Very moving post, Jon. Thanks for the update on what you're going through. I also have constant pois, but I don't think my pois is as severe as yours, bc i don't get the schizophrenia like you do. Kurtosis' supplements have also helped me a good deal. I take a crapton of different supplements, but I think the main ones which are helping are protein shake (does the same as your spirulina, but provides a stronger kick than your spirulina, I believe), ginkgo biloba, and Active B Vitamins. Another thing I'll add is that I have gotten days where these supplements have substantially balanced my body and kicked out my pois. I also get days where the supplements do very little. I'm still trying to figure out why that is, through a process of elimination to figure out what's going on. I could be competely off, but my hunch is that we have a dopamine clearing problem, and that after a few days of new dopaminergic activity, we build up dopamine which then isn't being cleared out and our symptoms return. I take wellbutrin which helps me, but I have to take it 2 days on 2 days off to get the benefit. wacky, right? Anyway, I don't think the reason your supplements stopped working was something as arbitrary as a change of the seasons. You're right, something must be getting used up or burnt out or the body has adjusted to the new supplements, etc. Something definitely shifted out of your favor. What this means to me is that your fish oil/ Vitamin C/ Spirulina supplements did was fix a problem in a pathway that touches upon our POIS problem. But it didn't FIX the pois itself. I think the more supplements that you find that work, the more clues you'll have to the puzzle. I'm excited you're taking TRT. Please keep us posted on that. Also, please try Active B Vitamins and Ginkgo Biloba - 1 pill twice a day of each. And get some good quality protein too. Since we both have constant pois, I'm curious whether that helps you.