Hey guys. I have not been on here in a while but I am in a tough spot right now.
I'm not new to POIS. I've had it since I was 16, I'm now 26. Long story short, One day at the moment of climax when I was 16 it felt like an engine shut off my in my head. It wasn't the regular feeling I would always get after orgasm, Instead I felt dull and unenergized. From there, I was never the same. Since that day that 'engine' has never been turned back on. I remember wondering why I no longer felt the natural high of life or sense of well being I had felt before. I then developed a POIS on top of that, But not a regular POIS. My POIS includes a 3-5 day recovery period, but unlike many I have recovered less and less overtime. In other words my symptoms are constant, and if I do have an orgasm my body will not replenish my health the way it did even last time. Essentially I recover less each time. If I have 2 orgasms in a day my body cannot handle it, All my symptoms will take a big dip and my whole body chemistry will be changed. It has been debilitating. I've had to hold off for months at a time, And even in doing this my constant symptoms have not disappeared. 6 years ago I thought it couldn't get worse, 3 Years ago I thought the same, And today I am in fear because my symptoms have taken over my life.
Initially my symptoms were many and familiar to this forum .. Cognitive included trouble thinking, alertness issues, slowed reactions, difficulty feeling emotions. Physically my symptoms started with hot flashes, fatigue, muscle tremors, weakness, poor libido, groin and low abdominal pain following orgasms, and sensitive eyes among others.
I had to withdraw from school and work for a couple of years. I got all sorts of testing, tons of bloodworm, MRIs, Cat Scans. I've been to all sorts of doctors.... neurologists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, urologists, cognitive therapists. Tons of visits to the top hospitals in Massachusetts. Standing up to many doctors as they told me its all in my head, and explained myself to many more as my testing came up normal. The frustration repeatedly finding nothing conclusive cannot be explained.
Eventually I found this forum I'd say around 2 years ago and I am very thankful for it. I initially found mild relief with fenugreek and garlic, but I still couldn't function. I then found niacin and felt about 40% better after orgasm. After 8 years into my issue, fellow member Kurtosis suggested a treatment regimen that I found great relief with. He told me to take spirulina, chlorella, fish oil, and vitamin C. So I was taking niacin before orgasm then all these supplements immediately after orgasm and also in the coming days. At first I felt strong, my weakness disappeared, I could think straight, and even my grain pains disappeared. I almost felt high in that I could work all day and I was very assertive. It was like things that seemed unbearable before became pleasurable and I couldn't find enough to accomplish. This went on for months. After a few months I started noticing myself dipping back down with each orgasm little by little.
I have since continued to dip and my symptoms are worse than ever. It is very difficult for me to open my eyes during the day, my cognitive symptoms are almost like that of a schizophrenic. I have trouble speaking and I slur my words, Trouble picking up social stimuli, I cannot always control my facial expression or voice, my sleeping is off, my emotions are very mild, periods of standing blankness, and I have trouble thinking. Physically all my symptoms have returned plus I have digestion issues, weakness, and others. These days even if I'm abstaining I still feel like I'm getting worse.
I've recently had trouble dealing with these as simple as the elements. Sun, wind, rain, etc. are harder now for my body to deal with. I feel that I'm mentally losing my sense of urgency as it took me days to write this. I sometimes wonder if taking all those supplements directly after orgasm hurt me more than helped me. Basically, It feels like my core energy that at one time made these things healthy was sucked out of my during that first incident. It seems that over time my energy is getting lower and lower and I really fear for what might happen to me. I am on a steady decline and I don't know what will happen to me if I get much worse. I would appreciate any input as I have a lot of respect for people in this forum.