know exactly how many members have answered this extensive survey, but it will be for sure the largest set of data, obtained from the largest number of POIS sufferers, ever to be published so far.
And this all have been made possible by this forum, so thanks to the poiscenter forums founders !!!