Author Topic: No POIS symptoms, more benefits after this simple Supplement.  (Read 1723 times)

Mr Raba

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I wanted to share with you all the curious case of Ener-C.    Something I did not expect to have such an effect on multiple fronts.
I have tried it on and off several times now trying to figure out how best to use it. 

I would like to thank Muon for his post referenced below, which includes a link that led me to try it:

Summary: It gives me a dry O with no POIS symptoms.  I do not seem to be able to have the expected big squirt that comes with O, or an energy loss.  However if keep on and on trying to, I will get more of an O.  But it takes a lot. But do not go thinking it is impossible to have one.   The CNS feels like it is having an O, but less intense, like a partial systems only O.  Mostly dry.  I can fully please my wife for a long time and have some fun in the process myself with not price to pay.    I found that I need to take it only every other day since it revs me up too much otherwise (CNS).  I found however that if have an actual O (when skipping  Ener-C)  in the 3 day span since last dry O, It hits like if had two  real Os in that span.  Not quite as strong, but maybe halfway there.  So give yourself some distance if you plan to have a wet O. 


This might bring some relief to many folks. Having the option of having dry Os.

I take only 1/2 a pack at about 11:00 AM.  Not every day.  I do not take it on day 1, 2, or 3 of a normal O (non Dry), it feels like it pushes/revs my system too much. 

After the dry O, I feel sleepy, but after resting for 15 or so minutes, I I have lots of energy.  Body and mind working very well, positive, optimistic.  Feel strong, capable, life is good…

It has multiple unexpected benefits:

Reduces high sugar, Surprisingly it regulates sugar rather well.
Reduces POTS significantly
Less or no  need to lie down after meals
NO social anxieties whatsoever
Drastically reduces or eliminates sensitivities to odors like paint, rubber, moldy environments.  In sum a big effect on sensitivities. 


The big mystery so far is what is causing all these benefits.  What is the mechanism?
I have tried scores of sophisticated supplements, but this store bought, old timer is doing so much. 

Some thoughts:

A possibility is Iodine.  it has a good quantity.  The symptoms of low Iodine overlap POIS symptoms. 

It could be that Iodine helps or the synergistic effect of everything (most likely reason).  Low Iodine is associated with fatigue, low heart rate, weakness, concentration and memory issues, hair loss, dry skin, feeling cold. The thyroid needs Iodine.


It could also have something to do with Methyl Folate.

Or the synergistic effect of the whole combo as previously mentioned. 

I think it also does something to my gut, digestion.  Since after eating, I see things brighter, do not feel lethargic, etc.   I do not think it is just  the vit C.    I have taken lots of ascorbic acid and tried other forms throughout the years.  Nothing like this.   Could it be doing something to sensitivities of all kinds?.  Since it affects so many things that Mast Cell Activation is associated with, maybe it has an effect via that pathway. 

Again, if you try it start slow until you know how you react.  A full pack is too much for me.  I take 1/2 a pack a day when I do, and I am trying every other day this weekend. 

Let us know if you try it how it goes please. 
« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 10:31:52 PM by Mr Raba »
Simultaneous onset of CFS and POIS since Feb 1993. Married since 1989.

Helped by Immunocal (I explained how to take in previous posts).  Some relief on day one and day two.  It affects neurotransmitters.


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Re: No POIS symptoms, more benefits after this simple Supplement.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2024, 12:54:22 AM »
The body is incredibly complex, but if I had to take a guess of how this is helping, I would put it under methylation support. Altho, I am not sure about what is causing dry O, and there's obviously a good chance it has to do with that.

This is essentially a B-complex and mineral complex combined. B complex will directly support methylation mostly through the methyl donors of B12, folate, and B6. Many of these minerals also help to support the methylation process.

I think minerals are under-valued when it comes to supporting methylation, so the fact that this also includes minerals is a huge bonus.
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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Re: No POIS symptoms, more benefits after this simple Supplement.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2024, 08:32:38 AM »
Proper link:

It contains a lot of ascorbate forms. I have tried ascorbate acid, calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate but I don’t get the impression they are doing anything. Never heard of chromium ascorbate or zinc ascorbate though. Perhaps the non-medicinal ingredients are doing anything?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2024, 08:47:01 AM by Muon »


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Re: No POIS symptoms, more benefits after this simple Supplement.
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2024, 10:46:10 AM »
I wanted to share with you all the curious case of Ener-C.    Something I did not expect to have such an effect on multiple fronts.
I have tried it on and off several times now trying to figure out how best to use it. 

I would like to thank Muon for his post referenced below, which includes a link that led me to try it:

Summary: It gives me a dry O with no POIS symptoms.  I do not seem to be able to have the expected big squirt that comes with O, or an energy loss.  However if keep on and on trying to, I will get more of an O.  But it takes a lot. But do not go thinking it is impossible to have one.   The CNS feels like it is having an O, but less intense, like a partial systems only O.  Mostly dry.  I can fully please my wife for a long time and have some fun in the process myself with not price to pay.    I found that I need to take it only every other day since it revs me up too much otherwise (CNS).  I found however that if have an actual O (when skipping  Ener-C)  in the 3 day span since last dry O, It hits like if had two  real Os in that span.  Not quite as strong, but maybe halfway there.  So give yourself some distance if you plan to have a wet O. 


This might bring some relief to many folks. Having the option of having dry Os.

I take only 1/2 a pack at about 11:00 AM.  Not every day.  I do not take it on day 1, 2, or 3 of a normal O (non Dry), it feels like it pushes/revs my system too much. 

After the dry O, I feel sleepy, but after resting for 15 or so minutes, I I have lots of energy.  Body and mind working very well, positive, optimistic.  Feel strong, capable, life is good…

It has multiple unexpected benefits:

Reduces high sugar, Surprisingly it regulates sugar rather well.
Reduces POTS significantly
Less or no  need to lie down after meals
NO social anxieties whatsoever
Drastically reduces or eliminates sensitivities to odors like paint, rubber, moldy environments.  In sum a big effect on sensitivities. 


The big mystery so far is what is causing all these benefits.  What is the mechanism?
I have tried scores of sophisticated supplements, but this store bought, old timer is doing so much. 

Some thoughts:

A possibility is Iodine.  it has a good quantity.  The symptoms of low Iodine overlap POIS symptoms. 

It could be that Iodine helps or the synergistic effect of everything (most likely reason).  Low Iodine is associated with fatigue, low heart rate, weakness, concentration and memory issues, hair loss, dry skin, feeling cold. The thyroid needs Iodine.


It could also have something to do with Methyl Folate.

Or the synergistic effect of the whole combo as previously mentioned. 

I think it also does something to my gut, digestion.  Since after eating, I see things brighter, do not feel lethargic, etc.   I do not think it is just  the vit C.    I have taken lots of ascorbic acid and tried other forms throughout the years.  Nothing like this.   Could it be doing something to sensitivities of all kinds?.  Since it affects so many things that Mast Cell Activation is associated with, maybe it has an effect via that pathway. 

Again, if you try it start slow until you know how you react.  A full pack is too much for me.  I take 1/2 a pack a day when I do, and I am trying every other day this weekend. 

Let us know if you try it how it goes please.

Do you you specifically take the one with the passionfruit flavour? Do you think the flavour makes any difference?
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.


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Re: No POIS symptoms, more benefits after this simple Supplement.
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2024, 06:39:15 PM »
Intresting Mr raba, it acts like silodison on you.
When i did so this post  on reddit i imidiate go to buy ener c to test but no this product
avaluable in my country.
Since then i wonder what ingredient is specific for this suscess?
Zinc ascorbate? Calcium ascorbate? Some herbs ingredients in botom?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2024, 06:43:30 PM by Hopeoneday »