POCATELDIMC: Welcome to the forum. Before, during or after your 20:s, did you experience physical och psychological stress? Bullying in school, parental isssues etcetera? or later when you developed POIS? What is your POIS symptoms?
Yes, I've experienced bullying and have a family history of depression and anxiety so I think I was prone to the onset of those feelings regardless of POIS. My symptoms are:
IMMEDIATELY: Throbbing Eyes, Headache, Muscle fatigue, Congestion, Cough, Lethargy, Irritability, Brain fog, Cumbersome movement/dexterity
OVER NEXT DAYS UNTIL RETURN TO NORMALCY: Depression, Guilt, Anxiety, Lethargy, Persisting cough
The extreme immediate symptoms are new (sub 6 months) which is what drove me to research their cause however the depression and anticipatory anxiety of being over drained after ejaculation has been around for 10-15 years. I have 2 kids under the age of 6 that I am a primary care giver for so I have to pick when it's acceptable to have sex as to not be such an asshole zombie when I need to be taking care of them. I was previously (4 years ago) very active on the NoFap forum and found abstaining from masturbation to be a good tool for self reflection to show what not ejaculating can make you feel like: happy/normal (for a few days at least) but at the time, I wasn't experiencing the extreme physically conditions I do now post ejaculation.