I have suffered from POIS in a cyclical way: a number of months/years I have POIS as it is described by many here. Then -without reason- things turn around: i have ejaculations without orgasm: technically everything works, but no pleasure and.... no POIS.
I'm curious wether others are in this case?
Today is one of these days with a switch: for more then a year i had been pois free but had no pleasure having sex (which i prefer on pois), but today, on the tenniscoart, all of a sudden I grew sad, tired, shaky and i realised it was 8h (my typical "incubation" period) after orgasm... Back to POIS.... Sad...
Apart from it being sad, i think it might be interesting for the research being done: there seems to be somehing as a continuum going from sexual pleasure to no pleasure at all and this is linked to POIS: this means there is (at least in my case) no such thing as an allergy: it is the pleasure itself that launches a POIS episode.