I had another N.E today and the smelly flatulence and indigestion were almost non-existent. i am vegan and in addition to that I have found that Avocadoes, Tomatoes, Chickpeas, Potatoes all aggravate my pois symptoms.
I have radically changed my diet to avoidance of all animal foods and food with spices or heavily spiced foods. I try to eat as blandly as possible and fasting is a big help in recovery because for me it takes approximately 30 days after a masturbation to feel normal, if I have a N.E with a sex dream, it takes 7 days for recovery, and if I have a N.E without any sex dream, the recovery time is 3 days.
Through diet, I am hoping to reduce this 3 day recovery time into 1 day such that if I have a N.E on Sunday, I'll be back to normal by Monday morning for school. It is too soon to tell but I believe Diet + fasting may help in making this goal a very distinct reality.
Some symptoms I still notice on the day of orgasm.
Flies buzzing around my head weirdly enough, when I orgasm, I always see flies, whether it is in the elevator at school or in lecture, they always seem to be buzzing around my head or landing on my backpack, it is very annoying. It happens with all orgasms.
I get an itchy forehead. The level of hairloss is unparelled on masturbation but I find that N.E's without sex dreams also cause a slightly itchy scalp with hair fall.
In the mirror I noticed that my face was slouching and I looked a lot more unattractive, my grandmother said I looked weak and tired.