Author Topic: Mike's case  (Read 2709 times)


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Mike's case
« on: October 30, 2022, 09:30:07 AM »
Haven't had orgasm for a long time, had twice this night and felt:
- some sort of IBS flare up in stomach, first there is 2-3 minutes of abdominal relaxation and feeling great, after that came a flare up
- slight eye sensitivity in morning
- slight insomnia during night
- sense of cold body, but not flu
- slight sense of confusion

no other symptoms so far

symtoms were somewhat mild and manageable for a weekend

I am doing FODMAP diet, seems to help a lot


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Re: Mike's case
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2022, 03:11:18 PM »
So it seems to be that after orgasm i get a stress reaction, leading to a SIBO reaction

So im gonna start a SIBO tretment tomorrow.


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Re: Mike's case
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2022, 06:46:23 AM »
I got digestion and chest issues day after orgasm.
Chest issues seems to come from digestion issues.
Will look into some sort of SIBO-treatment.
Tried Oregano-herbs but did not really work.
Going to try something else.


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Re: Mike's case
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2022, 08:42:39 AM »
Still struggling with diet, FODMAP is good but there is still something in diet or in stomach/intestines that is wrong

Upon stressful situation i get ulcers very easily


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Re: Mike's case
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2023, 03:15:25 AM »
going to try treatment consisting of ginger and artichoke after seeing this youtube episode


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Re: Mike's case
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2023, 10:21:41 AM »
i have some questions regarding ibs symptoms poisers observe, if you choose to answer any be specific to the points, offcourse you dont have to answer any questions or anyone can answer these questions so we can closely get a idea of what particular symptoms people are getting of ibs or bacterial overgrowth

1 do you get any of these symptoms(FOR IBS)

2 diarrhea = immediately or overnight of ejaculation(any later then 24 hours is irrelevant)

3 stomach pain = if you do where do you get the pain, push in your stomach if you can divided by left and right side and further divided by each abdominal ab muscle so 8 parts
(press in hard inside on each area of your abdomen and keep the pressure for atleast 5 seconds and observe if the pain increases or stays constant)

4 observations in stool color = does your stool color change overnight and only when you ejaculate or does it never change

5 observations in acidity = if you feel like you have access amount of acid in your stomach overreaching in your esophagus, do you get up in the night feeling the acid rushing to your mouth or nose, and does this happen more often near a pois episode or happens in general

6 observations in colon related issues (slow emptying of the large intestine, constant feeling to pee or go to the toilet)

7 make sure the symptoms are not related to somatisation ie (being hyper aware of normal digestive functions)

8 do you have any food intolorences like lactose intolorence or high urea in serum or low vitamins or mineral levels despite taking a multi vitamin.

9 do you have any symptoms of a pathogen, ie itching of anus or surrounding areas or have you ever had been diagnosed having a pathogen


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Re: Mike's case
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2023, 03:13:37 PM »
i have some questions regarding ibs symptoms poisers observe, if you choose to answer any be specific to the points, offcourse you dont have to answer any questions or anyone can answer these questions so we can closely get a idea of what particular symptoms people are getting of ibs or bacterial overgrowth

1 do you get any of these symptoms(FOR IBS)

2 diarrhea = immediately or overnight of ejaculation(any later then 24 hours is irrelevant)

3 stomach pain = if you do where do you get the pain, push in your stomach if you can divided by left and right side and further divided by each abdominal ab muscle so 8 parts
(press in hard inside on each area of your abdomen and keep the pressure for atleast 5 seconds and observe if the pain increases or stays constant)

4 observations in stool color = does your stool color change overnight and only when you ejaculate or does it never change

5 observations in acidity = if you feel like you have access amount of acid in your stomach overreaching in your esophagus, do you get up in the night feeling the acid rushing to your mouth or nose, and does this happen more often near a pois episode or happens in general

6 observations in colon related issues (slow emptying of the large intestine, constant feeling to pee or go to the toilet)

7 make sure the symptoms are not related to somatisation ie (being hyper aware of normal digestive functions)

8 do you have any food intolorences like lactose intolorence or high urea in serum or low vitamins or mineral levels despite taking a multi vitamin.

9 do you have any symptoms of a pathogen, ie itching of anus or surrounding areas or have you ever had been diagnosed having a pathogen

I get constipation from 'wrong food' and i am most certainly lactose intolerant. I am well functioning on a very strict FODMAP diet.


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Re: Mike's case
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2023, 04:12:49 PM »
Once again having a severe cough and some sort of lung-inflammation.

Can not get rid of it.