Try to post here, guys!

OK, will do. I'm just taking the coenzymated b complex from Now. I don't take separate b12.
I take the spirulina as a source of protein to help in the synthesis of catecholamines and to help me improve my level of physical fitness and strength.
As for Starsky's comment that this is just masking the effects of POIS, I don't know what that means.
We do not know what POIS is yet so it's impossible to say whether something is masking or treating its effects. For example, if someone is being benefitted by taking welbutrin then I'd say, keep taking it. While we're figuring out the exactly pathology of the illness we also need to be functional.
If POIS is an illness which affects metabolism of certain vitamins then taking those vitamins is a viable treatment rather than merely masking it.
By the way, I didn't even know this was being discussed here until today. Much of the posts about this on the NSF have come from other people (Nightingale and B_Daniel) who are responding to conversations I"m having with them over messages. These weren't messages I initiated so I'm actually just trying to be helpful.
I really am very busy guys. There's no calculated attempt to snub poiscenter and no offence intended towards Daveman or Demografx

I disagree with the NSF prohibition on us raising funds but I still think it's an interesting forum and I read other NSF threads.
So what exactly am I taking?
- now foods coenzymated complex (1 capsule)
- 2 capsules of spirulina (synergy but I've used other brands). If I'm having a high protein breakfast then I don't necessarily take these.
- 200mcg of huperzine A (every 2nd day).
- 1000mg of vitamin C. (I take this every day).
- 60mg of Ginkgo. (every day)
- 120mg of Ginkgo (every day)
- some krill oil (just 1 capsule)
- zinc and magnesium with another Now b complex tablet (every 2nd day)
If I have an O then I'll take the zinc & magnesium that night, even if it's out of sequence. I'll also take 2 spirulina.
In the first week of this new supplementation, I tried ZMA instead of the coenzyme at night. I got the same results. I went to sleep faster, woke up feeling quite refreshed and remembered my dreams. I had none of the memory holes I've had up until a few weeks ago.
I'm deliberately trying to stay within the supplement manufacturers guidelines. Since I started this, my memory has improved dramatically, towards where it was about 10 years ago. I had a blood test last week and everything was "fine". My doctor doesn't have a problem with me taking the ginkgo, he's more curious about the Huperzine. However, I have a brother in law in a high pressure job who has been taking it on and off for years with no negative effects. He's very successful and swears by it to keep his memory sharp.
I'm following up why this is having such an beneficial effect on my vision and it's possible i may have a mild form of MG. This is something I'm getting checked.
Honestly though, the b-vitamins without the ginkgo and huperzine gave me more energy (as expected, I understand the stimulating effect of b6 and b12) but the 2 herbs have made all the difference. I'm actually remembering things that I've learned while in POIS but that seemed lost to me. It's very odd and quite pleasant.
When I'm finished the bottles of supplements I have I'm going to try and make up a custom supplement online so I can just take one thing in the morning and afternoon with no complicated sequence of steps to remember and just the one bottle to bring with me when I travel. Well, maybe 2 as you couldn't mix krill oil with this other stuff without producing something rotten.