Author Topic: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.  (Read 4847 times)


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Feeling better after replacing my morning cup of coffee with matcha green tea. I can't have coffee, I'm realizing.
Also did dry fasting for almost 30 hours. I think I will do dry fasting more often as it helped me a lot, maybe not that long.


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I believe I found a "cure" for me:
  • Not drinking any coffee.
  • Drinking pure matcha green tea instead.
  • Fasting. Especially dry fasting. And taking niacin with flush in a fasted state.
  • Doing some sports, if too tired atleast going for a walk in nature 30-60 min without listening to music.
  • Taking supplements: Reishi, ginseng, taurine, creatine, b vitamins, magnesium, omega 3 and some others but these are the best. I have learned it's best to take 3 caps of taurine for me, so about 2.7 grams at night. But only once, in the beginning.
  • Eating blueberries. Eggs. Bananas. Meat.
I'm not totally cured but as far as I can tell this reduces the pois episode to 3 days for me. I don't know if there will ever be a total cure, but I would be the happiest man alive if I can reduce it to 1 day eventually.

I think the psychological effects last longer than 3 days. And also the processing of everything that happened to you, with this pois stuff and in general, that's a whole new chapter.
But I'm trying meditation. Affirmations. Yoga. Breathing exercises. And I think when I stick with it, I can reduce the psychological effects too.
But I'm happy that I can wake up early with quite ease. This is huge to me. And I can start resuming my workout program after 3 days as usual pretty much.

I don't know if I will continue this diary. Maybe an update here and there. If I don't need it, then that's a good sign I think.


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I had an orgasm last night although I wanted to abstain for a while.
I did drink pure green powder matcha tea 30 min before it as I saw that being mentioned as a cure here. Right, I also randomly did push-ups and then meditation till the tea got colder.
So as I said pois lasts as of quite recent 3 days when I follow my routine/stack that I wrote in the above thread.

Now I will see if this "matcha tea BEFORE o." works for me, or to what extend.
Today I had usual symptoms except acne. I feel my heart beating stronger. Social nervousness was present but I could visit all places and even go for a longer walk with breaks. Just once I waited till a crowd passed. But it was alright. Now it's been more than 12 hours, now I'm beginning to feel more calm. I took the supps that I mentioned, plus ginger and basil in a drink today.
I see, @Warrior mentioned exercises for vagus nerve. I will see if I can find those


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I had an orgasm last night although I wanted to abstain for a while.
I did drink pure green powder matcha tea 30 min before it as I saw that being mentioned as a cure here. Right, I also randomly did push-ups and then meditation till the tea got colder.
So as I said pois lasts as of quite recent 3 days when I follow my routine/stack that I wrote in the above thread.

Now I will see if this "matcha tea BEFORE o." works for me, or to what extend.
Today I had usual symptoms except acne. I feel my heart beating stronger. Social nervousness was present but I could visit all places and even go for a longer walk with breaks. Just once I waited till a crowd passed. But it was alright. Now it's been more than 12 hours, now I'm beginning to feel more calm. I took the supps that I mentioned, plus ginger and basil in a drink today.
I see, @Warrior mentioned exercises for vagus nerve. I will see if I can find those

No D3 in your method?

And yeah vagus nerve, nervous system, and cranial instability exercises. I would just play around and see if any of them help. Also Kriya Pranyama I found personally very effective.
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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2nd day woke up feeling not better, I believe because I took a cup of coffee in the evening. I regret the coffee but atleast it was pure coffee that I made from beans.
I will also try acv again. I read that it helped me once.
@Warrior thanks man, I will look those up. I don't take vitamin d regularly. Only sometimes. Sunshine helps me a lot. But I'm not sure how much supplements help me in comparison to that


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2nd day woke up feeling not better, I believe because I took a cup of coffee in the evening. I regret the coffee but atleast it was pure coffee that I made from beans.
I will also try acv again. I read that it helped me once.
@Warrior thanks man, I will look those up. I don't take vitamin d regularly. Only sometimes. Sunshine helps me a lot. But I'm not sure how much supplements help me in comparison to that

Re D3:

The decision is yours to make. But I would recommend you get your D3 tested to identify its serum range. You want it at least 50ng/mL and maybe higher. Inflammatory diseases appear to do better on higher serum levels. Your average GP will not tell you this.

I’m also speaking from experience. I used to work an outdoor job in the hot summer Australian heat, so I assumed back then supplementing D3 was not going to be necessary. I got it measured back then and it was something around 30ng/mL. My specialist at the time told me it was ok but could probably be improved. I kind of brushed over it thinking how on earth would I be low on D3 when I was getting all of that sun.

Many months later I discovered Nanna1’s protocol and by luck began supplementing the only D3 I had, which was in 7000iu dosages. I took it twice a day as that’s what his protocol suggested. It gave me huge relief that I had never experienced before, especially improvements in mood and food sensitivities. I was shocked by how higher dosages of D3 gave me so much relief.

For higher dosages you do need to take it with K2, and obviously higher serum levels you go up, higher the risk but generally speaking most would agree anything less than 70ng/mL is safe.

I personally think D3 serum levels is something many POISers overlook. They assume the sunlight they’re getting is enough or that 1000iu dosage is satisfactory. It certainly wasn’t the case in my experience.

I’m not a doctor so this isn’t me giving you medical advice. I’m simply telling you the information I wish someone had told me many years ago. Maybe the higher serum levels won’t make a difference for your POIS. You won’t really know til you investigate. Follow at your own discretion.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 02:56:32 AM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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Nope, he sugested 1000ui 2x a day, not 2x7000ui.

We did proved that we almoust all of us hawe dubble genetics
mutations of vdr receptors.

We hawe threads on pois forum about vitamine D a wey long
before nanna1 invented vitamined D.

Note, take magnesium with higher doses of vit D3.


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Update to the 2nd day: I am feeling better now. Only in the morning I felt bad. I then ate eggs, blueberries, meat. My whole stack basically. Then I started to feel different. I was able to read a book for an hour and it didn't feel like day two. I didn't get in my morning workout. But maybe I can do it now.

@Warrior, no it's very valuable what you write, man. I appreciate it. That one can still be deficient in vitamin d even while having a job that requires being outside, that's so unexpected. I'm glad you got the test and feel better after supplementing vitamin d. That's amazing.


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Nope, he sugested 1000ui 2x a day, not 2x7000ui.

We did proved that we almoust all of us hawe dubble genetics
mutations of vdr receptors.

We hawe threads on pois forum about vitamine D a wey long
before nanna1 invented vitamined D.

Note, take magnesium with higher doses of vit D3.

I can understand the confusion based on my previous post. I wasn't implying Nanna1 suggested 7000iu dosages. I meant that upon attempting Nanna1's protocol, which included D3, I had to resort to the only supplement I had at the time, which was LifeExtension's 7000iu per capsule. And as per Nanna1's dosing schedule, I decided to take it twice a day minimum, which resulted in 14,000iu per day for a period of time. It was a bit of luck that led me to experience how amazing I felt on high dosages. That was more my point. Though I always kind of had it in my mind to try high dose D3 but I was discouraged as it felt a bit un-natural.

The dosages Nanna1 recommended are too small imo.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 12:45:10 AM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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Update on day 3. I'm feeling good.
I believed I pretty much fully recovered after 2 days  :) Very happy about this.
I don't know if it was the "matcha powder tea 30 min BEFORE o." advice that I followed or the guide that I have been following recently. I followed my guide to a T. Blueberriers, eggs.. supps. Also dry fasted for 18 hours. Also took vitamin d after talking to you @Warrior. And thanks also @Hopeoneday for the comment. I did more than I should have perhaps to be honest. I took about 8x1000ui as it's been raining cats and dogs here recenty.
I was able to workout last night aswell. I don't know I just feel a bit of hope now


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Things got worse. I had 2 O's and pois returned. I don't believe this. Acne, feeling feverish. Eyes lost the spark, the glow. I found myself handsome yesterday.
While I could wake up after 8-9 hours, I think bc of high dose taurine, I feel tired and can't do the exercise that I was looking forward to.
The only good is that I've quit coffee. I believe I would feel worse if I drank it. I'm gonna drink a smoothie. And try to stay positive.


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Had one O after doing meditation. I took nothing prior but tried stopping the O with the method with fingers that was described on a thread here. I managed to reduce it by more than 50%. Next morning I had eyes problem with redness a little bit but after doing a heavy workout and cardio, after 12 hrs Post O I had no physical symptoms. Mental symptoms were more pronounced but it was ok I was able to function alright


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After that 1 O that I had tried to stop with the pressing on a spot method, the next night I had 1 O again. This time with no preparation or technique. This time I felt some palpitations. And in the morning I felt some pois state of worry and needed longer to get going. But I managed to exercise at that day, and surprisingly I did quite well, I did take breaks though.
So, all in all I'd say that I recovered in 2 days, from physical symptoms. I believe partly because of the good weather that I was enjoying. I do remember recovering quicker in the summer.
Still not ideal, as things like verbal fluency and extrovertedness is diminished.


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I still think, in my case, the stack above is essentially all I can do. I might buy a testosterone booster with fenugreek again after years as I want to shorten the duration (averaging 3 days at the moment, maybe longer as I have started consuming coffee) if that's possible.
I feel more important is not forget living life still. No matter what the circumstance, to live in the now, and not in the past when we had perhaps better health. I tend to forget that sometimes.

I don't think I personally can add any more value to this forum than what has already been shared. I hope that some comments of mine were a reason for improvement for someone here.
And I don't think diving deep into the science and medicine behind it will add any more value to me or shorten the duration of pois symptoms for me, to be honest.
So I might take a break from this forum. I wish all the best to everyone :)


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Update on day 3. I'm feeling good.
I believed I pretty much fully recovered after 2 days  :) Very happy about this.
I don't know if it was the "matcha powder tea 30 min BEFORE o." advice that I followed or the guide that I have been following recently. I followed my guide to a T. Blueberriers, eggs.. supps. Also dry fasted for 18 hours. Also took vitamin d after talking to you @Warrior. And thanks also @Hopeoneday for the comment. I did more than I should have perhaps to be honest. I took about 8x1000ui as it's been raining cats and dogs here recenty.
I was able to workout last night aswell. I don't know I just feel a bit of hope now

Hi quiteQuiet,

I just saw your post mentioning you tried matcha. Did you ever try following my matcha plus B3 pre-pack method?

The way it works for me is as a pre-pack:
- 500 mg Niacinamide tablet (also known as Nicotinamide or Non-flush B3), taken on a near empty stomach between 1-6 hours before O, and
- matcha green tea powder mixed with water (high quality, ceremonial grade matcha), taken at least 20 minutes before O.

- this doesn't help me if I take it after an O. So it is a preventative method rather than a treatment.
- I haven't tried Niacin (also known as flushing type B3)
- I avoid taking more than 500 mg Niacinamide per day, and not more than a couple of times per week as it is considered a high dose.
- I start from a 'normal state', where I am not already experiencing POIS.


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Hallo @Gino :)
Yes, right it was the thread that you wrote. I followed that method with taking matcha prior to O. once or twice and I think I recovered after 40 hours or so. So that's really amazing. I'm grateful that you wrote about that.
I did not take niacin non-flush with it though. I only have the flush version anyway as I have read a book about its benefits. Are you sure niacin non-flush is good for us people suffering with pois?
Thanks, again!


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After a longer abstinence spanning few weeks I had more O.s than I had planned, in a couple days. So I had full blown pois, except acne. Even just walking was too much. But I started taking fenugreek and even though I had an O. again when I had not fully recovered from pois, I.e. only after 2 days, the next evening I felt alright again and could do the exercise and other things I couldn't do right after waking up.

So I'm glad I bought fenugreek again. Also I must say I started taking creatin again at the same time.


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Hallo @Gino :)
Yes, right it was the thread that you wrote. I followed that method with taking matcha prior to O. once or twice and I think I recovered after 40 hours or so. So that's really amazing. I'm grateful that you wrote about that.
I did not take niacin non-flush with it though. I only have the flush version anyway as I have read a book about its benefits. Are you sure niacin non-flush is good for us people suffering with pois?
Thanks, again!

Hi quiteQuiet,
I have only tried my pre-pack using a Niacinamide tablet (also known as Nicotinamide or Non-flush B3). It has worked consistently for me, with close to no POIS symptoms when I follow the steps I outlined.
Sorry to hear that Niacin (flush type) isn't working for you.
Let me know if you ever try the pre-pack method using the non-flush B3.


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I'm sure now that inflammation rises drastically when pois begins. I did a particular exercise weeks ago, when I was free from pois (2weeks), I felt some discomfort but nothing major.
Then I lost motivation and basically had multiple discharges and suddenly the discomfort that I felt weeks ago flared up and I got a tendonitis. I've had also similar experience before with other injury prone joints and tendons. Where it suddenly turned into a bigger issue and needed therapy for weeks and months. But the good thing is that when the health improves it gets better aswell, so we need to keep the head up, while doing the best we can.
Now I'm pretty much out of the pois episode. It took a bit longer bc of multiple cups of coffee a day. And also a bit less exercise bc of the injury. But didn't take a full week.


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I followed the method with matched tea before o and also ate a piece of ginger and took supplements like fenugreek and ashwagandha prior to the o.
After about 12 hours I did some cardio exercise on the stationary bike. When I got off from the bike I felt very shaky in my legs. And also my body in general was about to shake/startle, shoulders/traps area that is. I was surprised as I never had this experience. But I just sat down drinking water before the shower. Luckily it got better.
But I'm having headaches since the O. Something that I rarely had. But we gotta try be positive