Author Topic: Semelparity vs Iteroparity  (Read 5937 times)


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Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« on: April 04, 2024, 11:09:54 AM »
A possibility for POIS may be that us humans exist on a spectrum with semelparity at one end and iteroparity on the other hand.
Semelparity means death from reproduction or suicidal reproduction.
it is a strategy where the organism sacrifices the body and puts all resources into reproduction. This would be the decreased level of fitness we all experience after orgasm (reproduction). All of our symptoms may just be because our body is investing everything into reproduction.

here is a paper I read


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Re: Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2024, 02:59:23 PM »
High density and nutrient limitation stopped meiotic division in O. dioica.

I find that intake of all animal products greatly increases the chances that I'll have a wet dream. This means all meats, cheeses, eggs. I also find that fruits like tomatoes and avocadoes also trigger POIS as well as vegetables like spinach and cauliflower. There are more but I find that if I eat anything more than grains, I'll be sure to have a wet dream.

It seems that Nutrition allows our bodies to manufacture semen and thus even if we are abstinent, our bodies will expel the semen in our sleep.

It seems that Empty calories, food devoid of any nutrition is the ideal food for POISers.

I have identified Flour as well as sugar to be most devoid of calories and to be considered empty calories. I do not include canola oil since although it is an empty calorie (devoid of nutrition), it is 100% fat and fats I find precipitate manufacture of semen.

Essentially a diet devoid of nutrition and being 100 percent carbohydrate.
Funnily enough All purpose flour is 85 percent carbs and 15 percent protein while cake flour is 89% carbs and 11% protein. These are all priced the same and are extremely affordable.

Gluten free flour I've found ranges from 91-97% Carbohydrates with the remainder being protein from gluten.

Sugar is perfect since it has zero nutrition and it is 100 percent carbohydrates. unfortunately it is sucrose, thus 50 percent glucose and 50 percent fructose. I read that fructose is metabolized by the liver and it can cause liver disease.

Mostly I am living on White bread with the crusts cut off.


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Re: Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2024, 07:09:33 PM »
High density and nutrient limitation stopped meiotic division in O. dioica.

I find that intake of all animal products greatly increases the chances that I'll have a wet dream. This means all meats, cheeses, eggs. I also find that fruits like tomatoes and avocadoes also trigger POIS as well as vegetables like spinach and cauliflower. There are more but I find that if I eat anything more than grains, I'll be sure to have a wet dream.

It seems that Nutrition allows our bodies to manufacture semen and thus even if we are abstinent, our bodies will expel the semen in our sleep.

It seems that Empty calories, food devoid of any nutrition is the ideal food for POISers.

I have identified Flour as well as sugar to be most devoid of calories and to be considered empty calories. I do not include canola oil since although it is an empty calorie (devoid of nutrition), it is 100% fat and fats I find precipitate manufacture of semen.

Essentially a diet devoid of nutrition and being 100 percent carbohydrate.
Funnily enough All purpose flour is 85 percent carbs and 15 percent protein while cake flour is 89% carbs and 11% protein. These are all priced the same and are extremely affordable.

Gluten free flour I've found ranges from 91-97% Carbohydrates with the remainder being protein from gluten.

Sugar is perfect since it has zero nutrition and it is 100 percent carbohydrates. unfortunately it is sucrose, thus 50 percent glucose and 50 percent fructose. I read that fructose is metabolized by the liver and it can cause liver disease.

Mostly I am living on White bread with the crusts cut off.

It's well documented in many mystical traditions that animal-foods increase libido, which is why many monasteries actually stay away from it apart from ethical reasons as well, as the increased libido is a distraction. Reducing foods that increase libido is a good idea if you feel like you have to abstain until you find something that works well for you medicinal/supplemental wise.

The idea of going on a diet devoid of nutrition is absurd though. This is basically long-term suicide. Your symptoms will only become worst. You health will degrade even further than what it's currently at. You have a lot of options to explore in terms of potential solutions which could give your life back. I really don't think going on a diet devoid of nutrients is a wise one in the slightest, even if it means reducing your libido.

If your focus is on reducing libido to 0, I would focus on cutting those foods known to stimulate it, and physically exhaust yourself daily doing work of some kind. By the time you come home and go to bed, you will be too exhausted to think or desire anything sexual. You can also restrict carbohydrates to some degree, it's well known that low carbohydrate diets nuke the libido.

You could do something like this:
- Low carb
- Physically exhaust daily working towards something
- Stay away from foods known to stimulate libido ie., heavy foods like meat and eggs
- Eat pescatarian inc. large variety of vegetables, fish, and other vegetarian foods

That way you would reduce libido significantly while maintaining relatively good health

I'm not a doctor so none of this is medical advice. Just my ideas and from one POISer to another, I know how much it fuckin sucks, so I can understand your line of thinking. From everything I've learnt about improving POIS symptoms, degrading your health further through a diet devoid of nutrients just isn't the way.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2024, 07:15:21 PM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
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Re: Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2024, 07:38:44 PM »
Hi Warrior.
I can't take any supplements because if I do I get horny. It's fine because I can just ignore it but when I go to sleep, I get a wet dream. For example, orange juice. harmless enough but 1 cup has enough 67% of RDA and if I take two cups of orange juice, I'll get really horny and then wake up with a wet dream.

If I take Vitamin D, I get horny and get a wet dream. Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium. Literally all of these vitamins and minerals give me wet dreams.

Why is a diet devoid of nutrition bad? I am fully grown, about to turn 21. My body is entirely developed which is why it sees fit to be 'reproducing' all the time. It is my excess nutrition which allows my body to manufacture semen. By preventing excess, I can stop my wet dreams.

I was on a ketogenic diet when I was young (6 years old) for about 6 months to treat my epilepsy. I don't have seizures anymore but the diet made me very fat. I'm still overweight BMI 25-26.

Exercise is funny because exercise in fact gives me wet dreams. All forms of strenuous exercise gives me wet dreams. I believe the rise in testosterone from physical activity makes my body manufacture semen. This is why I eschew exercise even though I don't want to. I'm more afraid of wet dreams. so for example if I do pushups, then I'll have a wet dream.

Only eating bread and jam actually improve my health. because the single thing ruining my health is ejaculation right now. Ejaculation suppresses my immune system and I get sick right away. I hate being sick all the time as a result of ejaculation.

I hate ejaculating so much


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Re: Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2024, 01:17:43 AM »
Why is a diet devoid of nutrition bad? I am fully grown, about to turn 21. My body is entirely developed which is why it sees fit to be 'reproducing' all the time.

Come on man, think it through. You literally can't live without nutrients. This just isn't a long-term viable solution. Maybe in the short-term by reducing nutritious food this reduces your libido, but your libido won't be the only thing checking out long-term...

The whole point of this is so you can be happier, right? I can assure you that over time as you develop more nutrient deficiencies, your happiness will degrade significantly. Your brain literally requires B vitamins and all sorts of minerals and nutrients to manufacture neurotransmitters, including serotonin, the feel-good hormone.

That "state" that you experience when you abstain for a few days - it only feels good because your body has actual nutrients to produce the correct hormones, mood etc and to also recover from the POIS state. Once you run out of these nutrients, you will really begin to feel the negative effects, especially on your mood (even outside of POIS) and on POIS recovery.

I can tell you from one POISer to another, the thing that has improved my POIS the most is actually doing the opposite of what you are thinking of doing. Replenishing nutrient deficiencies has fixed about 99% of my symptoms. I still get some symptoms from food, but I'm feeling very optimistic that if I can give the body what it needs, things will continue improving.

Why don't you try what I suggested earlier to reduce libido? Low-carb, pescetarian or vegetarian, stay away from "heavy" foods like red meat/eggs, and maybe do work that is physically or mentally exhausting so that your body doesn't have the time or energy to think about sex. That last point is what a lot of what people in the semen retention community do. You can also try sexual energy transmutation practices like pranyama and breathwork to move the sexual energy away from the crotch area.

I abstained off and on for years, but admittedly did not run into the wet dream problem. But I understand very clearly the frustration. I just don't think restricting nutrition in the way you're talking about is smart. I really wonder if you undertook the regime I spoke about above, if this would reduce your wet dreams.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2024, 01:21:55 AM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
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Re: Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2024, 08:41:30 PM »
Why is a diet devoid of nutrition bad? I am fully grown, about to turn 21. My body is entirely developed which is why it sees fit to be 'reproducing' all the time.

Come on man, think it through. You literally can't live without nutrients. This just isn't a long-term viable solution. Maybe in the short-term by reducing nutritious food this reduces your libido, but your libido won't be the only thing checking out long-term...

The whole point of this is so you can be happier, right? I can assure you that over time as you develop more nutrient deficiencies, your happiness will degrade significantly. Your brain literally requires B vitamins and all sorts of minerals and nutrients to manufacture neurotransmitters, including serotonin, the feel-good hormone.

That "state" that you experience when you abstain for a few days - it only feels good because your body has actual nutrients to produce the correct hormones, mood etc and to also recover from the POIS state. Once you run out of these nutrients, you will really begin to feel the negative effects, especially on your mood (even outside of POIS) and on POIS recovery.

I can tell you from one POISer to another, the thing that has improved my POIS the most is actually doing the opposite of what you are thinking of doing. Replenishing nutrient deficiencies has fixed about 99% of my symptoms. I still get some symptoms from food, but I'm feeling very optimistic that if I can give the body what it needs, things will continue improving.

Why don't you try what I suggested earlier to reduce libido? Low-carb, pescetarian or vegetarian, stay away from "heavy" foods like red meat/eggs, and maybe do work that is physically or mentally exhausting so that your body doesn't have the time or energy to think about sex. That last point is what a lot of what people in the semen retention community do. You can also try sexual energy transmutation practices like pranyama and breathwork to move the sexual energy away from the crotch area.

I abstained off and on for years, but admittedly did not run into the wet dream problem. But I understand very clearly the frustration. I just don't think restricting nutrition in the way you're talking about is smart. I really wonder if you undertook the regime I spoke about above, if this would reduce your wet dreams.

Hey Warrior, do you have wet dreams on your low carb diet? How many ejaculations do you get per month


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Re: Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2024, 07:39:36 PM »
All right now I'm quite sure that POIS is merely the manifestation of semelparity. Semelparity evolves from Iteroparity.

Essentially reproduction is an enormously expensive act. This is most easily seen in the female whereby pregnancy wrecks women.

Essentially an ejaculation = pregnancy for men. Every time a man ejaculates, he is reproducing.

In the Current world, we are moving towards a life history based on our environment, towards semelparity or reproductive suicide.

The biggest problem for semelparous species is the disposability of soma upon reproduction. Essentially salmon. Salmon die upon reproduction. Their immune system collapses and there is no one to raise their young.

In the Western World, we have created the most comprehensive and sophisticated healthcare system in the world. And it is universal and free.

With the education system, we need not raise our own young, from a very young age, they are taken care of by institutions such as the K-12 Education system.

Eventually I forsee a world whereby human males will only ejaculate once in their lives before dying. The issue is that this strategy can only work if sophisticated governmental institutions are in place.

Semelparous males cannot provide care for their young thus someone else must do it for them.

I believe that individuals that suffer from POIS are simply the next step in human evolution, towards semelparity.

Whether this is intentional or not, I do not know however the advantage for semelparous humans grows by the day.

An environment rife with infectious disease will favor iteroparous males while an environment with non-existent disease and low fertility will benefit semelparous males.

Considering humans, males are broadly semelparous, while females are more iteroparous, considering that our society is increasingly valuing semelparity, it is no wonder that feminism and gender equality is coming into play, for women must be raised to the same standards as men. the same semelparous standards.

Removal of Infant mortality has been the biggest boon for semelparous females, as iteroparous females can birth child after child, and it will take not as much effort as it would a semelparous female.

And consequently Infant mortality has fallen to almost nothing.


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Re: Semelparity vs Iteroparity
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2024, 07:53:55 PM »
All right now I'm quite sure that POIS is merely the manifestation of semelparity. Semelparity evolves from Iteroparity.

Essentially reproduction is an enormously expensive act. This is most easily seen in the female whereby pregnancy wrecks women.

Essentially an ejaculation = pregnancy for men. Every time a man ejaculates, he is reproducing.

In the Current world, we are moving towards a life history based on our environment, towards semelparity or reproductive suicide.

The biggest problem for semelparous species is the disposability of soma upon reproduction. Essentially salmon. Salmon die upon reproduction. Their immune system collapses and there is no one to raise their young.

In the Western World, we have created the most comprehensive and sophisticated healthcare system in the world. And it is universal and free.

With the education system, we need not raise our own young, from a very young age, they are taken care of by institutions such as the K-12 Education system.

Eventually I forsee a world whereby human males will only ejaculate once in their lives before dying. The issue is that this strategy can only work if sophisticated governmental institutions are in place.

Semelparous males cannot provide care for their young thus someone else must do it for them.

I believe that individuals that suffer from POIS are simply the next step in human evolution, towards semelparity.

Whether this is intentional or not, I do not know however the advantage for semelparous humans grows by the day.

An environment rife with infectious disease will favor iteroparous males while an environment with non-existent disease and low fertility will benefit semelparous males.

Considering humans, males are broadly semelparous, while females are more iteroparous, considering that our society is increasingly valuing semelparity, it is no wonder that feminism and gender equality is coming into play, for women must be raised to the same standards as men. the same semelparous standards.

Removal of Infant mortality has been the biggest boon for semelparous females, as iteroparous females can birth child after child, and it will take not as much effort as it would a semelparous female.

And consequently Infant mortality has fallen to almost nothing.

You have some absolutely ridiculous ideas
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
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