So, I went to the analyphylaxic clinician during what was quite an eventful week for me. She diagnosed me with pois!
She had never come across anyone with pois before but seemed reasonably open minded which was quite refreshing. To make the diagnosis, she simply went through Waldinger's criteria. So, after 40 years of pois symptoms which includes 20 years of asking my GP for a referral I have finally been diagnosed.
treatment - antihistamines
For treatment, she recommended I take the antihistamine Fexofenadine Hydrochloride 180mg which I have taken before. She wants me to take it more frequently, she recommended every day, twice per day if necessary. Previously, I've found antihistamines reduce my sypmtoms by about 50% but they can make me feel slightly groggy. I'm cautious about all meds so I will take a little time out to consider her recommendation.
She also referred me to to a Urologist.
Overall, it was a positive appointment.