Author Topic: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum  (Read 161 times)


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Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« on: January 26, 2025, 05:03:23 AM »
I will copy here all the cases we found since the beginning. Most of the links are dead of course. Some thinks appears obsolete now but it's our history of Pois. :)
It's a good idea to save if the naked scientist forum disappears. Dr Dexter quoted us as "reported cases" " 250 members" in the British Medical Journal.
I think most of the cases in the naked scientist forum itself are present here on the Pois center. Maybe should I copy them too.


Do you feel exhausted for a whole week after ejaculation?
I just discovered that I have very rare syndrom (some call it Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome). After I ejaculate I have brain fog, I feel mentally and physically exhausted for a week or longer and if i don't prevent myself from masturbating I will constantly have brain fogness, low energy, tongue tied... How did I discover this? Ever since I started masturbating (5th grade) I've been living a life in confusion. Now I'm 22 and last spring I started experimenting - trying not to masturbate for as longer as possible. After 2 weeks without it, I felt that energy was built up and I had incredible drive to do things, think clearly, talk to ppl easily. I simply felt normal. And I can destroy that collected energy with 1or 2 masturbations. Later I heard that Eastern Philosophies talk about connection between energy and masturbation. The worst thing is that I'm an artist and I can't do good artwork after I masturbate. I think that my condition ruined my life and I've never had a girlfriend
Well now I don't have a problem to get a girlfriend because I know how to keep my mind clear, my energy level up - with keeping my hand off my penis. It's a strange condition and most of you are luck to not have it. For some time I used to think that this happens to everybody, but no, its very rare condition.


Everytime I have an orgasam, I feel ill for the next several days, longer if I have more of them. I get blood shot eyes, flu like symptoms, feel lehargtic, sometime I get a rash under my underarms, tense involluntary muscles on my scalp, ears popping, sweating increases, etc. I discovered it is called POIS (Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) and others have it. )Check out seb site and others for confirmation. this is not an imaginary illness, and it is embarrassing to talk about. Anyone know knything more about it? Is it being allergic to one's own hormones or neurotransmitters? HELP!!


by means of a wet dream, masturbation, or anything else results in a lack of concentration. Basically, for 5 to 6 days it becomes extremely difficult to concentrate on anything, I simply cannot sustain a train of thought to think things through. I become extremly absent minded. This makes it difficult to read, hold conversations, follow lectures, take tests, remember things, and learn things. I feel extremly tired and jittery, both physically and mentally. I also become depressed during this time. Its like being totally burned out in the head; much like how people after an epileptic attack are. Also, I get strong headaches after masturbation. Allow me to repeat, these symptoms last 5 to 6 days! So its having a huge affect on my life. I've gone to a neurologist, but he doesn't seem to know whats wrong. He prescribed an ssri, but only because I mentioned I get depression after an orgasm.
If anyone has any idea of what I can do to fix this, or any information at all, please respond.
i asked this question many times at yahoo , but didnt get a solution , have been to nerologist , done all MRA + MRI all came normal !!
dont tell me stop masterbation !! pls
help me

did they dignose me wrong ssri problem
I did Mri & MRA‘s every thing came normal they put me on ssri Antidepressant drugs.
At night I took it before sleep and I woke up terrible sick like mind was not with me, doing all stuff wrong cannot concentrate and think right.
May I know should I continue with the drug or stop it.
The drug is called Zoloft.
Does it means anything; does it mean that serotonin is not the problem what do u says???
Oh yes before Zoloft last 15 days back the doc prescribed me with cepram , but it was more terrible so I have to stop it , now I am on again getting the ride on a new roller coaster called ZOLOFT , how do I know that I am surely a SSRI patient.

Zoloft failure but only 15 days !! He should do another test it at least 1 month.


Depressed after masturbating & other stuff
Hello. I'm a 22 year old male. I have noticed that whenever I masturbate, I seem to be more anxious and tired the next day than normal. I feel like lacking in energy and just tend to be easily frustrated. What could cause this? I've been to acupunture several times because of restlessness&tiredness and general depressiveness. It has helped somewhat, but not that much that sometimes I don't feel very frustrated and hopeless about the way I am. Anybody want to offer insight? Oh, and I excercise regularly (lately astanga yoga and sometimes hiking)


Why do I feel like this after masturbation?
I'm 18 yr old, single & a virgin. Hav been masturbating for last 3-4 yrs. I feel dizzy & weak after masturbating; I feel like sleeping. Why does it happen? Since I don't hav sex I feel masturbation is necessary for me, I just need to do it. What do I do now? plz help!!


Excessive masturbation = health problems?
Hi guys,
I have a serious question and I really hope you guys can help me out. This is for guys and I'm sure whatever we can contribute will be beneficial to all guys who masturbate or have sex a lot.
I've googled before and have gotten different answers like "not harmful" vs "excessive masturbation results in reduced concentration in the brain/feeling tired all the time etc."
I'm starting to think the latter is true because I've been masturbating for the past 7 years quite often. I've been known to do it everyday for months in a row, soemtiems twice a day. Rare times I will not do it for a week or so, but then it doesn't last long.
I have since noticed (about 4 years ago) that my mind can't concentrate as well as before, I feel more tired/fatigued usually if I end up sleeping over 10 hours I actually feel worse and "confused" in my mind as opposed to friends who say they feel "refreshed" after a nice sleep.
This fatigue/lack of concentration sometimes doesn't appear but most often does.
Also, there are times when after masturbation a few days in a row, my left chest hurts a lil. I get scared but just usually stop for a day or so and eventually resume...

Does anyone know if this is bad for the heart as well? ie. makes ur heart beat faster (which is not good as it's working harder than it should) or potentially cause any heart problems?

See this site seems to talk about the "fatigue" that I feel:

Please be honest and share what you know.
What I don't get is that masturbation/sex isn't really that different, so people who have sex a lot should be in the same boat as me so hmm...
I really will try my best to stop, it's just so hard!
Note: I have a girlfriend and she really doesn't mind me masturbating on my own times (not that this matters to anyone but I feel that someone's gonan be all "get a gf" on me)


Why do i get REALLY tired after sex?
after sex i usually stay tired for at-least that whole day and now, more recently for a day and half. i feel like sleeping but when i try to sleep, i can't.
is there anything i can do maybe eat/drink something to get my energy back?
age 21.

"I feel like sleeping" : perfect expression to define what i feel too....


Usually I feel drained the following day after having sex the night before.


What to do i feel lazy and weak after masturbation ?
i am a 16 year old boy
my height is 5"5inches
my weight is 45kgs
suggest me something
i tried to leave this but after 2 days or more
i get involed again
plzz help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee????????


I feel soo tired and weak after ejaculation. I will have to take Vitamins to recover and it will take about 1 to 2 weeks to fully recover. If i dont take vitamin i dont know when i will recover. I will have diahrea, sweating feet, sweating nuts and my whole body is breaking down. So, right now im so afriad of ejaculating. What should i do ?


this question concerns my boyfriend and his masturbation "problem". Frankly, i'm at the end of my tether on this and so i'm looking for anything that will point me in the right direction.
His problem is that he gets migraines, like clockwork, 2 days after masturbating.
But here's the thing; if he's having sexual relations (actual intercourse or me masturbating him) with me, he does not have these problems. Only when he is masturbating himself. Only solo does he get migraines.
I found out about this because of his insistance to stop masturbating altogether (with varying amounts of success). Without having any religious convictions (he was raised agnostic) or any specific phobias (no feelings of guilt, sin, or wrongness...Or fears of making messes), he has decided to quit completely. He says that he had no migraines in the month that he managed it, and only gets them after masturbating.
My question is twofold, so here it is:
has anyone heard of this before, and/or does anyone have any theories or suppositions about what this might be? If I get ideas for questions to ask him, I bounce them off of him. Any thoughts whatsoever would be appreciated...
And 2) should I just, you know, drop the issue? I mean, it's not as if he needs "permission from [his] girlfriend to masturbate or not" (his words). But it's not the do or don't, it's the reason behind it that concerns me. The choice itself is fine. The grounds on which it is done need some looking into.

(Pyropeach joined TNS forum )
'm 20, light (124lbs), and extremely fit. The problem is after ejaculation by means of a wet dream, masturbation, or anything else results in a lack of concentration. Basically, for 5 to 6 days it becomes extremely difficult to concentrate on anything, I simply cannot sustain a train of thought to think things through. I become extremly absent minded. This makes it difficult to read, hold conversations, follow lectures, take tests, remember things, and learn things. I feel extremly tired and jittery, both physically and mentally. I also become depressed during this time. Its like being totally burned out in the head; much like how people after an epileptic attack are. Also, I get strong headaches after masturbation. Allow me to repeat, these symptoms last 5 to 6 days! So its having a huge affect on my life. I've gone to a neurologist, but he doesn't seem to know whats wrong. He prescribed an ssri, but only because I mentioned I get depression after an orgasm.


Guys - do you lose a lot of energy from ejaculation?
I know we all feel wiped temporarily right afterward. But I have personally found that for the next day at least I am a lot more tired, sleepy at work, and have much less energy to work with. Also, if I am sick, and I ejaculate, I always get significantly sicker. I would like to hear from other guys. Do you lose significant energy for a more extended time than the next hour or so? If so, for how long before you feel "normal," and how much energy would you say you lose (%) ? Thanks.


 Ejaculation frequency and depression?
It seems like my mood is connected to the frequency at which I ejaculate. I know ejaculation takes away lot of energy from a man. I'm 26 male and single, and it I go two weeks or so without ejaculating I'm pretty upbeat and my moods are generally good. But, if I ejaculate once or twice a day, everyday for a week or two I feel low on energy, irritable, and feel very depressed about myself and things in my life.

Anyone else dealt with something similar? Any ideas on how to respond to this? I'm very concerned about how frequent sexual activity causes me to feel depressed.


What can cause a man to be extremely tired after ejaculation?
My husband is 40 years old, we have sex about once a month- He is extremely exhausted after ejaculation- even if little other physical exertion is used. I would prefer sexual relations, but he is so tired after relations that I don't bring it up often (no pun intended) I love my husband very much, but our sexual life is not what I would like it to be and I am worried about him also. I don't think all men, age 40, have this problem, but I don't have experience with other men and don't know who else to ask about this somewhat delicate situation. Any advice for me/us? Any other men have this problem? And yes, it is a problem for me also.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 05:23:25 AM by b_jim »
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2025, 05:04:55 AM »

Does ejaculation make us tired?
I feel tired for about three or four days whenever I ejaculate, so I should sleep more during this period, is this normal? if so is there anyway to prevent such tiredness?
I feel tired for about three or four days whenever I ejaculate, so I should sleep more during this period, is this normal? if so is there anyway to prevent such tiredness? (I can experience very energetic moments when I haven't had ejaculation for a week or so) --------- Why champion sportsmen (like football players) stop having ejaculation before and during contest period? does it make them to have more energy for playin?


Why is it that i get tired, no energy for 1 week, afraid of cold, cant concentrate, sweating all over the body, sore back, need multi-vitamins to gain back the strength for 1 week, stomach hurts, after ejaculation while i was sleeping ? What kinda of doctor should i go see? I'm so afraid of it right now because its been bothering my life.


am a 27 year old male with good physical health. However, i feel that after masterbation, i really feel very tired and my body hurts like i am
suffering with fever specially my back. Would u tell me what could be the cause of this tiredness which remain sometimes for more than on day after masterbation??? In addition, my penis also hurts sometimes??

Update : the link has been deleted. I certify it was a real case. I just make a copy of what i found, no modification. All cases here are real.


Okay... I don't just get sleepy immediately after I masturbate, I actually feel more tired like the whole next day if I don't get a good nights sleep.
Or to put it more clearly, unless I have time to sleep sleep sleep (like 9 hours instead of 6-7 I guess), I will feel more tired in general if I jack off every single day.
I also noticed that if I jack off without being aroused I feel more tired... ie. it's harder on the body.
Does anyone else notice this? I think I do a lot better when I listen to my body and see if I feel I need to masturbate. Or usually wait a day or two in between.
I don't know if it's different with sex cause I haven't gotten laid much.... Is this just ME? Anyone care to comment on the above?


Tired the second day after sex
In the next day after making love, I feel very tired...even more tired than in the day when it was - I don't have the same concentration power I used to have if nothing had been happened a few days ago.
What can be done to regain the energy?
Can you recommend any diet to speed up this process?
I'm a male!
This happens only if ejaculation occured, whether is sex, wet dream or smth else.
"the 2nd day" : evidence is we have the same problem...


Hello. I'm a 22 year old male. I have noticed that whenever I masturbate, I seem to be more anxious and tired the next day than normal. I feel like lacking in energy and just tend to be easily frustrated. What could cause this? I've been to acupunture several times because of restlessness&tiredness and general depressiveness. It has helped somewhat, but not that much that sometimes I don't feel very frustrated and hopeless about the way I am. Anybody want to offer insight? Oh, and I excercise regularly (lately astanga yoga and sometimes hiking)


What could be causing extreme fatigue and muscle weakness after orgasm?

I understand that men are always tired after sex, but it is more than being tired... It is not a feeling of wanting to go to sleep but feeling physically weak, continuing into the next day or longer. It impairs other cherished activities such as going for a run or working out the next day. This occurs after masturbation and sexual activities with a partner.

Is this abnormal and what could be causing it?

Any answers would be great... this has been very bothersome.


Recently, I have gotten a problem after ejaculation. It seems I loose too much energy after ejaculation that I feel too weak even to do a simple job. I have to take multivitamins and food supplement pills to feel better. This feeling continues till one or two days and then I become normal again. I have ejaculation once a week and that seems to be too much for me. I don’t know what to do. I do sports and feel healthy during the normal days and I have had ejaculations since I was 11. It is a terrible thing for a 26 year old guy. It’s really affecting my normal life I am very worried. Do you have any idea what I should do? Besides I have examined to take food supplement pills for some continuous time but it didn’t cure it.
Exactly, I had depression and anxiety problems three years ago and it took me a lot of time to get over it. As a matter of fact, it’s not finished yet but I am feeling very much better but I didn’t have such problems until 2 or 3 months ago. I thought maybe it’s good for me to use your male energy work to feel better. I don’t have any sex partners or even a girlfriend at this moment. My life is like, working a lot, study to get my masters at the same time, doing a little sport. I am a successful guy outer side but inner side, I don’t seem to enjoy life very much Crying or Very sad .


Guys - do you lose a lot of energy from ejaculation?
I know we all feel wiped temporarily right afterward. But I have personally found that for the next day at least I am a lot more tired, sleepy at work, and have much less energy to work with. Also, if I am sick, and I ejaculate, I always get significantly sicker. I would like to hear from other guys. Do you lose significant energy for a more extended time than the next hour or so? If so, for how long before you feel "normal," and how much energy would you say you lose (%) ? Thanks.


Ejaculation frequency and depression?
It seems like my mood is connected to the frequency at which I ejaculate. I know ejaculation takes away lot of energy from a man. I'm 26 male and single, and it I go two weeks or so without ejaculating I'm pretty upbeat and my moods are generally good. But, if I ejaculate once or twice a day, everyday for a week or two I feel low on energy, irritable, and feel very depressed about myself and things in my life.
Anyone else dealt with something similar? Any ideas on how to respond to this? I'm very concerned about how frequent sexual activity causes me to feel depressed.

26/ (Rare : a woman);_ylt=AgS6NjTmJUcE3VHCz5dGJhAjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070920060204AAPn2nO

After I do masturbation, I feel myself very tired. If I do it twice in a day, a day later I feel myself?
very tired too. As a result, I am scared to have sex because if I do it with a male, I think I wll become more tired. So I dont want to get married.
Do people who have sex feel tired after sex during the day?
I am 35/female
I am virgin. I believe sex after marriage. Moreover, I have a very busy job.


Does ejaculation actually have any negative effects?
I'm in an on-going debate with someone so I'm trying to find some proof that ejaculation (specifically losing sperm) doesn't lower your life span or make you less intelligent or able to focus. I already know that after men ejaculate that they get tired, but I have serious doubts about it shortening their life or making them unable to focus for days after (as this person is implying). I really believe that it's due to other reasons and an unhealthy life style, not losing sperm.

I haven't found any articles supporting the idea yet. If anyone can find one that proves this as a myth or not that'd be a great way to answer my question.


everytime I have sex with gf I feel a little sick afterwards for a few days then I feel fine again. I had myself tested and her tested for STD's and she has none. Maybe I just am getting use to her germs? How sick I get aftewards seems less and less each time.
The first time we had sex her STD status was unknown and I got scared when I had slight symptoms of the flu. So I got her tested and she was clean. I got myself tested and no pressence of STD's either. I had myself tested 3 months later and still clean.
The first couple sexual encounters I experienced slight stomach pains within 1 hour hour afterwards, a slight fever I think, tired, and just not myself. Now with many sexual encounters this feeling has gone away and I no longer get that anymore, but I still feel a very slight illness everytime I have sex with her or even when I masturbate.


For the past 6 months or so my boyfriend has been feeling very weak, dizzy and faint after he ejaculates from having sex, he complains of an almost out of body experience. It seems to be more of a problem if he does all the "work" and gets exhausted. He doesnt have any other sexual problems, altho he was preliminary diagnosed with pre-cordial catch (i think thats the correct term). I dont think this problem occurs if he maturbates.

Once again : "out of body experience" refers to me to "DEPERSONNALISATION"
when my "i feel like sleeping" refers to "DEREALISATION" (most advanced state)


I also was dating, and had normal regular sex with my girlfriend, as well as "self stimulation". Well I was doing this for about four years out of high school, then I noticed I was feeling tired alot. Then one evening, I was out a a local beach party, I had a couple of beers, when I went home that night I "self stimulated" twice finishing off both times. The second time something very weird happened, I felt something like a mental energy drain, like some kind of vitality exited my body and/or mind. I immediately felt exhausted and felt strange bodily/nerve pain sensations. To make a long story short these continued for years after this, resulting in problems sleeping, fatigue on and off all the time, and pains in what felt like the nerves on and off.
The one I am most concerned about is that after I ejaculate, be it with a girl, "self stimulation", or a wet dream i am physically drained for days, and I experience aching under the ribs on the sides-alleviated most of the time when I urinate.


I tend to believe that ejeculating will lead to less test as I've nnotcied after ejaculation I feel tired amd lazy and lack energy.


Weak after
my and my boyfriend had sex 2 days ago..he is feeling very weak and also very hungry...i know that men feel weak a few hours after sex...but 2 days straight is too much...btw we have had sex for the first time..what is the cause?
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2025, 05:07:04 AM »
33/ A woman :

Why do i feel so weak after sex especially the next day?
im only 20 years old but after sex i feel like i have the flu and then the next day i feel like i got into a fight or somthing and i notice i bruise easily too. like the guy im with will squeeze my -b-r-e-a-s-t and i dont feel bad at that time but today i noticed i have a bruise now is it normal to feel this weak? ive noticed also that when he f--i-n-g-e-r-e-d- me i bled also then it stopped .im going to get that checked out by a doctor but i am not a virgin but i know that its been a year since ive been penatrated since when i m-a-s-t-e-r-b-a-t-e i dont hardly finger myself or use somthing for insersion but is it normal to bleed somewhat since i havent been penatrated in a while and it was kinda vigarous ? it didnt hurt when he did anything really he noticed that i bled and then told me . i have no problem with lubracation and incersion is much easier now then it has ever been but i am worried though


Man feel weakness after sex?

Is it normal for man to feel weakness after sex? especially when he does more than 1 round every-day, or twice a day for 2-3 days. He is only 25.
How he can improve his health? or any other advice related to this?


 What causes fever after sex?
Q. I got married 2 years ago. I have a problem for the last 6 to 7 months. During sexual contact with my wife, as the semen comes out I become very weak. I feel pain in all my veins, bones of legs and hands, a headache and then my body temperature becomes very low so that I have to cover myself with 2 to 3 blankets. After some time i got heavy fever. When I see any sexual things like movies, photos then the semen comes out slowly from the penis. After some time I feel some coolness in my underwear only then I realise it. Please comment.

A : "There is no disease like" ...
=> Your disease does not exist in my medicine book : it's psychologic ...  [::)]


i had sex nights ago for the first time in about 6 months, next day  afternoon i developed a fever and i feel weak  fever is the only problem i have..can it be hiv or any other im very scared .!:(


I am a 28 year old male and since last once month I have been experiencing extreme lower thigh and limb muscular weakness and fatigue after ejaculation. Since then i have deteriorating muscle strenght in my legs and increasing fatigue. Earlier I used to feel weak after ejaculation but i guess that is normal. But these days after ejaculation or masturbation, eel my mind not being at ease and after a few minutes I start to expericence severe muscular painsand stiffness in my limbs. I'm suffering from extreme fatigue these days. Could it be some kind of harmonal imbalances? I have checked up with my GP for possible causes(any viral infections, thyroid, rheumatoid disorders, gravis, muscle wstage, anxiety and depression disorder). and so far everything has come out normal. I am at loss to find out what is causing this muscular pains in my legs triggered a month ago by ejaculation. The pain is quite similar to being as if I have run on a treadmill all day long. I will be meeting a neurologist next week.


What causes tiredness and low energy after masturbation?
I feel very tired most of the time and have very little energy. I find that i have more energy if i go without masturbating for a while, but as soon as i do it again i feel quite bad again and not just afterwards but for days. I know i had low hormones at one stage, but they arn't supposed to be affected by it. Does this happen to anyone else and what is it that causes it?

(aids forum, but intersting)

Dr. Frascino, I am a 50 year old male, positive, officially, for 18 years, but probably longer. I have responded well to drug therapies (mostly HAART) and have had zero viral loads and T4 counts in the 800s for years. I exercise regularly and have mostly perfect lab results (done 4 - 5 times a year--even got my lipid profile down to normal by diet). I have LOTS of sexual desire, but unfortunately have a problem with severe post-ejaculation fatigue and insomnia. It really ruins a good night sleep and limits the spontanaity of sex for me. I have an excellant Dr. in Miami that I trust implicitly, but he claims to have never heard of this problem in other patients and has no ideas as to why I get so completely drained after ejaculation.Even after 8 hours sleep, I wake up exhausted and my eyeballs ache all day. I used to think that maybe it was a protein drain, and sometimes drink alot of milk before bed, but it only partially works. Can you help me, PLEASE?

Dear Dr.F: I have noticed a change in my "recovery time" after orgasm (specifically as my health started to decline in the late 90's). After orgasm I am wiped out often for days afterward and my mood is no picnic either. I am often moody and irritable with a capital I. I am presently taking testerone supplements and I still experience a surprising level of fatigue after orgasm. I am baffled at the level of fatigue I experience given the relatively short and sweet nature of this event. Do you have any suggestions about this?


Headache/migrane ? lack of concentration ? after sex?
by means of a wet dream, masturbation, or anything else results in a lack of concentration. Basically, for 5 to 6 days it becomes extremely difficult to concentrate on anything, I simply cannot sustain a train of thought to think things through. I become extremly absent minded. This makes it difficult to read, hold conversations, follow lectures, take tests, remember things, and learn things. I feel extremly tired and jittery, both physically and mentally. I also become depressed during this time. Its like being totally burned out in the head; much like how people after an epileptic attack are. Also, I get strong headaches after masturbation. Allow me to repeat, these symptoms last 5 to 6 days! So its having a huge affect on my life. I've gone to a neurologist, but he doesn't seem to know whats wrong. He prescribed an ssri, but only because I mentioned I get depression after an orgasm.
If anyone has any idea of what I can do to fix this, or any information at all, please respond


I Feel Tired and Sleepy After Sex?
I get too tired after halving sex. It makes me feels as if i have gone for a long walk or excersie for a very long hours. My whole body becomes weak, I feel like i have taken some stress out of my body. I feel happy and relaxed but my body becomes very weak and makes me feel sleepy. Because of that i cant go many rounds. sometimes i end up going only one b,cos i feel tired and sleepy.

How can i go many rounds like the way others do, am a young guy of 25 years. and is it normal to get tired and sleepy?


Symptoms are high intense brain fog, headaches/migraines, memory problems, impaired thinking, flu and fever like symptoms, sore joints/muscles, fatigue/exhaustion,
anxiety, tension, sensitivty too light and many more.

These symptoms can last from 1 - 7 days after an ejaculation from either
Sex or Masturbation. Females have also reported these.

Does anyone know any good practioners that could help me and many others with this rare but serious illness?

I do have high Prog, Estrone levels, low cort and dhea but a few other people have good healthy hormone levels yet suffer from POIS too,

I notice that the following hours after ejaculation blood pressure increases for 12-24 hours, shortness of breath, strong anxiety issues, face, neck and shoulder cramp also.

43/ (woman)

After I do masturbation, I feel myself very tired. If I do it twice in a day, a day later I feel myself?
very tired too. As a result, I am scared to have sex because if I do it with a male, I think I wll become more tired. So I dont want to get married
Do people who have sex feel tired after sex during the day? I am 35/female


 fact or fiction: frequent masturbation causes lethargy?
over like, i dont know, since the 9th grade (4 years ago), ive been combatting constant lethargy. I eventually got used to it though.
I recently heard from a friend that frequent masturbation causes lethargy. Now, this sounded like a myth, but now im thinking maybe it's true.
In middle school, i woud only masturbate a few times a week. Since highschool, it's been around 6-7 times a day.
Is this why ive suddenly become more lethargic throughout highschool?


Very frequent masturbation - a cause for poor memory and concentration?
Hey ppl.....Things were going the right way till i entered my college. I was a 'weekend masturbator' during my school days. But, for the past 2 years i'm very frequently masturbating ( say about 1 or 2 times per day i.e about 7 - 10 times per week).
I feel lethargic. I lack concentration and have very poor memory. Sometimes i fear public speaking or looking at a ferson face to face. Anxiety & depression reduced me to the extent i kept 3 arrears in my college I year(contradictory to my 90% when i passed out from school).
Is it correct to relate these symptoms to masturbation. All over the internet, internet is always said as a habit which is good. But i experience these problems....pls leave your suggestions for me.


  I had the same experience but mine just last only about a day to recuperate. I'm 47 yrs old but it's my first time to experience these, last year. I suspect that I've been consuming a lot of fluoride. My periodontist gave me 5000ppm tooth paste after my gum surgery. I used it and never miss. I believed the accumulation of this toothpaste by not rinsing out the fluoride mess up my system, health, etc. You would not believed how many of the foods we eat that are loaded of fluorides. I suggest check your consumption of fluoride, it might be poisoning you. Hope this help!!!


"Here's my problem, i'm 25, i feel soo tired, no energy( whole bosy is soo weak), after ejaculation and it takes 4 days to recover. if i take vitamines, it takes 2 days. also, my hands and feet feel sweaty, cold and my stomach digesting soo fast. The amount was very little too. now these dyas, i cant drink cold water.My joints have cracking sounds. What's the problem anybody know? i cant focus during work or anything. It has stoping me from getting to know girls. What shoudl i do?"


"Recently, I have gotten a problem after ejaculation. It seems I loose too much energy after ejaculation that I feel too weak even to do a simple job. I have to take multivitamins and food supplement pills to feel better. This feeling continues till one or two days and then I become normal again. I have ejaculation once a week and that seems to be too much for me. I don’t know what to do. I do sports and feel healthy during the normal days and I have had ejaculations since I was 11. It is a terrible thing for a 26 year old guy. It’s really affecting my normal life I am very worried. Do you have any idea what I should do? Besides I have examined to take food supplement pills for some continuous time but it didn’t cure it."


"What to do i feel lazy and weak after masturbation ?
i am a 16 year old boy
my height is 5"5inches
my weight is 45kgs
suggest me something
i tried to leave this but after 2 days or more
i get involed again "


" I am 25 years old and have been masturbating for the past 10 years. After masturbation my head starts paining and this pain lasts for 5 days. I become physically very weak and cannot concentrate on anything be it my work, reading or even driving. My shoulder blades start paining and I cannot sleep sideways. The semen that comes out after masturbation is passed along with stool in the subsequent days. I experience pain in knee joints, hip joints after masturbation. My girth increases by half an inch after every time I masturbate and I also get temporary relief from constipation. My frequency of urination also increases. Please advise."


"Do masturbation leads to weakness?
i m 15.whenever i masturbate(twice in a month),i feel weakness in my body for 2-3 days.i become staminaless.
my friends also says that masturbation decreases the it true?then what should i do? "
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2025, 05:07:47 AM »

Why does sex cause tiredness and lightheadedness in men....?
After having sex i usually feel dead tired, and my i usually can't think straight for atleast 2 days afterward, but girand going.I also notice that if i have sex too often it decreases energy level, staminals can just keep going , ability to focus and concentrate, memory etc. Do other guys also experiance this, i find i think best during periods where i have abstained from sex or "autoeroticism" for atleast a month.
has anyone else noticed obviously does not apply to women.
why am i sharing this information on the internet, wtf...who cares.
 think some of you have missunderstood me, i am quite fit, i could easily have sex up tp 10 times per night, but it affects my ability to think clearly and seems to zap my stamina substantially.

"How do u feel after you masturbate up to 24-48 hours.
what is your behavior after masturbation up to 24-48 hours.
your mental, physical, behavioral changes please put now only.
I always feel very weak 24-48 hours after masturbation, mentally and physically, which is why I stopped masturbating. This is some information I have gathered on my own:
Loss of semen drastically lowers testosterone levels and slows the metabolism."


Why Do I Feel Drained After Sex?
For at least 1 or 2 days after i ejaculate (sex or masturbation) i feel very drained and tired, and may even get a headache. Is it beacause i'm loosing some important fluids ? what's in ***)? s there a way to replenish quickly or beforehand so I don't feel so bad?
wish I didn't have to limit the number of times I go at it.


I came across this forum looking for selegiline experiences and stumbled onto this thread. I had seen that website and many others and have tried several therapies to this phenomenon. The most effective has been abstinence.
My situation may be unique in that I do not need a two-week period of abstinence to feel good/confident/affable and waiting that long does nothing for me. I am normally this way but immediately after ejaculation and for about 24 (give or take about 6) hours afterwards I fall into a deep depression. I can orgasm multiple times without ejaculation but have always ended up ejaculating so I can't say for sure which is responsible for the depression. Working out heavily, increasing my calories and sleeping seems to help me cope to some degree but it is really debilitating. I have found over the years that it is best to stay away from social contact during these times. ......


Well, this is very personal and I feel since i am pretty anonymous i can talk about this.
I have masturbated since i was 15, everyday at least, up to 3 times a day. the longest i had gone without doing this was like ,2-3 days. That \'addiction\' continued to dec. 30th (i am 18 now) when i made a new years resolution to quit until college resumed on jan. 6th.
I want to do an experiment to see if masturbation has made me shy and withdrawn. I think this could be a possibility and its been 3 days... one side effect i am noticing is depression, and slight anxiety, more than usual. I usually do get those though.
I also am wondering if masturbation has stunted my physical growth... i am 18 and look 16, physically too (hair growth), maybe younger.
But, I have smoked pot occasionally during ages 15-now, so maybe that has something to do with it. I doubt that, though.
I also wonder if masturbation lowers or raises testosterone?
Thanks in advance for informative replys.
i agree with druid
btw... i felt weird, depressed and anxious when i went without doing it for 4 days... thats all i could take. I will now limit myself to 3 times a week.


What could be causing extreme fatigue and muscle weakness after orgasm?
I understand that men are always tired after sex, but it is more than being tired... It is not a feeling of wanting to go to sleep but feeling physically weak, continuing into the next day or longer. It impairs other cherished activities such as going for a run or working out the next day. This occurs after masturbation and sexual activities with a partner.
Is this abnormal and what could be causing it?
Any answers would be great... this has been very bothersome.


After ejaculation I feel sick and dizzy and hot?
More after there any reasoning to this? ifeel very faint, sick, and dizzy... any help??


been off fin for over a year.

I feel good but when i ejaculate then for about 3 days i have very bad brain fog.

day 3 it lifts and i am fine. if i Ejaculate again same thing happens.
I can plan this over and over and over.,

what the hell??

60/ same website

I have the same problem. Every time I start to feel good/normal I think I can have sex like before. Then when I ejaculate and I hit a wall and the brainfog/bad feelings come back and lasts for about a week.


How do I get my energy back after mastubating? I masturbate excessively (more than twice each day sometimes).?
I am 100% sure that masturbating two or more times a day will make me extremely extremely tired, and this tiredness will last for at least 36-48 hours after the 2nd or 3rd masturbation. I'm in my early 20's. Sometimes I take a break for 3 or more days and the energy ALWAYS comes back after 36-48 hours.

This tiredness causes come back pain, and sometimes my thighs get so tired that it's very hard to stand up, and I don't feel like thinking. I read that others on the net have this problem. (And the energy decrease is extremely significant, and occurs as a direct result of maturbation.)

MY QUESTION: I don't want people to tell me not to masturbate...but what can I do to either "prevent" future decreases of energy after masturbating ... OR ... what can I do to get my energy back quickly afterwards?

(ps. Sleeping 1 to 2 hours helps sometimes, but I don't have much time. Other answers would be appreciated.)


Does ejaculation actually have any negative effects?
I'm in an on-going debate with someone so I'm trying to find some proof that ejaculation (specifically losing sperm) doesn't lower your life span or make you less intelligent or able to focus. I already know that after men ejaculate that they get tired, but I have serious doubts about it shortening their life or making them unable to focus for days after (as this person is implying). I really believe that it's due to other reasons and an unhealthy life style, not losing sperm.

I haven't found any articles supporting the idea yet. If anyone can find one that proves this as a myth or not that'd be a great way to answer my question.


 Dear Doctor My problem is getting very tired next two days after ejaculation or intercourse (after discharging). I feel very tired, lazy, feel sleepy and no interest in my work or sex for few days. But no problem in erection or ejaculation again next day or after. This problem was started from my teenage and I was masterbating very occassionaly only. But it was discharging during night time after every ten or 15 days in my sleep. Now I got married and facing the tiredness problem. I am afraid that I may not be able to satisfy my partner. She is co-operative and giving me strength by words. But how long she can suffer me........please help me doctor......... Why this tiredness comes? Is any problem by discharging semen? Which specialist I have to consult? Is it common phenomena? My friend says that he masterbate allmost all the days. But I can't even think about it............! Malik, U.A.E
Malik Aazam


Hi, i'm new here. I got a couple of masturbation problems. For the past few years, my masturbation sessions are very bland. My orgasms are only enjoyable, if i'm doing it in the shower, have to pee really bad, or horny out of my mind (which is rare), for some strange reasons. Most of the time, my orgasms are very bland, nothing special.

Next problem, just about every time I masturbate, after I come, I feel burnt-out for days, sometimes weeks. Like if I plan on doing something, it wears me down, and I lack motivation. In addition, a lot of times after I masturbate, it takes me days, sometimes weeks to even get back into the mood, to masturbate. I don't mean it takes that long to get turned on again, I mean turned enough to want to mastubate.

Can anyone explain why, or relate, or thoughts? Thanks.


How to remain feeling good and not tired after masturbation?
I always feel guilty after masturbation,but sometimes I do not feel guilty but I'm so tired and lose concentration. How can I prevent from all of this feeling?


Ejaculation/ tired for 5 days
   From bronte   on 2008-08-11
4 replies   328 views
i am 18 year old male. My problem is that when ever i seem to ejaculate i feel tired not juss on that perticular time buh the effects last for about 5-7 days. What i feel is extreme tiredness unmotivation brain fog, untalkitivness, lazy, as if brain not working properly meaning cant answer people correctly (conversation problems). This is how the cycle goes of these problems .The day of ejaculation after which next day feel ok juss a lil tired, lazy and brain fog day 2 it gets worse, day 3 gets better, day 4 gets worse again, day 5starts to get better and about on day 6 i am feeling great i get all my personality back brain fog goes away , iget my sense of humor back i becom social... i have noticed all these rollercoster effects every time i ejacualte ... i ha ve stopped masterbating because of it and now i get wet dreams which i dont wanna have because of this problem.. so plz help me thnx in advance


Does orgasm have a negative effect on concentration?
Whenever I masturbate and orgasm, I always feel as though I cannot concentrate afterwards - pretty much for the entire day.
My eyes become tired and have difficulty focusing when reading, and just overall, I become easily distracted.
I have no guilt with masturbation, so it's not psychological like that. However, everytime that I do orgasm, I do notice a significant difficulty in working, that is not present when I do not.


Headache/migrane ? lack of concentration ? after sex?
by means of a wet dream, masturbation, or anything else results in a lack of concentration. Basically, for 5 to 6 days it becomes extremely difficult to concentrate on anything, I simply cannot sustain a train of thought to think things through. I become extremly absent minded. This makes it difficult to read, hold conversations, follow lectures, take tests, remember things, and learn things. I feel extremly tired and jittery, both physically and mentally. I also become depressed during this time. Its like being totally burned out in the head; much like how people after an epileptic attack are. Also, I get strong headaches after masturbation. Allow me to repeat, these symptoms last 5 to 6 days! So its having a huge affect on my life. I've gone to a neurologist, but he doesn't seem to know whats wrong. He prescribed an ssri, but only because I mentioned I get depression after an orgasm.
If anyone has any idea of what I can do to fix this, or any information at all, please respond


I am a 37 year old male, have had a complete blood work up and all checked out normal.  Here is my problem...every time I have sex after orgasm I get severe cold chill and diarrheas that comes on within minutes of having sex and can last all night.  I have been to doctors and been given stomach pills, viagra etc and nothing works.  It has gotten to the point that my wife and I seldom have sex because it's not worth a night of being sick omeone please tell me I'm not insane and that there is a name for this and better yet a cure!


extreme tiredness after ejaculation
When having intercourse I hold back because if I ejaculate I am basically exhausted all week. Obviously this is affecting my performance. This happens even if I masturbate however if I ever have a wet dream the same response doesnt happen. Help please.


 What causes fever after sex?     
Q. I got married 2 years ago. I have a problem for the last 6 to 7 months. During sexual contact with my wife, as the semen comes out I become very weak. I feel pain in all my veins, bones of legs and hands, a headache and then my body temperature becomes very low so that I have to cover myself with 2 to 3 blankets. After some time i got heavy fever. When I see any sexual things like movies, photos then the semen comes out slowly from the penis. After some time I feel some coolness in my underwear only then I realise it. Please comment.

fever 2 days after having sex
I am 43 years. I always having fever and pains days after have sex with my wife.


Hi, I am 30 years old.  liked to ask, after having sex, I always got a fever, seems like I'm not feeling well. My boyfriend likes to having sex more than an hour, he is quiet hard to get orgasm. What's wrong with my body? Is it normal to having sex as long as we had? ( I was too tired after that:( ). Somebody help me please???


 Is heavy fever,chill,body and leg pain after sex normal?After cuddling  him i feel heavy fever,chill,body,hands or leg pain is this normal?Maybe after some days or next day it happens why?He is alright but i am not why?


My boyfriend and I have been together for some time now and decided about a month ago it was time to do some more sexual things since we both felt ready. We have been doing things for about a month now and everything was fine until last night. He felt fine before I started to **** him off but after we had finished, he was really unwell. He felt extremely sick though at the time, he was really enjoying it but afterwards, things just weren't right. He was extremely hot, which is understandable and this can lead to sickness but is that what was wrong? Opinions please....

[The thread has been banned because too old  [:(!]
You can read the google cached link for few time ]


sickness after male ejaculation
I feel sick for 8 weeks off and on after ejaculation. It drives me nuts. Any ideas?


I am a 28 year old male and since last once month I have been experiencing extreme lower thigh and limb muscular weakness and fatigue after ejaculation. Since then I have had deteriorating muscle strength in my legs and increasing fatigue. Earlier I used to feel weak after ejaculation, but I guess that is normal. But these days after ejaculation or masturbation, I feel my mind not being at ease and after a few minutes I start to expericence severe muscular pains and stiffness in my limbs. I'm suffering from extreme fatigue these days. Could it be some kind of harmonal imbalances? I have checked up with my GP for possible causes(any viral infections, thyroid, rheumatoid disorders, gravis, muscle wastage, anxiety & depression disorders) and so far everything has come out normal. I am at loss to find out what is causing this muscular pains in my legs triggered a month ago by ejaculation. The pain is quite similar to being as if I have run on a treadmill all day long. I will be meeting a neurologist next week.


Is it healthy or normal?
I'm in the mid 30 yrs old. I feel exhausted and lost my desire for sex for the couple of days after ejaculation. Regardless the ejaculation is from sex or masturbation. Is that normal? When I was younger, I never feel this way.
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2025, 05:08:41 AM »

My girlfriend gets too tired after intercourse ???
my girlfriend feels very exhausted and tired after having sex ?? she reach orgasm then I have to leave the intercourse and start massaging her back and shoulder??? I am going to be NUT


Masturbation drain body wellness?
I am 34, not married and everytime I do masturbation after that my physique becomes extremely exhausted and my head aches and I experiences brain fatigue. I ended up sleeping for hours to recover and my mood is totally ruined for the day, Why is this?

81/ moderate case, no fatigue (or they don't say)

Constant stomach bloat, headache, abnormal stool after masturbation

I am 26 year old male and i am having this problem for the last 5 or 6 months.
Well, i am having a constant bloat in my lower abdomen. I have to go to restroom twice daily. Even after that my lower abdomen feels bloated, like something is blocking. If i try harder, my whole head starts to ache a lot. One more thing is, whenever i masturbate, after 15 minutes, the bloating increases a lot, my head fells like its about to burst, and for 2 to 3 days i suffer from diarrohea(its not loose motions, but abnormal stool thats not solid or loose).
Does anyone suffer from the same symptoms. It would really help me if u have suggestions, since this is driving me crazy for a while now. Thanks a lot.

82/ same website

I have these same problems. I feel bloated and have stomach pain
a few days after masturbating and sometimes feel sharp pain near the left kidney (sometimes right). I also sometimes feel pain above (usually left) testicle. This situation started suddenly about a year ago after a day of excessive masturbation (don't laugh;)). From that day I also get similar symptoms after drinking coffee. Is it possible that my bowel got irritable in only 1 day? Because I couldn't find on web any connection between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and sex/masturbation. Can anyone help?


I am a male and after I masturbate, I feel like I have the flu the next morning, sore throat and tiredness.... (typical flulike POIS)


I believe I have a medical problem related to sexual activity. I feel
awfully tired and unmotivated after I have masturbated. I also feel
more thirsty and hungry on days when I masturbate. And the story
doesn't end there. I have noticed that I become increasingly
vulnerable to disease after I've masturbated. I don't remember a time
when I caught a cold or a flu and I had not masturbated just before
catching it. So Doctor, please let me know how to get rid of this
problem. I have tried stop masturbating but without success. Since I
can't stop it, I would like to have some other remedy for my problem.
Thanks for your time.

Orgasm and Immunity :

85/ same website

I am very sympathsized with you... as I suffered similar problems +
lower back pain. Went to Urologist and got several check up. Doc
initially think I have prostate enlargement problem, but nothing shown
up at the report. I told my Doc about my problems with excessive
masturbation which I started at 13. My Doc shown signs of disbelif and
laugh it over.


Well, when I masturbate, lets say twice before the day I have a tournament(and I havn't done it in 2 weeks), my stamina and focus is decreased. I tried searching about it internet, and found that although, physical stamina remains, mental enthusiasm drains. Some say it is b/c of unneccesary guilt. What do you think?
I guess you are right....but why do we feel weak after ejaculation?

87/ Very light case (or he din't say all symptoms ).

Hello Dear Aunty...
I have read many topics about Masturbation and in every topic i came to know that masturbation has no effect on Health. But i want to Ask a Question that whenever i Masturbate twice a day or after a long Interval i feel Pain in my Back and Knees, so what does it Indicates..

88/ Same case. Maybe shouldn't i add such a light case in our database ? Dunno.

    what causes weak knees after sex?


After sex I feel very weak resulting in a headache. I do not like to work after having sex because of weakness. I am otherwise healthy.

(i don't copy the answer of the "doctor" because it make me crazy... )

"Hey you guys and men out there, can making love and having an orgasm make men feel really tired the next day... or days?"
I know it's a dumb question. But I'm really naive and clueless regarding this matter. My husband gets really tired the next couple of days. And may I add; his job is really physical!


I get really sick after an orgasim(sorry for the spelling) sometimes after intercourse./ I get dizzy, sick headache what could cause this?


Medical or psychological? Fatigue after ejacluation
Hello Doctor,
I will have him schedule an appt. with a doctor when he has time, but I wonder if this is normal, or physical or psychological ?I am asking on behalf of my boyfriend. Whether masturbating or having intercourse my boyfriend only allows himself to ejaculate only about once a week. He will have an erection, but always stops short of an orgasm. Even daily or semi-daily, but never to the point of  orgasm. The reason for this is that he says that if he has a full orgasm he's extremely tired for days, and he has a demanding job so he needs to be awake for work. To me, it seems strange and unhealthy. He also has depression and fatigue that last days; he has headaches,and it's almost as though he is sickSick sinus syndrome, etc. He is nearly forty years old. I suggest that he practice orgasm more often so that his body is more acclamated to them, such as if he tries masturbating more regularly so that his body doesn't act as though it's going through trauma afterwards. Have you heard of this, or does it sound like a problem? I always thought that men needed to ejaculate more, and that it's even healthy for their prostate gland...


fatigue after ejaculation
hello! i am 17 and i want to clear some confusions. we all feel fatigue after ejaculation, after how many days does one restore his normal body state? over masturbation is not good, if i masturbate today, after how many days is it advisable to masturbate again? thanks


fatigue after ejaculation
hello i am 19,
for about the last 6 mounths every time i have sex or masterbate it seems that my body just collapse. It is almost like my become very week mostly my arms and neak. during sex is when i collapse on top of my partner and dont have the strength to push my self up off her.
i am a very fit person, i weight train 4 days a week for close to 2 hours.


Does anyone else feel shitty after they've ejaculated? I mean physically. I don't know how to describe it. I usually start to feel it about 20 minutes after ejaculation and then it gradually increases intensity for about an hour and then gradually an equilibrium is restored and I feel normal again. It's not a religious thing either since I didn't grow up with religion. I'm horny all the time like anyone else and experience the pleasure of orgasm like anyone else but there's something about that weird shitty feeling that holds me back from actually wanting to engage in sex (or masturbation) all the time. I'm in my 40's now and I've felt this way ever since my first ejaculation at 12 years old. But I've never talked about it because no one else ever mentioned it. It's not like an intolerable shittiness either - just a vague discomfort and a gray moodiness (bleh, whatever that means)

I think xqzmi described it perfectly - it is flu like. As a matter of fact about 8 years ago I began noticing getting flu like symptoms the next day - sore throat, fatigue, headaches, etc. I hope it's as simple as vitamin deficiency. I'm going to try taking the B complex and Omega 3 for awhile and see what happens. Thanks xqzmi - you don't know how relieved I am!

fatigue and orgasm
Dear Dr.F: I have noticed a change in my "recovery time" after orgasm (specifically as my health started to decline in the late 90's). After orgasm I am wiped out often for days afterward and my mood is no picnic either. I am often moody and irritable with a capital I. I am presently taking testerone supplements and I still experience a surprising level of fatigue after orgasm. I am baffled at the level of fatigue I experience given the relatively short and sweet nature of this event. Do you have any suggestions about this?


Over Masturbating Damage
Hi. I've stimulated myself since I was 12/13 and now i'm almost 20. I havent had a specific patter though it was many times a day in the earlier years. Then I would stop for awhile and go back to it. As of a year or so now i've been trying to quit but have had little success. It's affecting my life and with the college work i'm finding this extremely difficult. I can't focus on my work, I cant remember things, and the easiest of tasks have become extremely hard. I exercise regularly and it doesnt help. Infact I head that its bad to masturbate and exrcise.
I really need to stop damaging my body and find a way to fix what i've done. How bad is the damage from what i've explained? What should my diet be? What can I do? I hate this addiction and want it to go away! My life is in ruins and falling apart more and more each day b/c of it. :(


I am a 14 year old male 5 foot 9 inches, 120 pounds. Since I was 11, I have been masturbating about once every day. I'm not sure when, but some time into it, I started to experience constant fatigue and impairment of my concentration and memory skills and developed dark bags under my eyes. At age 13, I cut it down to only about 4-6 times a week but the problems still remained. I'm at 14 now which is 3 years later and I'm wondering what I can do to get back to my normal mental and physical states without involving my parents. Do I need to stop for a few months or what?


After masturbation, what damage of body ?
After masturbation , i felt some sick and tired so much .. What happen after masturbation .. please explain me or advise me ..


masturbation and back ache and weakness

This is Rahul here.I am a 24 year old boy and I have completed graduation and will start working in three months time from now.I'm sorry my mail is lengthy but i think I need to describe my problem in detail.

          At an age of 12 or 13 I started masturbating occasionally.As I grew older ,without knowing its ill effects i started doing it more frequently.In the early stages I used to do it thinking that it would stop my nocturnal emissions.When I was 16,17 & 18 I started feeling very weak after regular masturbation.As a consequence the frequency of nocturnal semen emissions increased further.I was a shy kind of a guy so I could not discuss the problem with my friends.By this time I lost concentration and started performing badly in studies and simultaneously i got used to watching adult fims.This addiction has grown ever since .In the mean time I have consulted various ayurvedic doctors and learnt about the ill effects of masturbating and i have also taken various ayurvedic medicines.The medicines have helped me and i have stopped masturbating but once I watch an adult movie I invariably feel weak and give into masturbation. My physical condition is such that I feel weak all the time and my knees eels weak.I have a lower back ache which increases when i masturbate.My energy level is very low.There is a weakness in my legs also.I have also developed an uneasyness in my head im not sure if its relevant.I want to become a good man and want to be fit when i start working.kindly suggest how will i be able to rejuvenate my body ache and sexual health and gain my childhood energy.will


Can masturbation be source of any kind of sexual weakness.I am 23 and masturbating since I was 15 now I have pain in my back along with stiffness, also I feel I dont get hard-on as I used to

( Only joint pains )

Why do I get knee pain after ejaculation?
I am a 20-year-old bodybuilder. My knee joints hurt usually after I ejaculate. Why is that so? I hear strange cracking noises when I squat. Does ejaculating a lot affect knee joint lubrication? Do heavy weights affect squatting? What can I do to make these sounds and pain go away? Should I limit my masturbation to a month or week? Should I take any joint supplements, even though the doctor has told me that I am too young for Glucosamine? I do need to use heavy weights when training my legs. Please advise.

Doc's answer : The only probable connection between your ejaculation and knee pains might be that the strong muscular contractions of ejaculation can cause some musculoskeletal pains. There is NO other connection.
 [;D] Funny non-scientific answer.


I get ill after sex. Everytime. Itchy eyes, fatigued, achy muscles, flushed ski

I get ill after sex. Everytime. Itchy eyes, fatigued, achy muscles, flushed ski
It lasts for about 3 days. Sore throat, tight head muscles, oh and right after orgasim, I can tell you exactly where a canker sore will break open in my mouth. Go figure that one out. Its NOT psycological AT ALL, its physiological. Its been going on It lasts for about 3 days. Sore throat, tight head muscles, oh and right after orgasim, I can tell you exactly where a canker sore will break open in my mouth. Go figure that one out. It


Loss of Energy From Ejaculation
I had a question for anyone who can help. I'm a healthy 23yr old male and when I have sex too much with my girlfriend I lose all my energy. I was wondering what I can do to counter that. I eat healthy and I excercise and I don't drink or smoke. What gives? Am I not getting enough of something in my diet that helps make more sperm? I'm lost with this and I love to have sex all the time so this serves to be a considerable problem. Thanks


Masturbation, feeling sick
Hi! Im an 21 year old boy, and it seems ive got a problem with masturbation:
After doing it, i feel really bad for days, i feel week, have a lot of headaches! and my libido is at 0. Also, the days after ive got a lot more of PVC's (heart related).
Then, if i don't masturbate at all for about a whole week, then i start feeling good, energetic and my libido is up again, and i suffer from much less PVC's.
On Friday ive got an appointment for an Echocardiogram...
Do you think is heart related? or maybe hormones?

Always Feeling Weak After Sex
I've been a married housewife for over 10 yrs now and everytime after sex, my body becomes weak leaving me forced to lay down in bed resting.
If I have sex at night and go to sleep after, the following morning I would be generally weak. I've seen a doctor and had blood tests done and results was all good. I take multivitamins everyday but problem still persists.
My question is, what is this condition called and what can I do about it ?


feeling sick after orgasm
Whenever I have an orgasm, I have issues having a b.m. and I feel sick to my stomach. I also have trouble peeing most of the time. Followed by a migraine. It has been happening for years, I dont have an STD but I am just worried that it may be something more serious, that I have never heard of..


Is it normal to feel sick after sex? And to even have bowel problems?
Sometimes my stomach is upset after sex. Usually after I eat so I sometimes have to wait a long time after I eat to have sex. And recently after sex I had bowel problems and even had to miss work. Does this happen to other people or should I see a doctor or is it no big deal?


Feeling sick after sex
I know this is going to sound really strange. I 've been with my partner for over 3 years and recently everytime after sex i feel really ill and sometimes even physically sick. :(

As you can imagine this is worrying both me and my partner, i've been to the doctors and so has he and we're both healthy in all parts of the body. But i cant help but feel absolutely terrible after sex, its really getting me down and i feel as though he might end up getting really annoyed with me and go off with someone else.

Please has anyone ever experienced this? :cry: Or can anyone offer me any advice?


Masturbation sucks energy out of you?
I don't know why everywhere on the internet they say it is healthy,natural,normal......blablabla......
my personal experience taught me that it makes me feel tired, unbalanced, acne, dark spot under the eyes, affects sports....etc.
and it takes so much time to recover to normal full health, i think it takes over 2 months....
the occurrence of wet dreams takes more than 2 months after stop masturbation.
i prefer to forget about it and do something else when i feel horny
aren't wet dreams the natural way instead of masturbation?
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2025, 05:09:33 AM »

Does masturbation make the body weak?
My 17 year old friend told me that before he would masturbate up to 4 times a day. He would do it when he felt the need to do it. After masturbating, his body would feel with weak. When he would go out to do a workout (he's in track) his body would feel tired even before the real workout started . At school he would be very sleepy since according to him he masturbated in the morning. Now he stopped and his body never feels weak anymore and he feels with more enery and feels great on those workouts for track. He also doesn't get sleepy during school. I kinda agree with him because i feel the same way as well but I don't know.I feel better when I don't masturbate my body is just more energized for some reason. Any comments or ideas on if this could be true.


Masturbation vs dark circles?
is there a relation between masturbation and forming dark circles? i am 29, male and i am not married. i am masturbating nowadays so frequently. i have been observing that if i masturbate once in a day and 3 days continously, i am seeing that my eyes going inside and looking awful and feel tired. is there anything suggested to do after masturbation so that it doesnt give bad effects like said above. just for the confirmation if i stop masturbating for 10 days, my eyes tend to look normal and energetic. any advice?


Im 21, im masturbating frm 18 at 5days/week, is there any sexual disorder in doing so, often i feel tired.....
im male, often i feel tired after doing masturbation....
because of this im not able to concentrate my studies....
whenever i switch on my computer or tv my mind intend to watch on some porn movies.... and finally i masturbate and sleep...

Pls help me how to get rid of this problem....


Can a Person Be Allergic to Orgams? I Know, Sounds Wierd..

Just wondering if i'm alone in this experience. I feel like a freak.
None of my girlfriends have this problem.
Do any of you get red sore eyes and blue black circles under your eyes after an orgasm?
I always do and it can last the entire day. Its just like an allergy!
This has happened with past lovers, and my hubby.
My eyes are in good health otherwise, I just had them checked, I don't need glasses, i've lived in both dry and humid climates.
It doesn't matter what kind of orgasm I have either, you know, hard, easy, multiple, light, mind-blowing, ho- hum, etc.
Also does anyone have any remedies to this problem?
I literally have to wear 2 different types of eye concealers to hide, what looks like a black eye, (people have actually asked me who decked me can you believe it!) and after an orgasm I have to wear sunglasses due to the soreness.
Please, if you know anything or if you have this too, please let me know.


I've been masturbating since I was 13 and now nearly 20. I now masturbate more than usual. I think the max I've pulled off this year is 7-8 orgasms in a day. I masturbate around 4 times a day otherwise. I've been having a problem where I get very tired after masturbating. Get big circles under my eyes straight away after the high and everyone says I look tired all the time. I feel tired also. I get headaches all the time and feel lower back pain. I am very short something I've found with people who overmasturbate. Is there any way to reverse the effects of overmasturbation? I know it definitely has done damage to my body. Is there anything that can relieve my body of overmasturbation? Vitamin pills....etc?? I see that masturbation changes your body chemical/hormonal balance completely and depletes your testosterone levels so when you try build muscle  you can't. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Back pain, tired and the black circles... :) Signs of adrenal weakness ?


not feel good after masturbation
I am 29 years old male and our culture is not to have a girl friend before marriage. But i enjoyed through masturbation but i feel pain in my body specially in my knee and very tired. What should I do to be healthy, active and get rid of pain in my body after masturbation. Some special diet or some medicine.
I shall be very thankful to you for your kind reply.????


What r the reasons of feeling fatigue,chill,fever,leg pain after sex and during sex i feel pain also why?Do i have germs or bacteria?Headache and leg pain is very common.Next day or after some days of sex i feel very heavy fever and pain.


What is the relation between sex orgasm & the knee/leg pain after sex?
* I feel pain in my knees & thighs (like I waked for 10 miles) after having sex.
** I think the amount of pain is proportional to the amount or degree of orgasm gained!


pain in knees and legs during/after masturbating
My legs start paining after 15-20 mins of being erect while stroking lightly. After ejaculating my legs keep paining and I feel week all night and a day. I tend to masturbate ~5 nights/week. Could this be due to a little to much masturbation or should I see a doc for some tests?


Hi, i'm married man and 37 years old. now if i have sex with my partner after 1 week only 1 time then i feel ok but if i have sex next day then i feel stress and pain in my both legs. it's like i have some kind of weakness in my legs. this pain goes after some hours. Don't know , what treatment i need? please help me for any kind of medication. Also i can perform sex more then 1 time in one section.
Kind Regards


Knee and lower leg pain after Sex
I am 34 years old man for the last one year i was feeling pain and dryness on my lower knee and legs ,when ever i have sex  and even normal ejaculation I  experienced  rashes on my lower under knee , i have not STD history and my entire health is ok ,but i have sever allargic to some medcines and feel when it is cold  itches on  some parts of my body specially on the abdomen.
what i am wodering is what is this pain and dryness after sex and ejaculation and alos lack of sleep may happpen some nights and headaches


post ejaculatory symptoms
I am a 52 yr old male. At age 32, I had left epididymitis, which resulted in atrophy of the L testicle. The testicle does not seem to have changed recently.I have been treated for prostatis periodically since that episode.

My current issue involves post- ejaculatory pain & other symptoms. For the past 8 months, I have experienced the following Sx for 5-7 days after ejaculation:
- frequency, dysuria, hesitancy, nocturia
- low grade pain in pelvic area & left testicle.(3-5 on
 a scale of 10)
- low grade nausea
- night sweats, low grade fever
- malaise
- urethral and bladder tenderness to palpation
- at times, the whole pelvis area feels "on fire"

The symptoms seem to resolve after 7-10 days.
I have been through a 30 day course of Levaquin, as well as Flomax. The symptoms resolved by 80% while on the antibiotic, but have since returned. I remain on the Flomax.

This may not be related, but (through a process of elimination) I have found that the symptoms are exacerbated by NSAIDS and aspirin. I have L3-S2 epidural injections for lower back pain q 4-6 months.

CBC is normal, TSH is normal, PSA is low, UA shows a few WBCs, significant RBCs, and epithelial cells. I have been monogamous for 35 years, and RPR/VDRL are neg.


hi doctor
every night i will do masturbating /shagging/self-satisfaction.

next day when i wake up, for entire day, i feel uneasy, laziness and some kind unhealthy condition, i do not feel to work because of this...what is the reason for this?


Lower back pain after ejaculation
Hello. I am a 25 year old male. My girlfriend left me a few months ago , so I have been masturbating a lot recently. Anyways, I have been ejaculating 2-3 times a week. And my lower back tends to ache afterwards. Anyone know why this is? Am I not getting enough exercise? This has never happened before. My penis gets sore after ejaculating a lot, but never my back. Thanks for your help.


Does Ejaculation Reduce The Immune System?
I notice that everytime I ejaculate more than twice a day I tend to get flu in the next morning. So is there any medical explanation for this? I mean you know the sperm contains substances such as protein so if we throw them away a lot then maybe ... you get my point.
Additional Details
Im not saying it slowly kills you. All Im saying is that if we ejaculate too often without some time to replenish it then it will have some effect on our immune system.


My knees and feet go cold after ejaculation?
i always feel something(maybe its cartillege)is coming up from my knees and at the point of ejaculation......i also have a problem of series of cracking sounds from my knees when they r bent..and sometimes when i was about to ejaculate my knees and feet go cold after the release and relaxation.what does that mean...?


 Hi, why do i always feel so cold and weak after ejaculation and so often end up catching a cold ?? ?
tks for replies, i only feel cold and even sometimes close to shivering after i ejaculate, i have went without ejaculating for a period of time and during this i never got a cold so allergies is not the problem, any help much appreciated tks


What are the natural treatments for the weakness after masturbation or sex?
Sir, I am 21 and I wanted to know that whenever I feel sex  , I take out sperm from my penis or I masturbate. After some time of this, I feel very weak and my head and eye began to pain.Sometimes I suffer from cold. So please help me!

(knee pain only)

Pain in knee after ejaculation
every time after ejaculation by the other day I begin feelin a horrible pain in my lwft knee. by the way I masterbate aproximetly every 3 days or more

I need consultation.


I ejaculate alot/too much..... knee pain bladder pain stomach pain?
hello im 19 years old and i have been ejaculating ever since i was 15. and from 15 up until 18 i ejaculated mostly everyday or atleast every other day... now its 3 times a week... and now i have aot of pains like bladder pain stomach pain and ive gotten so skinny... and also i get sick after ejculating now.... so my question is- is all this happening bcause of ejacultating? and will i not be abe to father children later on in life? and will i not erect anymore?


I think i also feel weak after the wet dream or masturbation. I also feel mental weakness, concentration weakness, lack of confidence, lack of energy.
Please tell me how to stop wet dreams without masturbating. I don't want wet dreams as these affect my work and want to get rid of them.
Please help.
Any suggestion would be helpful.

132/ same page

Masturbation side effects ?
asked by: DoctorQuestion on March 8th, 2009
Due to too much Masterbation, I feeling memory weakness,Concentration weakness,depression,low energy level and lack of confidance.
plz tell me the solution.


I have been masterbating regularly since the age of 12. The frequency at which I was masterbating on some days was 4 - 5 times. As I reached the age of 18 this slowed down but I was still masterbating every few days.
I am now 26 and for the last few years I have noticed physical weakness in my legs. At times I feel weakness when I clench my fists. There is also rapid muscle movement in my thigh, fingers, big toes etc - not all the time, every so often. My semen has lightened so much and I have noticed that my Penis whilst resting is becoming more and more floppy. I can still get a full erection but I end up ejaculating within a minute or so. I cannot seem to last a long time. After masterbation I get a burning sensation which lasts a long time on either side of my abdomen and this is becoming the norm. I am trying really hard to stop to the point where I go on for a couple of weeks and then give in to masterbation again.
I've had a general checkup with my GP and all seems fine. I've told GP of the symptoms (but did not mention the masterbation) and after thoroughly checking me out as well as referring me to a neurologist - they could not find anything wrong with me. This then leads me to think it has to be the masterbation. I just don't know what to make of this anymore!

 Foggy Headed after ejaculation
After I ejaculate I feel foggy headed and a loss of energy for about day. I feel normal again after a good night sleep. I have had this condition for many years. I am now 45. Right after I ejaculate I feel as if a chemical being released in my body that travels and pools in my brain, thus causing my foggy head. I feel tired, irritable, and a lack of desire to do anything for that day. Any idea as to my condition and cure?

Why do orgasms make me sneeze?
Lately, every time I ejaculate, I get stuffy headed and start sneezing. My nose gets stopped up, and I have all the symptoms of allergy or hay fever. This lasts maybe 30 min. to an hour, basically a/b the same amount of time it otherwise takes me to get sexually stimulated again, after an orgasm. I've heard that male ejaculation promotes histamine release, but have never seen any evidence that it was sufficient to cause this. Ideas?


Contiunes Fever,acne,headache and fatigue after sexual activity

Sir,i am experiencing heavy fever, fatigue,pain,acne on face problem from many months atleast from 6 to 20 months.
I think that i may have std or sti What do u think that i may have std's or not?This
fever nd fatigue remains constant 24 hours a day and it's very difficult to work and learn.Acne which returns within some days if i do not eat tablets.Actually,i had gay boy friend and we had sex alot.i have ****** him alot and i'm telling u all this so that it will be easily to know that what is my problem?whenever i ****** him my problem increases but he's alright.He has no problem and i have many problems.Do u think that i should not do more sex as my condition is bad?My eyesight has also become more weak then previous times.How can i get rid from this fever and fatigue?is this general disease or std's?What's this?


Is heavy fever,chill,pain normal after sex?I'm feeling daily fever,chill,pain after cuddling  him.When i had fucked him 4 times i was all right but now i have fucked him 7 to 13 times and i have fever or chill or pain problem.He is all right but i'm not why


Foggy Headed after ejaculation
After I ejaculate I feel foggy headed and a loss of energy for about day. I feel normal again after a good night sleep. I have had this condition for many years. I am now 45. Right after I ejaculate I feel as if a chemical being released in my body that travels and pools in my brain, thus causing my foggy head. I feel tired, irritable, and a lack of desire to do anything for that day. Any idea as to my condition and cure?


Hi I am a married 52m, I get a back pain after a couple of hours after intercourse, which does not affect my appetitute at time, but when I do to sleep I get teeth clenching with no noise and I wake up with my chins hurting me. I also wake up with bad appetite and i rather not eat, if i did eat something i will nearly throw up,I feel tired and internal muscles contracted.The situation continues througout the day and I hardly eat, the next day i am normal again.Pls explain what is going on and advise.
Many thanks in advance.


I have a rare problem after ejaculation. For several days after I have a sort of allergy attack to my own body chemistry. Ejaculation is fine with the normal stress relief and pleasure for about an hour. Then I begin to have muscle tightness throughout my entire body, especially my neck. I do not sleep well for several days, have night seats and am very irritable during the days. I do have fibromyalgia and this makes the symptoms 5 times worse. My ex wife had severe PMS and I've got to say my mood swings are similar. This problem is getting worse with time to the point where I am abstaining from giving myself pleasure of ejaculation because I feel awful for as long as 8 days. I have been to several specialists but with no answer. My hormone level is normal. I treat these side effects with nitrazapam but that just allows me to function. This problem also gives me high anxiety and confusion. Does anyone else have a similar problem and does anyone have suggestions.


Fever after Sex?
After having sex with my girlfriend she always get a fever after 2 days
I did all STD tests And Nothing came up
She did too Any ideas??

Constant low grade fever after sex?

Hi I am 24 year male. I am facing very serious problem. I had a constant low grade fever after sex and also having right side testicle pain. I did sex with a girl before 6 months ago and i had a low grade fever from last 6 months. Any body can tell me plz what infection I have?? Doctors not able to help me..
and i am also having sole burning problem.
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2025, 05:10:35 AM »

I've noticed this for years. Shortly after ejaculating, my immune system becomes depressed and I start to catch a sore throat. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes not. Since getting a chipped molar, the effect is even more noticeable. I'm more prone to infection in that tooth and can literally feel the left tonsil starting to swell after ejaculating. It's only ever a problem after ejaculation

Another thing is that for a few days afterwards, I'm less intelligent, less coordinated, have a slower reaction time and feel tired in general. I understand this can be attributed to abnormally high levels of prolactin, but is there another piece of story missing? Could it have something to do with dopamine too?

Does anyone here understand what's going on? Can anyone relate? Any solutions?


that was my question... i kinda feel that masterbation is a drug to me... i have to do it to feel free and relaxed. it surely tires me out and since i'm a teen i do this after school.. i find that i can't concentrate after maturbating and i can't focus at all. pls help...


Why do I get fever after I masturbate?
I am a 19 y/old male from the Philippines. I never had this problem before but it seems like its always happening now. What could be the indications of this? What should I do? should I stop masturbating? I hope you could take time to answer my question.. Thank you…

[Answer :  Long term over masturbation not only decreases the immunity of urogenital system but it causes weakness and loss of immunity in whole body ....
So we recommend you to use Shilajit /i]... ]

Shilajit informations :


Hi, I am 30 years old.  liked to ask, after having sex, I always got a fever, seems like I'm not feeling well. My boyfriend likes to having sex more than an hour, he is quiet hard to get orgasm. What's wrong with my body? Is it normal to having sex as long as we had? ( I was too tired after that:( ). Somebody help me please???


Nausea After Orgasm
It used to happen only once in awhile, but it seems recently that everytime I achieve orgasm I feel nauseated. It doesn't matter if I orgasm because of sex or masturbation--still the same result. Also a new recent thing is after orgasming I instantly become really depressed and feel like i'm going to cry. Has anyone come across this problem or knows what it is?

148/ same link

I've had the same thing for 3 years, ever since I had surgery for an ovarian cyst. I've been to so many doctors about this and no one will help. I feel very depressed. But here's what I found out works for me.

I take an advil[ an hour before sexual activity /color], then, right after having an orgasm, I take an antacid.

This leaves me with absolutely no pain or nausea. Unfortunately, if I forget, or take the pain reliever too soon before sex, or too early, I feel sick for the next few days.

Does anybody know what kind of a doctor could treat this? I'd rather not take painkillers for the rest of my life.


149/ same link

the same....
i have the same problem! well i am only 17. but every time that i hit orgasm, i feel sick to my stomach, i get lightheaded (and a couple times i have actually passed out), i get weak, i sometimes get depressed, but heres the really strange thing.... it takes almost 4 days for me to feel a little better! i dont know what the heck this is! i want to find out....

some people have told me that it could be my blood pressure, some told me that it is my adrenaline still racing.... i dont know! i just want to find an answer so my boyfriend and i can have some sence of relief if it isnt something that i was born with, etc..


feeling sick after masterbating
few weeks ago i masterbated and felt sick afterwards , like dizzy weak,lightheaded ,heart was beating very fast,fekt very hot inside, what do you think it was, i do get panic attacks sometimes, could i have had that ,what was it


Exact same problem, and I have suggestions and leads.

I am now 47, condition started after abstaining from sex for 3 years at age of 34. I read a complete article about 5-6 hormones that are released during orgasm, one of which induces fatigue ... but, mine lasts for 3-4 days!! To me, more satisfying experiences create LESS fatigue. I am also a pre-mature ejaculator, so it is not the physical effort. The frequency of ejaculation does not matter, I often sleep 12 hours after ejaculation. I also discovered that ginger reduces the effect. Also SSRI depression drugs minimize the effect. I have also noticed that encounters which do not result in ejaculation do not cause this fatigue ... at all!!! so I am sure it is due to the hormons released during ejaculation.



after I ejaculate during sex I have feverish symptom, prolong tiredness and weekness to the point that If ihave sex and ejaculate within the next 24 hrs the feelings worsen and I begin to experience some runny nose. A year ago my urine test revealed light trace of blood but a subsequent prostate exam was negative. I also have also been having some recurring low back pain on the left side ( moves from the bottom of the lung area to my hip bones) although xray , an endoscopy and a colonoscopy) have not found anything. I believe that all the symptoms are related.Please help.


The strange thing about my adrenal fatigue symptoms is that it only happens 1-2 days after an orgasm.

The 3-7 days after orgasm I feel good(No chronic fatigue) and can train intensely in hard combat sport in boxing and can manage 2 hours np and socialise but the 1-2 days after orgasm I experience :

Muscle & joint pain
Overall body inflammation
Digestive problems
overall exhaustion
hot & cold symptoms
Feel like sleeping all day dispite having 9-10 hour sleep

Its impossible for me to do the boxing training the 1-2 days after orgasm but walking is ok.

At one point I was sleeping in for 12-14 hours the night after orgasm. This was when POIS was at its worst and the symptoms would last 5-7 days.


I am experiencing the same problem. To get to the point, these are some symptoms that I have had for more than 1 year:

1. I had a fever about 2 days after sex
2. On my third time having sex with the same woman, I could immediatley feel burning/tingling sensation in my thighs, even when I am not sitting down.
3. For first several days, it felt like something was swimming inside my body from my waist to my mid body, my neck, and my head. I also had tingling sensation in my throat.
4. I took antibiotics several times, but it only reduced the fever.
5. I continued to have burning/tingling sensation in my thighs and buttocks, but only when I am sitting down.
6. I tried jock itch spray but it only reduced the symptoms for several days, then the symptoms came back full force.
7. I tried taking salt bath but it only offered brief relief.
8. My infectious disease doctor prescribed me Flagyl, but it only reduced the symptoms for 2-3 days, then the symptoms came back full force.
9. During this time, it felt like some feather duster organism was swimming inside my body. I continued to have burning/tingling sensation in my thighs and buttock.
10. My doctor then prescribed my Acyclovir. I think this was after testing positive for Type I herpes. I tried it for a week then I started having tingling sensation in my upper lip, then a blister came out. Several days later, I started having throbbing nerve pain in my heart, left eye, top of my brain. Eventually, the nerve pain progressed to other parts of body, such as leg, hand, etc.
11. I endured much pain before calling my health insurance directly to have a spinal tap done. I had a very comprehensive blood test and spinal test. I even paid for my own semen test and stool test. Out of all the tests done, ONLY the blood test showed up as being positive for Type 1 Herpes. Spinal tap, stool test, semen test all showed up as negative.
12. My neurologist gave me Indomethacin but it almost killed me so quit taking it after 2 days.
13. I went to a herbal specialist and he prescribed me Ling Zhi. Three days later, all the nerver pains and swimming sensation in my upper body disappeared, even the severe headache.
14. The symptoms came back after a month on Ling Zhi. The headache reduced about 90%.
15. My doctor then prescribed me Nystatin. After two weeks on Nystatin, all prickly nerve pain in my upper body disappeared. My doctor finally concluded that I did not have Herpes because there was no physcial signs of it. I went to many doctors! He also explained that Herpes does not have signs of persistent tingling/burning mucles/nerve pain in the groin, thigh and buttock. Furthermore, if I had herpes in my central nervous system, I would be dead.

16. ***Here are some tests that I have done***
a. eat candy or food with high sugar or cafine
b. eat fruits with high sugar
c. self masturbate
(What do you get when you try the above tests?)

17. Now, all the doctors have sent me home saying that I have NOTHING. On one beautiful day, I made a self discovery which has lead me closer to a cure. The intense and persistent buring/tingling sensation in my thighs and buttock are 85% gone. It has now been 1 1/2 years.

Do you want to know the answer?

155/ (woman)

After you have sex, are you supposed to feel sick?
I'm a female and me and me bf didnt use proctection but we didnt insert his you know wat into my you know wat. Like one minute after i felt immediatly sick and the days after im still feeling very tired, dizzy, not able too eat, backache, ect. Does this mean i'm pregnant? And could have the pre-ejaculation made its way up there? I'm very worried and were not emotionally ready for a child.

1min => step 1
several days => step 2


On the other hand, for 3-5 days after ejaculating, i would feel so weak, so vulnerable around other people, and get into these funks where, i felt i had no purpose in life, just utter lack of motivation. So, after some searching around i found this site, and the concept of retention.


What Might Cause Fatigue The Day After Sex?
QUESTION: My wife and I have sex once or twice a week. For the past few years, we’ve both been getting extremely tired after sex. It makes us feel as though we’re unable to carry out our daily work efficiently the next day. What can we do to overcome this?


pain the day after orgasm
I am asking this question on behalf of my daughter. She is 33, and has had 2 children. A year ago she had a laparoscopic examination for abdominal pain and an adhesion was cut which solved the problem. For the last 6 months she has had pain in her legs and abdominal area the day after experiencing orgasm. This happens whether or not there is intercourse. There is no pain at the time. 3 Ibuprofen can alleviate the pain, but she is concerned at this level of medication. Her gynecologist has recommended a hysterectomy as the only cure as he believes the problem is in stretched ligaments. We hope that someone may have an alternative suggestion.


Hi, I'm 26 years old and believe I have a major problem when it comes to masterbating and sex which I hope someone here can help me with.

As long as I can remember back right after masterbation I've become overly tired, grumpy, emotional, even depressed to the point where I cannot function properly and I become a different person. I've found it to take generally 3 to 4 days before I can get my physical energy level back to normal. This also happens when I have sex. Normally, it happens 20 minutes after I ejaculate. I fall into this routine over and over again. Ejaculation equals over all bodily weakness for me for a few days.
It affects my body and screws up my emotions for a few days... My energy, how I'm able to focus and I also become slower and much weaker PHYSICALLY.

Now, I love sex as much as the next fella, but sometimes I've had to put it off knowing I need to focus the next day and be on top of my game, so I better not have sex or masterbate Because I know that I will have to pay the price if I do.

160/ Same topic

Hi i experience exactly the same thing as what you described. have you found any solutions??

161/ Same topic

I'm so glad I found this topic. Finally, someone who can relate to my own problem instead of convincing me that I'm just having trouble to accept my sexuality! This information is really helpful to me.


I am 67 years of age and female. I have a history of diabete. and high blood pressure. When I have sex with my husband, I have this burning pain in my feet. It is unbearable and sometime I have to stop the action. It does not hurt in the vagina, but the motion causes that reaction in my feet. Afterwards the sensation has been in feet for several days. Is it that something is wrong with my vagina or is a nervous condition? Please help me I don't know how much longer I can take this. Thank you. Dorothy


Tired after ejaculation and the day after?
I am 15year old boy. I started masturbating 6months ago.I feel very tired after masturbating.I really want to know if it is normal to feel tired and sleepy the DAY AFTER!!! masturbating.See this is my big problem because i masturbate everyday Only once before going to bed and i feel extremley tired and weak at school and i would want to go to sleep. Could you guys tell me if i need medical treatment or is there something wrong with me???? This is very important to me because my friends keep telling me that i look really tired.


I just discovered that I have very rare syndrom (some call it Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome). After I ejaculate I have brain fog, I feel mentally and physically exhausted for a week or longer and if i don’t prevent myself from masturbating I will constantly have brain fogness, low energy, tongue tied… How did I discover this? Ever since I started masturbating (5th grade) I’ve been living a life in confusion. Now I’m 22 and last spring I started experimenting – trying not to masturbate for as longer as possible. After 2 weeks without it, I felt that energy was built up and I had incredible drive to do things, think clearly, talk to ppl easily. I simply felt normal. And I can destroy that collected energy with 1or 2 masturbations. Later I heard that Eastern Philosophies talk about connection between energy and masturbation. The worst thing is that I’m an artist and I can’t do good artwork after I masturbate. I think that my condition ruined my life and I’ve never had a girlfriend.


About two hours after I have an orgasm, I get a stuffy nose and a headache. I then feel like I'm living in a haze for the next week or so. I have problems concentrating and remembering things, and I get real irritable, until in about two weeks I'm back to normal again. The doctor says I have "Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome". Her solution to my problem is for me to abstain from sex.
She says that I shouldn't engage in any form of sexual activity to avoid any form of arousal unless I just want to deal with the "hangover" afterwards. This hangover can be quite debilitating, especially if I need my brain to be halfway reliable.
Anyone else heard of this and know of anything I can do to curtail these symptoms and have a normal sex-life?


I have severe pain running down the backs of both legs (from my sitting bones down hamstrings) & knees after having sex. When I sit, it's dull & not as bad, but when I'm up it is awful! It starts within minutes of finishing sex and lasts at least half a day. Have never had this problem before. I am pregnant if that makes any difference, but haven't had this issue with past pregnancies. It's taking the fun out of having sex with my husband. Is there anything I can do to avoid or at least ease the pain?


I am 22 and I also have this problem where I feel tired/weak/lazy/down/upset/sad for about 1 week after sex and this definately affects my workout routines, the way I talk to people, the way I dress, and the way I act around people. It's horrible especially when your gf wants sex all the time. It also sucks b/c as you people said, it feels like you're missing out on life. Like I want to sleep around with other girls too you know.
I have not found out what works. The only thing I found out is abstaining from both masterbation and sex, that's all. That's the only thing which makes me happy, feel strong, active, smart, dress well, look good, etc.


Weakness after masturbation?
i am 18, i feel week after masturbation and feel tired and feverish for 2 days after that i find it difficult 2 concentrate and have a boggeled mind
how 2 recover ? is it normal?
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Old cases reported in the naked scientist forum
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2025, 05:11:30 AM »

About two hours after I have an orgasm, I get a stuffy nose and a headache. I then feel like I'm living in a haze for the next week or so. I have problems concentrating and remembering things, and I get real irritable, until in about two weeks I'm back to normal again. The doctor says I have "Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome". Her solution to my problem is for me to abstain from sex.

She says that I shouldn't engage in any form of sexual activity to avoid any form of arousal unless I just want to deal with the "hangover" afterwards. This hangover can be quite debilitating, especially if I need my brain to be halfway reliable.


I feel weak and tired for 2-3 days after ejaculation?
If I have sexual activity without ejaculation I feel fine so it has nothing to do with position or the energy expended in the sex act.

What should I do? I take a general vitamin everyday but it doesn't help.


Fariha ... your symptoms are really right... i am really not able to concentrate on my studies and my life is becoming miserable day by day.. absent mindedness is killing me and i am suffering a lot.. can u suggest me something to come out this mess tht i have made out of myself


Question about being feverish after an orgasm
I've been in a serious relationship for a while and we've recently started having sex. The problem is I feel really sick afterwards (not 'disgusting' sick) but I feel like a switch has been turned on somewhere and I suddenly develop a flu immediately after getting an orgasm. I get muscle aches, my joints ache and I get high fever which won't go away until days afterwards. It doesn't happen every single time I orgasm but it's happened 3 times already and it has me worried. I enjoy sex but sometimes knowing that I'd possibly feel horrible afterwards makes me not want to do it. Does anyone else feel the same way I do after sex?


I get sick when I masturbate.?
Plz only answer if youre going to serious and KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT!!! Every time I masturbate I get gas, aches, diarrhea, somtimes I get hot, headaches and sweaty. I'm 15.


Sick feeling after masturbating?
Almost every time I masturbate I feel sick afterwards. I will get a headache and feel really nauseous. I thought maybe I was doing it too fast so I started making it last longer before I came but it didn't help any. It isn't EVERY time, but about 80% of the time it happens. Does this happen to anyone else? or do you know why it would be happening?


Tired after ejaculation or sex
i've been masturbating since i was 10 and i'm 23 now so that makes 13 years straight. i started having problems lately, whenever i ejaculate or have sex i will get extremely tired and weak, i mean really really weak - my joints will ache all day and it is like the ejaculating ruins my whole day and even the days after when i will feel also somehow weak. it only betters after a weak of abstinence but when i ejaculate i feel anxious and disharmoniously unhappy so that makes me masturbate even more it's so ugly! i am not a doctor but i consider myself smart enough to understand that there is something wrong with my hormones, perhaps i'm testosterone defficient ? i don't suffer weak erections but i ejaculate very fast.
thank you in advance

I have found your information great, thanks. I have also been getting some benefit from maca powder.
However, I notice that after sex and I ejaculate, I feel really weak and tired.
I lose my sexual power for days, and my genitals get cold.
Also my heart feels weak, and it races.
I am 46 years old.
Are these symptoms of deficient testosterone and elevated estrogen levels?


Joint Pain & Fever After Ejaculation
Thank you for taking the time to read and answer my question.  For the past few years, when I ejaculate (whether through intercourse or masturbation), I have been noticing some pain in my knees and lower back.  I am relatively sure it doesn't happen each time but it happens more than enough for it to be a problem.  The pain isn't enough to prevent me from any activity but it is definitely uncomfortable.  The pain lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to around an hour.
A few weeks back, a light bulb went off in my head and I realized the pain felt similar to the body aches I had when I was sick.  I decided to take my temperature and it was 99.6 degrees.  This appears to be a trend as I have taken my temperature several other times when I'm feeling these aches after ejaculation and it is always in the 99-100 degree range.
Is it normal for someone to experience a fever and the body aches associated with a fever after ejaculation?  I have searched around the Internet and I haven't seen any other postings about these symptoms.  If it is not normal, could it be a possible sign of something more serious?  What do you suggest I do?


post ejaculatory symptoms
am a 52 yr old male. At age 32, I had left epididymitis, which resulted in atrophy of the L testicle. The testicle does not seem to have changed recently.I have been treated for prostatis periodically since that episode.

My current issue involves post- ejaculatory pain & other symptoms. For the past 8 months, I have experienced the following Sx for 5-7 days after ejaculation:
- frequency, dysuria, hesitancy, nocturia
- low grade pain in pelvic area & left testicle.(3-5 on
 a scale of 10)
- low grade nausea
- night sweats, low grade fever
- malaise
- urethral and bladder tenderness to palpation
- at times, the whole pelvis area feels "on fire"

The symptoms seem to resolve after 7-10 days.
I have been through a 30 day course of Levaquin, as well as Flomax. The symptoms resolved by 80% while on the antibiotic, but have since returned. I remain on the Flomax.

This may not be related, but (through a process of elimination) I have found that the symptoms are exacerbated by NSAIDS and aspirin. I have L3-S2 epidural injections for lower back pain q 4-6 months.

CBC is normal, TSH is normal, PSA is low, UA shows a few WBCs, significant RBCs, and epithelial cells. I have been monogamous for 35 years, and RPR/VDRL are neg.


My husband swears he has this.. or hes allergic to me.. He gets sick every time we have sex. also when he jacks off.. he gets a coongested head and gets very very snotty... and drained of energy... Any one elese???? Or am i the only 1 with a weird husband?? If it helps my husband is bipolar

High concentration of catecholamines is present in sperm :

"In conclusion, noradrenaline and DOPA are present in human semen at concentrations that are much higher than maximal normal values in plasma."

Noradrenaline : 19 times more than concentration in plasma
Dopa : 2 times


Ever since those days, though, I've suffered from post-orgasmic illness syndrome. It is a living hell. After ejaculating, I feel hot, have hot flashes, feel nearly retarded, have flulike chills and body aches and break out in a terrible rash. Oh, and extreme, extreme fatigue.

Now, even before I ever did a cycle, I experienced symptoms after orgasm, but most of them were mental, like fatigue and foggy head. Some hot flashes. But nothing like this.

I'm not even blaming the roads, but I do notice that my symptoms seem to have gotten worse after doing them.

Bud, that's part of the problem, I've gone to multiple docs and they all act like I'm crazy. They've tested my test levels and they're normal, and simply want to put me on an antidepressant, even though I'm not depressed, only very fatigued after sex. I've recently decided I have to find a solution to this on my own because I get no help elsewhere.


I enter depersonalization/depression/anxiety for days after ejaculating. What the hell is wrong with me?

Who would I go to see about this specifically? What is this indicative of (maybe low testosterone and my body can't make enough to keep up/replace it? but I don't have a squeaky high voice, I do have body hair, etc. Or perhaps something dealing with the dopamine/serotonin/other chemicals that are released...)? I'm not sure how ejaculating from frequent sex would turn out, as I quite frankly haven't gotten any lately, but this is honestly ruining my life at this point. I don't want to have to live my life like a neutered monk or only ejaculate once every week or two weeks tops (it doesn't seem AS bad at that frequency) to ensure I don't have a meltdown. I can hold off in the meantime, but that seems neither like a happy nor long-term solution with a partner in the future.

I know it's normal to feel a little tired or low after ejaculating, but this is far from that. I literally get horrendous depersonalization, social anxiety, clouded thoughts, incoherent speech that does not feel like my own, lack of motivation, warped judgment, emptiness, you name it -- for DAYS. In short, I totally lose my "self." Is there a such thing as a sex doctor who can treat this kind of crap? Any serious replies are welcome. I'm desperate because I've now realized it's a serious, life-altering problem that fundamentally changes who I am and makes it a hell of a job to function and socialize at even a basic level.

P.S. As far as "talk to a doctor," I actually have no health insurance currently (getting it in October) so I was coming here for starters to see if anyone knew what this specifically sounded like. Also, I'm not religious or anything that would make this merely some sort of severe guilt issue with watching porn. I've additionally tried masturbating (to porn, yes) WITHOUT climaxing, and none of this happens, suggesting it may strictly be an issue with ejaculation and its associated chemicals.

I know the relationship with sex and DP has probably been discussed, but I will love you forever if you have any specific leads, info, or personal experiences with the specific problem I'm talking about. Thank you all in advance.
Taurine = Anti-Pois