Hi Quantum,
Thank you so much for all that valuable information !!
What would you say is your success rate ?
I am not convinced about contracting pelvic floor muscles. I feel when I do that I can?t really push efficiently with my hand cause the muscles underneath are contracted and you can?t really push strongly on them. When I do that I contract my pelvic floor muscles and then there would be a moment when I have to release my pelvic floor muscles cause I would not have enough strength, and my hand would take over pushing. But I feel during that switch there is a high leak risk. Do you have some feedback on that ? Do you think it is definitely better to squeeze pelvic floor muscle while doing that technique ?
Hi Physi,
You are very welcome. It is a very interesting conversation for me as well, because it helps me have a clearer perception of what I do and how I do it, so I am more focussed when it is time to use this technique.
About the pelvic muscles squeeze, like I mentioned, if I intend to use this technique, like in the coming weeks, I have to do regular Kegel exercises on a daily basis. Basically, I stop my urine flow 3 to 4 times when I am urinating, and with time, I increase the time I stop it (in the beginning, 3 seconds is ok, then slowly increase). For sure, you have to have trained the muscles so you can easily keep them moderately clamped for 12 to 14 seconds, during a long exhale (which is more in phase with natural abdominal inner pressure movements than during an inhale). Not full force for that long, because it is intended to be in addition to finger pressure. Those who have not trained those muscles before should go very slowly at the start with this training - just like any muscles, you don't want to strain them. So, start with just one to three set of training a day, with 3 to 4 seconds contractions, and slowly go up from there. But it is not possible to use these contractions "live" during O without prior training, because the muscles will not stay contracted long enough, as you have noted.
I mention also that, when contracting pelvic floor muscles, I also contract moderately buttocks and abs, just after contracting the pelvic floor - this works better for me.
I guess that, for combining finger pressure and pelvic muscles contraction, you have to adjust the level of muscle contraction. I would say the finger pushing is the main technical elements, and the muscle contraction is an add-on. So, when I contract, it may not be full force, because I can still push with my fingers. I didn't realize that, but figure it out after your question about it. Again, I feel it is a question of practice, and practice, to find the right mix. This partial contraction may be the element that would get you nearer 100% success.
I agree with you that pressing at the right point, alone, if well done, could be enough. On the opposite, I read that some guys, with training, can do it without any pressure, just using pelvic muscles contractions. In my case, I combine the two.
I am not sure about my success rate for perfect blockage. I have not been using this technique a lot lately. Also, in the past, I often used it for "edging that went too far", to avoid unwanted full blast POIS ( in retrospect, that is maybe why I also use muscle contraction, because in these "emergencies" situations, second hand is not already in place for the pressure, so the initial block was through pelvic floor contraction, and then, ASAP, with fingers pressure on the right spot). But I used the technique in the last month, willingly, and was perfect 2 times out of 3, and the one not perfect was a minimal leak. This is not long enough for being representative, and I guess also that if I do it more frequently, I may get better and better, like any other techniques. I could give you a better approximation in a few months, with higher number of attempts. But being 59, I have less urge than a younger man, for sure, and won't try this every day, not even every other day. Once or twice a week at best, then in the long run, I may gather more "stats".
However, for me, if there is just one small leak, or two, my POIS symptoms are very low. When I use this technique, and there is a leak, the leaked quantity is always quite small, compare to a usual release. For me, this causes much fewer symptoms than a regular, full load release. That is maybe why I got a bit lousier at times (because, honestly, you have to be very focussed and well-prepared for using this technique, as anyone who tried it knows). If a small leak happens, I take some Moducare and quercetin after wise, two anti-POIS supplements that work well for me, and it is almost like no POIS at all.
Practice makes perfect

Not an easy technique, but it worth it, for someone having POIS.
Did you try combining this technique with taking ground cherries, that used to prevent your POIS, in case you have a leak ?