As per Daveman's recent post, I totally agree that before the end of March deadline the majority of discussion and effort here should be channelled toward getting the NORD grant. If you have time to spend thinking and posting about POIS in the next couple of months, please spend it thinking about fundraising for the grant. If you have an idea, please act on it. Sometimes there is a danger of discussing things too much rather than just carrying out our ideas. Its better to carry out 5 ideas, 4 of which end up failing than to just discuss things and not do any of them. One common characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is that they are not afraid to fail, thus they act on ideas more often than others and ultimately some of them work! And the first step is to just write that email or whatever it is you've been thinking about doing. Just take the first step and the rest follows. Who knows where it might lead. Every breakthrough success we've had here be it the October money bomb or the reddit campaign, getting POIS sufferers on TV (amazing!) and in newspapers, getting more doctors interested in POIS, having POIS officially recognised by the major US and European databases ....all of these have come from a small first step taken by individual forum members here.
Its a new year of opportunity - put aside your excuses (we all have them), be positive, act on your ideas and get your new year off to a flyer. You'll feel great that you did something for everyone (and don't forget that everyone includes you so you really can't lose).