Author Topic: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.  (Read 6965 times)


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Hello everyone.

I'm male and in my twenties. I have this struggle since puberty, so that makes it about 15 years. I have flu like symptopms, fatique etc. on a physical level and also asperger like symptoms really when I have a pois episode that usually last a week.

Looking back, luckily I picked up 2 things subconciously when I was younger that helped me a lot:
1. Exercise in the morning helps me. 2. Eggs for breakfast help me.
I didn't do that every day as I didn't fully make the connection or I was too tired in the first few days, but often I did and it helped me get out of an pois episode quicker.
In my 20's I learned about pois and was so taken a back that I'm not the only one who experiences this issue after orgasm. In the beginning with the little money I had I started buying one supplement every other month but focused more on eating healthy i.e. buying healthy foods when I moved out.
I tried zink. Also bought niacin (in the form of tablets with flush effect) for the first time. But those did not help. Actually zink might have helped to shorten it by a day or two. But no major progress.

Then I learned that I also get pois symptoms after having intercourse. This was a major upset. This makes me question, for the first time, if I will get married. I mean in the long term. If I could even sustain that lifestyle or if there are women out there whose lifestyle would match mine. As I need to live super disciplined, eat very healthy, ideally have only healthy foods outside and also in my house too, also prefer not to have streaming services like netflix etc. as I want to minimize the probabilty of getting nocturnal emissions etc. I must say I love most healthy foods anyways so that's alright with  me. But I can get tempted to indulge and distract myself especially after a pois episode starts, so I make sure to not have any sugary or processed foods in my fridge to be frank with you.

So when I saw that pois was hindering me from getting to a better stage in my life, I went to a couple specialists but eventually I gave it up as I had no time or energy left and just focused on doing research myself whenever I could, and so I read up also a bit on here.
I have tried a lot of supplements in these couple years.
The supplement that helped me the most physically is a testosterone booster. I had no means to buy it since a year but it contains tribulus terrestris. Also l-arginine and other components.
Mentally the best thing I can take is L-Theanine . This helps to calm down the anxiety, especially in social environments and helps to be able to speak more clearly. Unfortunately it's not like a magic pill, one still gets into embarrassing moments when one does not remember names of people, let's say etc. So it helps more for yourself to feel calm, especially in the first couple days I would say.
Curcuma tea works really well to clear up the acne. Sometimes I'm suprised how well it works, how after a couple days my skin is shining. So I'm really happy to find something inexpensive that helps my skin. Curcuma might also help in other ways, i.e. mood etc. Also I have of course tried niacin in powder form with a flush effect (although it is not sold here unfortunately, so it's expensive to get it). It helped me primarily with acne. And also eased the depression given I took it in a fasted state.

I also regularly take a b-vitamin complex, multivitamins and magnesium. I have been drinking a energy drink with taurine but recently bought a taurine supplement instead. So I'm testing that. Also I've been taking ginseng, perhaps that's why I have been able to retain most of my muscle mass even though I was ill lately.
All in all, I'm in a better position that I was years ago. I'm finding more a more solutions. At the same time I have many questions. Be it regarding the science behind it or why a certain supplement is said to be good for us. Also interested to talk with you and hear how you all tackle some issues. From relationships, lifestyle choices like abstinence, to doing well in a job.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2024, 06:02:12 PM »
L-theanine and Curcuma (Turmeric) are actually methyl donors according to a few sources I have read.

Eggs contain a tonne of necessary nutrients for the methylation cycle including choline, B12, iron, B2, B5, vitamin A, and folate.

What else is in the testosterone booster? When you describe what helps you, it's useful to share the specific brand/product for others.

Please also share your B complex and multi-vitamin. When it comers to the B vitamins, the main ones are B12, folate, B6, and probably choline. You need to make sure you are getting these ones correctly. By correctly, I mean in adequate amounts and the right type that works for you. I do best on methyl B12, folic acid, and any type of B6. It took me a long time to realise I needed much more than 0.5mg of folic acid per day for my methylation cycle to work properly. It was severely depleted from POIS. You may also benefit from extra methyl donors including SAM-e, TMG, and methyl versions of B12 and folate. Taking creatine can also help reduce the amount of folate you need as it spares 40-45% of SAMe production. SAMe requires folate, B12, and B6 to be synthesized.

Also be careful with the amount of niacin or nicotinamide (vitamin B3) in B complex's. Some people have had success with niacin for POIS. You will have to test this yourself to see if it's helpful. But if it isn't, it will actually deplete your methyl groups (SAMe) whenever you supplement it in high dosages. The body will get rid of the excess by methylating it out into the urine (and using up methyl groups in the process.) This is why niacin is useful in situatons where if one has adverse reactions to methyl donors (SAM-e, TMG, methylfolate, methyl B12, etc) you can take niacin 50mg every 1-2 hours until you feel better. For the lost methyl groups, it's advised by Masterjohn to take 100mg of TMG for every 100mg of niacin or nicotinamide. Taking methylated versions of B12 and folate may make up for the lost methyl groups, I'm not really sure. I know that SAMe certainly would as it's the global methyl donor.

Note: Not medical advice. I am not a doctor or medical specialist. Most of this information I have learnt from Chris Masterjohn (Phd in nutritional science.) Follow at your own risk. Sharing what has been helpful for me, and I noticed a clear link between the things you find beneficial and things that may help you further.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2024, 06:19:33 PM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2024, 04:24:43 AM »
Hey, thanks man, [“Warrior”] what you write is really interesting!
I don't know much about methylation and what helps and hinders that process. So that is giving me an incentive now to learn more about it.
Also sam-e and tmg are supplements I have not tried before as I have never seen them around here. I do remember taking some of my brother's creatine before once trying to speed up recovery and I do rememberg feeling better mood wise. maybe placebo, maybe it truly helps. I will put it on my shopping list this year, definitely as creatine is easier to get a hold of than sam-e and other things.
I take a b complex that only states what b vitamins it contains. Nothing more than that on the label unfortunately. Not sure if we can put a link here but these are the one's I take
Regarding the testo boosters, I have actually tried various different one's. I just know that if it has a lot of tribulus terrestris, fenugreek, arginine it works for me. But I will get back to you, if I find the specific one. Actually the shop where I bought mine was far away from me. And now it has closed since a year aswell. But looking back, a testosterone booster helped me the most in terms of overcoming the physical symptoms and getting my energy back, yes.

Ah, I did come across some videos of that scientist you are mentioning before. I had heard about the debate about niacin potentially being harmful in high doses. But I came to the conclusion, also based on reading the book of Dr. Hoffer that you don't need to worry much about that if the niacin you are taking is the one that gives one a flush. But right, with the regular b vitamins I need to check if it's not too high, right. I'll make sure to do that. Thank again!
« Last Edit: February 15, 2024, 11:26:50 AM by demografx »


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2024, 02:02:16 PM »
Update: I've been taking taurine caps now for a couple weeks. I didn't notice mental benefits tbh.
My skin however is looking better than it has looked in a year. I'm looking younger. That's good.
I think it is related to taurine. But I'm not sure if it's taurine or other recently bought supplements like curcuma, or even ginseng.
Let me know your thoughts on taurine in connection with skin benefits.
Edit: Still having unexpectedly good effects on my skin. As far as what supplement is giving me those benefits, I'm starting to believe that it is actually NAC that I've been taking for a week now.
I'm glad that I found something to take when I have to/want to look my best.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2024, 07:14:52 AM by quiteQuiet »


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2024, 07:48:52 AM »
I would like to post here an update each day for a short while in order to motivate me to get my health back (which happens after about 7 days).

Day 1:
After doing well for 3 weeks, recently I have not been doing well. It's been almost a week of every day or every second day where I had engaged in s. activity and hence a week that I don't want to ever experience again.

Right now, I'm feeling tired. I tried to exercise. I felt I was at 30 percent of my strength. But atleast I did something.
Also the issue was pain in my elbow that the inflammation caused.
So my motivation is to be able to workout out where it is fun again.
But it's better to take it easy for a while I understand. My plan is to only do cardio and rehab exercises for the elbow for a week or two while my health improves and the inflammation goes down.

My goal is to stop drinking coffee. I've bought some decaf coffee a while back but have been drinking 1-2 cups of regular coffee when I'm outside.
My goal is also to stop consuming processed sugar i.e. in teas that I drink (3-4 teas a day).
I know this is a big change in lifestyle. I think when I can make these 2 changes this year then that's still amazing.
I think I will start with cutting out coffee first, but after hitting 7 days. First goal should be now to overcome this episode and get the health on base level again.
I will continue with the supplements like nac etc. I will try to be positive. And forgive myself if I don't manage to do everything as I envision in the first 7 days.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2024, 11:41:34 AM »
Now feeling slightly better.
Did a 20 minute cardio session and it was alright. I did not think I would be able to do it, so that's a good sign.
Ate eggs for breakfast. I think that helped as I'm not feeling as down as I expected. Didn't even drink coffee today, so the slight progress is motivating me.


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I didn't have a good week truth be told. After 3-4 days I would fall for the habit because I felt so bad pois symptoms and that tempted me to be honest.
I did have success with cutting out all coffee for 7 days, for that I'm proud of myself as I drank it every day.
In terms of the supplements, I am a bit disappointed as the ones that I'm taking don't seem to help much.
What I have been taking for weeks now is taurine and had. And the usual vitamin, magnesium etc.

 After 4 days when I had an O. (1 time) I got so severe cough I don't remember ever having that. A dry cough that is. Now it's better luckily. But having hard time coming out of this loop at the moment not gonna lie.


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I didn't have a good week truth be told. After 3-4 days I would fall for the habit because I felt so bad pois symptoms and that tempted me to be honest.
I did have success with cutting out all coffee for 7 days, for that I'm proud of myself as I drank it every day.
In terms of the supplements, I am a bit disappointed as the ones that I'm taking don't seem to help much.
What I have been taking for weeks now is taurine and had. And the usual vitamin, magnesium etc.

 After 4 days when I had an O. (1 time) I got so severe cough I don't remember ever having that. A dry cough that is. Now it's better luckily. But having hard time coming out of this loop at the moment not gonna lie.

I am glad you have managed to abstain from coffee for so long, but if in the future you succumb to its allure again you may try the filtering method. I would still get a bad reaction when drinking a lot of filtered coffee, but the harm is certainly less than it was before.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.


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Thank you for your recommendation, actually I did leave coffee by switching to decaf coffee :)
It did help me with emotions, so rather indirectly with pois.
At the same time, I have to share that I learned something about how decaf coffee is made that was rather unsettling.
Lately, to be frank, after the decaf ran out I bought regular coffee again. So, ideally we want to switch to an alternative like cacao, ginger tea or something of that nature.


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I had a successful recovery for almost 10 days and felt healthy again, was exercising regularly again since almost a week. But I had a emission once. My body is acting up again, twiching fibers in my arms, even stomach. I took some matcha green tea, still like that.

I was hoping that it would make me calmer. I felt anger and was cursing under my breath a lot. I don't know what I can do to not feel so much of this emotion. I go for walks in nature and try my best. But nothing seems to help that much really. Please suggest something like a supplement.

I took apple cider vinegar with water afterwards. Fasted for 18 hours, took acv again, exercised doing cardio, took cold shower, and after a day I felt better. I think acv helped me somewhat. Of course also that it was only 1 time in a relatively long time of abstinence. Maybe acv could help me?! I'm reading it can potentially increase testosterone. I would be so happy if this cheap and widely popular household item helps me to recover :)
I will try to not forget taking it tomorrow aswell and report to you guys if it seemed to improve my situation.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2024, 01:35:36 PM by quiteQuiet »


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2024, 05:00:35 PM »
After months I bought niacin with flush again. I have had a week where I did O a couple times. I think niacin has helped me. I am glad I got it again. Also I have been taking acv but forget it often. So I dont know what exactly it is. Actually I think I will not buy taurin, and other Supplements again. Even nac. Lets give my body a break. Only niacin, multi vitamin and the rest from foods - thats what I am thinking.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2024, 04:20:37 PM »
Update: brought reishi today and felt better. Surprisingly better. Previously like years ago I was taking one supplement that had different mushrooms in it. And that helped a lot (but they don't have them anymore).
Now I brought reishi separately. Praying that it is reishi that had that positive effect.
Actually I remember also buying cordyceps once and that helped too.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2024, 01:51:49 PM »
Update: Man, I'm feeling so much better today (4 days post O). I am laughing and being humorous like in the past.
I have been taking reishi for 3 days. Today I took creatine for the first time in my life.
I don't know what it is. I was even a bit under the weather before I had the orgasm. I believe the reishi mushroom cured me of that (immune system) and raised the testosterone a little. And then taking creatine perhaps had also an effect. I hope so. Also some time has passed, that is also a factor for sure. But I am having some hope again that my health will improve :)


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Update: Been taking creatine for 2 weeks or more. Also Reishi around the same time. Also taking NAC, ginseng and licorice root since a week. Taking vitamin D high dose for a couple days. Also been eating less sugar for weeks and often opting for honey.
I have been contemplating if in my case it's really CFS instead of pois that gets even more active after an O. I have come across the book "HERBAL REMEDIES FOR CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME" that talks about supplements like ginseng, ginkgo, licorice and some others. Really amazing piece. Recommend it.
How is my health now: Well I noticed that I still get pois, I was ill suddenly. Damn, how bad I felt. After weeks of improving. But I noticed I recovered quicker, atleast physically that is. After 4-5 days I am essentially 100% recovered. I must be patient in those 4-5 days and not resort to coffee and energy drinks, max 1 cup a day, otherwise I don't recover in that time period. But somethings been working, I believe, I think it is the reishi supplement or ginseng. But might be creatine aswell. Hard to tell. Maybe all 3 together. My skin has improved a lot, this I'm certain is because of NAC.
So all in all, the physical aspect has improved lately. Just with the mental aspect, I have not made as much progress. I bought CBD yesterday for the first time, I will try that. Today I could, albeit it was slow, finally focus a little and read a book again after weeks if not a month or two, which made me really happy, sign that my mind is recovering.


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Feeling really good. Jogging without taking breaks. Reading everyday. Able to communicate well. Life is good again.

I think also what might have helped the mental side is taking a sleep supplement that has tryptophan and valerian among others.


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Interestingly, I felt way way worse after waking up to a WD in the morning, than after waking up haven had one O right before sleep. I must say I had drank ginger tea before it maybe 1-2 hours before and eaten some left over blueberries from my fridge.

It had been so long that I had a WD. I had it exactly when I was about to wake up and it ruined my whole day with pois, had arguments with people, couldn't keep my eyes open. I had chatted with strangers for a whole hour the day before and suddenly I was praying to the most high that I don't meet anyone today.
But we have to move on somehow. Somehow find a solution to wet dreams. If anyone knows about that, please share. I only know about not drinking anything in the late hours.
The good thing is I have made good progress with training which is visible. I think creatine had an effect. I can train without pain, so I have a better workout. Normally pois would cause inflammation in my joints preventing effective training, but somehow now its much better. I don't know why, but I'm happy about this.


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My health took a u turn unfortunately. In the recent days, almost week, I was just a shadow of myself. I need to take breaks during walks on the same trail I run on without interruptions normally, just to give you an idea.
I have started a water fast, I hope I feel better tomorrow as a result. Sometimes it did help me in the past


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I belive that the reason egg works is they contain so much cholesterol. Cholesterol is a starting material for all hormones, including steroid hormones. I belive people with POIS have an excess of cortisol because of the constant inflammation. Therefore the production of cortisol takes too much raw material from other hormones so POIS'ers end up with too low testosterone and other anti-inflammatory hormones. Eating 2-6 eggs a day is a very good idea!

Oh, and my sollution against acne is vitamin C - in very large quanteties. When I'm in POIS I take like 2 g vitamin c 3-6 times a day (total about 10 g/day). That kills the acne. It works best in combination with excercise.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2024, 04:01:20 AM by BoneBroth »


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I belive that the reason egg works is they contain so much cholesterol. Cholesterol is a starting material for all hormones, including steroid hormones. I belive people with POIS have an excess of cortisol because of the constant inflammation. Therefore the production of cortisol takes too much raw material from other hormones so POIS'ers end up with too low testosterone and other anti-inflammatory hormones. Eating 2-6 eggs a day is a very good idea!

Oh, and my sollution against acne is vitamin C - in very large quanteties. When I'm in POIS I take like 2 g vitamin c 3-6 times a day (total about 10 g/day). That kills the acne. It works best in combination with excercise.

That makes sense that the benefits come from its ability to raise testosterone, yes. I remember when I was younger and we were discussing our diets in school, when I said I eat eggs everyday, people were surprised and wondering if that's healthy but I knew it was definitely healthy for me.
I didn't know that one with vitamin c, thanks for sharing.


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Yeah, eggs, butter and cholesterol have been demonised and at the same time they are pulling out thses statin medicines that lowers cholesterol even more which leads to dementia.