Remeber my self 15 yers ago i been in the best pulmologist in
one big city, my neck muscules did been so stiffed and spazmed
from pois anaphaylaxes that i been barly breathing.
He examed me and did sad that this is something neurological,
or beter psychosomatic.
I was literaly chocking in that times, this response is to
protect my heart and my brain from heart attac and
brain strouke( severe shortness of breath,
severe heart palpilation atacs etc).
I had POTS back then, dotors couldnt hawe a
clue, how can i chocke during standin up
from bad ( all in my head
I didnt felth my breath on inhalitng air at all...
(a wery nasty felling, cant fell your air in lungs).