Author Topic: tried and tested drug regime + lifestyle(SAVED MY LIFE)  (Read 743 times)


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tried and tested drug regime + lifestyle(SAVED MY LIFE)
« on: June 26, 2023, 07:29:19 AM »
i first experienced pois symptoms when i was 14 - 15 years old it started when i got together with my first girlfriend and i got a fungal infection in my nether regions, it recovered quickly with a doctors prescription but after that infection i remember not able to function after ejaculation much, for a while i thought it was normal until i got with my second girlfriend and after each sexual encounter i felt sick and socially reclusive, my ability to talk use to go away for days i didn't want to socialize and i use to have some sickness including but not limited to muscle pain, brain fog, social dysfunction, pain in penis while urinating and pain in lower abdomen in general, cause of this i had to break up with my then gf cause we moved away and wherever we meet i use to have fear of this illness when i got into college i got into a bad addition of porn and use to masturbate quite a much cause of that my life was destroyed and i had to leave college cause i was not able to function like a normal human being, it was at this point my social seclusion forced me to focus on programming and i got better at it and i started working as a programmer slowly my life  got stable but 3 years back during covid i was free most of the times and i use to masturbate to fill in the time, this was when my life started to fall apart again, for months i masturbated everyday and all my skills got washed away from my brain i use to have constant brain fog and muscle pain, this was the time when i had been diagnosed with keratoconus its a disease of the cornea of the eye when it gets thin and starts to bend into a shape of cone and one of my eye got destroyed i am 100% certain its related to pois cause initially whenever i masturbated i use to get eye pain along with my pois symptoms after which i got operated on to fix keratoconus and immediately after that i got very sick with severe muscle pain and got diagnosed with some sort of mayopathy(disease of muscle) which was not found the type but confirmed by a few blood tests, it was the worst year of my life and i really thought it was about time my life was gonna end one way or the other, it was horrible and i would not want my worst enemy to suffer from it, but i was not suicidal at any point of my life tho so thank you god for that, after this year thanks to my wonderful family they decided to change our house and i got shifted along with them into our new home and something changed maybe i was taken away from some kind of toxin in my previous house orr whatever it maybe, and it gave me enough time to try and fix my life a little again, and i visited a doctor and did a few blood tests to find any deficiencies cause i was loosing my hair very quickly, in blood tests i fond out to be deficient in vitamin b12 and iron, i had taken many supplements in the past including these but they never worked ever, so on this doctors visit i was prescribed along the vitamins another medication called finastride its supposed to suppress dht production and sexual function, after a month or 2 on this drug i was somewhat able to control my sexual functions enough to recover quite a bit from pois, my usual symptoms like muscle pain gets better within a few days but i discovered that pois had many long lasting effects which were not cured for me for months at the end, so by now my brain got fixed i got my memory back and i got to be my old self again socially outgoing, full of energy i am still recovering from the mayopathy and i have gaps in my muscle power on many places but i am now on a drug regime which helps me keep my pois at bay for most of the parts and i wanted to share this with anyone who is suffering like i was without any answers, off course this is not medical advice and you should talk to a qualified medical professional before taking any medications. but here is what i do to keep my pois in check.


FINASTRIDE- 1mg once per day (blocks dht/testosterone reduces sexual function) - this medicine just reduces it to a point where you can have sex when you want but dont have to do it if you dont want to

SUPPLIMENTS - IRON(IMPORTANT) and vitamins, i had very thick blood or high rbc so iron might help with that plus i was deficient in the first place and it gave my back a lot of power which i was missing for years at this point.

Etodolac 300mg - before ejaculation or immediately after - and once before i sleep or if i sleep justg before taking it i take one when i wake up - this is a nsaid i have tried other one's too but this one works best for me, it should not be taken if you have high liver enzymes.

DULOXITINE 30-20 mg (SSRI) this helps in faster recovery of the brain fog, i take this regularly although this medication have made my hunger go on a fast track its not very healthy but its the one which works for me.

ETIZOLAM (KIND OF BENZO) - its a kind of benzo i take when i get bipolar like symptoms in my pois storm, it helps me break the cycle it maybe not legal in some places but i can get it in india by a doctors prescription which i got from a psychiatrist.

ENZYME Q10 and other anti oxidants - this helps in recovery from the general inflammation i get after pois but it can make you lethargic for a day and makes the recovery very quick.

i take some extra NSAID's if i feel specially drawn back or hit very hard like ZERODOL(very rarely) when i really need it.


only thing i found which helps my control pois is to break the cycle for the moment until a cure or a better and safer therapy is present

to break the cycle i use the drug regime cause it was the only thing that worked for me first then i try to give my body appropriate time to recover and heal and i try to avoid any stress in my pois recovery cause it can trigger my porn addiction. i have a food addiction along with my porn addiction i try to give myself a break if i have craving while i am recovering from pois and i allow myself to bulge eat it helps a lot to break the cycle cause i hype myself into food so i dont think about porn. third thing i force the recovery is i start to force myself into a normal routine on the second day cause it might trigger porn addiction for me if i rest for too long.

this has saved my life and if you are in the same place i was i hope you can get a idea where to start fixing your life, find good doctors which can help you find your own solutions to break the cycle and start healing i swear i would have died if not for these drugs and my amazing family. i wish you the best in life.


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Re: tried and tested drug regime + lifestyle(SAVED MY LIFE)
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2023, 01:48:57 PM »
What blood result confirmed the myopathy?


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Re: tried and tested drug regime + lifestyle(SAVED MY LIFE)
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2023, 04:46:15 PM »
Etodolac 300mg - before ejaculation or immediately after - and once before i sleep or if i sleep justg before taking it i take one when i wake up - this is a nsaid i have tried other one's too but this one works best for me, it should not be taken if you have high liver enzymes.

If one specific drug works better than the rest with the same type of mechanism then it could be worthwhile to consider alternative operational methods to narrow down on the source of POIS.
One such possibility is estradiol induced thymic involution (shrinking) which could lead to reduced T cell immunity. Etodolac treatment was shown to partly rescue E2 induced thymic involution. Of course this is merely a theoretical possibility.
The cause is probably the senescence of sexual organs and resultant inducible SASP, which also acts as a kind of non-diabetic metabolic syndrome.


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Re: tried and tested drug regime + lifestyle(SAVED MY LIFE)
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2023, 09:20:40 AM »
What blood result confirmed the myopathy?

its called a creatine kinase test a doctor asked me to take it when i repeatedly complained of muscle pain and it was sky high in my case but it might just be from some sort of toxin or something but another test was high ammonia which can detect small muscle injuries which are not regularly detected in creatine kinase test my ammonia was higher when i had even mild muscle pain.