Author Topic: a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China  (Read 24153 times)


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Yes I found a very good gastroendolog doctor. He prescribed SIBO-antibiotic Rifaximin for 10 days this christmas and later Creone (for the pancreas). The Rifaximin didnt help much for the bloating but I cheeted and eate a lot of chocolate right after so I suspect that made the bacteria come back again. The Creone together with my other enzymes might do some change. A CT scan showed issues with my pancreas. But stop eating apples/bananas did so much for the bloating together with adjusting the composition of my morning-porridge (from oats to millet). Apples is FODMAP. Read up on FODMAP:s. I'm not at all cured from POIS. Yesterday I had O and had a horrible night, hot flashed and nightmares and high pulse and now I have head ache again, but consider its the 3:rd time this month and I can do some work and even write this here, I must admit that I have become much better and its still the first month on the SIBO protocol.
did you do the SIBO test again after the treatment? To see whether your SIBO is cured
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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I probably will when I'm done with this protocol, it will take at least half a year.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
In youtube I see this videl:  (sorry that Chinese do not use YOUTUBE as their first choice). Now I am watching this video and summarizing the keypoint in the video.
1. POIS is related with gut microbiome, specifically, candida overgrow in gut.
   2.1 eliminate problem-like food for a week:no meat,no dairy, no wheat, only eat boiled vegetables and steamed vegetables for one week.
   2.2 at the same time, fast, eat less, to reset digestive system.
   2.3 after the above two procedure, do an enema, then supplement probiotic everyday
My point: I will ask the doctor first to know whether these procedures will reset your digestive system or not. If my doctor says it will, I will try it.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2022, 02:52:38 AM by Lihua »
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
 2022.1.28, I went to hospital to test SIBO and it is positive, my doctor prescribed Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus triple viable tablets, a kind of probiotics and Trimebutine maleate dispersible tablets for me, and I will take medicine for fourteen days. After 14 days, I will do the SIBO test again. It is very peculiar that I neither diarrhea nor constipation(defecate twice a day), so even my doctor is very surprised with my positive result, and she said my result is very far from normal.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
2022.1.29, I decide to eat low FODMAP diet.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
I think we are done with the Rifaximin now (it costed me $184 for 10 days). 70% gets better according to studies, I didnt. His advice is to continuing testing to exclude other possible causes. I have beed scheduled for a gastroscopy and ultrasound of the liver. He wanted to test the pancreas too, but unfortunatly the health care was not offer such a test. We will continue the diagostic one step at a time. I'm happy for this, but I think my other measures is doing the most improvement, together with my SIBO-therapist.
hey friend, I think you should take some probiotics like me. It is shown in this paper that it will be more effective.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Yea, my SIBO protocol includes a stepping-up process in probiotics based on the results of the bacteria DNA test.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Yea, my SIBO protocol includes a stepping-up process in probiotics based on the results of the bacteria DNA test.
hope cured SIBO will help you, I read from many materials that SIBO will make your body lack of lots of nutrient, so before the SIBO is cured, any supplement is useless.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Yes and no. Your absorption of nutrients is probably much lower, but that makes it even more important to take multivitamin supplements during SIBO. Of cource you must absorb something, or else you would die in a few days. Sublingual, liposomal, colloidal and liquid supplements are probably the best. I had a sublingual B12/Folate and the values skyrocked at the last blood test. Be sure the suplements dont interfere with the SIBO and don't contain sugar or a alot of other additives that might make it harder for the liver or cause allergic reactions due to the leaky gut.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2022, 04:39:53 AM by BoneBroth »


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
8. From 2022.2.5, I decide to intake vitamin D 1000IU everyday because I found I have abnormal white skin(even whiter than Caucasian as an Asian), maybe it shows that I am lack of sunshine.
9. In 2022.2.6, I bought Relora@Now and Fenugreek@GNC, I will take them at the same time and report the result.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
Coimbra Protocol
maybe POIS is a kind of autoimmune diseases, and the vitamin D of one POISer in China is lower than threshold(I am going to test my vitamin D level in 3 days), so I am investigating Coimbra Protocol through watching this video and here is my note.
1. Vitamin D is a kind of hormone, we are interested in its three function: regulating immune system, stimulation of the calcium absorption, inhibition of PTH.Calcium and PTH regulate each other. So when the vitamin D in our body is not normal, our immune system will have problems because it can regulate our immune system.
2.high dose of vitamin D will influence our calcium level in blood, which maybe toxic. So we must inspect our PTH level-----if it is at low limit but not too low. It means you are safe. At the same time, we should have a low calcium diet, because calcium will affect PTH, so you have to drink a lot of water and exercise everyday at the same time to keep the calcium level.
it is very dangerous, and pity that there is no doctor know Coimbra Protocol in China. And due to covid I can not go abroad.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 03:54:49 PM by demografx »
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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Re: Coimbra Protocol


Thank you for advising that. It is very important.
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
In 2022.2.10, I do the SIBO test again, it is positive but not so serious (In the first test, the peak of hydrogen is 198ppM and methane is 14 ppM, this time they are 27 ppM and 13 ppM respectively), so my doctor prescribe Bifidobacterium lactis triple live tablets and Compound Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets for me for the next 30 days. He also suggests me that if it does not help me, I can do the Fecal transplant but I have not so much time now so I refuse to do it. I also ask me doctor why he does not prescribe antibiotic for me, he says antibiotic may result in secondary infections so he just prescribe probiotics. It is a pity that I did not test my free T and vitamin in my blood today because I went to the wrong subject, I will see one of the best gonadal endocrine team tomorrow and then test vitamin etc.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
7.Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate  394.60ug/dl----normal.
8.17? -OHP--0.58ng/ml---normal.
9.Sex hormone binding protein---23.44nmol/L---normal.
10.Vitamin B12---540pg/ml---normal.
11.25-hydroxy vitamin D----14ng/ml, far lower than normal(above 30ng/ml).
11.Free triiodothyronine---5.84pmol/L---normal.
12.Free thyroxine----19.27pmol/L----normal.
16.potassium---4.08mmol/L---normal.   sodium---140.2mmol/L---normal.   chlorine----98.9mmol/L---normal.   calcium----2.500mmol/L---normal.
17.Chest CT---normal.
18.Pituitary MRI plain scan (3.0T)---normal.
20.AMH----22.27ng/ml, Slightly higher than normal range(2.04-19.22),but my doctor said it is not serious, so she refused to prescribe any medicine for it.(But I think maybe POIS is caused by it, anyway, I will try vitamin D and other thing first, because supplementing sex hormones are dangerous). And my doctor said my sex hormones are in the critical value of the normal range, so I guess maybe this is why I have POIS, a kind of sub-health illness.
21.Alanine aminotransferase and Aspartate aminotransferase,122U/L and 75U/L respectively, Close to twice the normal value. My doctor prescribe Polyene Phosphatidylcholine Capsules for me. Recently I am trying Fenugreek@GNC(But I have no ejaculation), this shows that maybe it is Fenugreek harms my liver, so I decide to stop taking Fenugreek, and just take vitamin D@Now, vitamin B-50@Now, Zinc gluconate made in China, fish oil made in China, vitamin K2@doctor's best, calcium and magnesium capsule@Now. What's more, the other two Chinese POISer test his liver every year and it is normal, different with me, so I think maybe it is not the cause of POIS
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 09:40:58 AM by Lihua »
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
I will get the same serious POIS symptoms like masturbation after a glace at porn image, even it is so quick that I have not enough time to erect, but just a glace at it will bring six-days POIS for me like masturbation or intercourse. I will get POIS from anything related with PORNS instead of orgasm, orgasm is not the trigger. So what do you guys think of me. Is anyone else at this forum like me?
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.


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7.Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate  394.60ug/dl----normal.
8.17? -OHP--0.58ng/ml---normal.
9.Sex hormone binding protein---23.44nmol/L---normal.
10.Vitamin B12---540pg/ml---normal.
11.25-hydroxy vitamin D----14ng/ml, far lower than normal(above 30ng/ml).
11.Free triiodothyronine---5.84pmol/L---normal.
12.Free thyroxine----19.27pmol/L----normal.
16.potassium---4.08mmol/L---normal.   sodium---140.2mmol/L---normal.   chlorine----98.9mmol/L---normal.   calcium----2.500mmol/L---normal.
17.Chest CT---normal.
18.Pituitary MRI plain scan (3.0T)---normal.
20.AMH----22.27ng/ml, Slightly higher than normal range(2.04-19.22),but my doctor said it is not serious, so she refused to prescribe any medicine for it.(But I think maybe POIS is caused by it, anyway, I will try vitamin D and other thing first, because supplementing sex hormones are dangerous). And my doctor said my sex hormones are in the critical value of the normal range, so I guess maybe this is why I have POIS, a kind of sub-health illness.
21.Alanine aminotransferase and Aspartate aminotransferase,122U/L and 75U/L respectively, Close to twice the normal value. My doctor prescribe Polyene Phosphatidylcholine Capsules for me. Recently I am trying Fenugreek@GNC(But I have no ejaculation), this shows that maybe it is Fenugreek harms my liver, so I decide to stop taking Fenugreek, and just take vitamin D@Now, vitamin B-50@Now, Zinc gluconate made in China, fish oil made in China, vitamin K2@doctor's best, calcium and magnesium capsule@Now. What's more, the other two Chinese POISer test his liver every year and it is normal, different with me, so I think maybe it is not the cause of POIS

Hello, my pois started after a very long period of using antacids for ulcers and heart reflux disease. I have alot if not all of your symptoms and i will post my whole stiry soon.


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Hello, my pois started after a very long period of using antacids for ulcers and heart reflux disease. I have alot if not all of your symptoms and i will post my whole stiry soon.

The optimal pH for intestinal folate transport is between 5.5 and 6.0; thus antacids appear to reduce folate absorption.

It may be possible that your POIS was caused by folate deficiency that can lead to gene hypomethylation, although hypermethylation was also proposed due to increased inflammation in other studies. Nevertheless it could be a good idea to check if your homocysteine level is high. If so then a folic acid and vitamin B1 supplementation may help.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.


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Hello, my pois started after a very long period of using antacids for ulcers and heart reflux disease. I have alot if not all of your symptoms and i will post my whole stiry soon.

The optimal pH for intestinal folate transport is between 5.5 and 6.0; thus antacids appear to reduce folate absorption.

It may be possible that your POIS was caused by folate deficiency that can lead to gene hypomethylation, although hypermethylation was also proposed due to increased inflammation in other studies. Nevertheless it could be a good idea to check if your homocysteine level is high. If so then a folic acid and vitamin B1 supplementation may help.

I did alot of blood tests back then, and the vit d level was catastrophic almost completely depleted, otherwise was all good. Can you please explain what do you mean by hypo/hyper methylation? Is it reversible or permanent damage?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 07:45:47 PM by Poiscurse »


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7.Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate  394.60ug/dl----normal.
8.17? -OHP--0.58ng/ml---normal.
9.Sex hormone binding protein---23.44nmol/L---normal.
10.Vitamin B12---540pg/ml---normal.
11.25-hydroxy vitamin D----14ng/ml, far lower than normal(above 30ng/ml).
11.Free triiodothyronine---5.84pmol/L---normal.
12.Free thyroxine----19.27pmol/L----normal.
16.potassium---4.08mmol/L---normal.   sodium---140.2mmol/L---normal.   chlorine----98.9mmol/L---normal.   calcium----2.500mmol/L---normal.
17.Chest CT---normal.
18.Pituitary MRI plain scan (3.0T)---normal.
20.AMH----22.27ng/ml, Slightly higher than normal range(2.04-19.22),but my doctor said it is not serious, so she refused to prescribe any medicine for it.(But I think maybe POIS is caused by it, anyway, I will try vitamin D and other thing first, because supplementing sex hormones are dangerous). And my doctor said my sex hormones are in the critical value of the normal range, so I guess maybe this is why I have POIS, a kind of sub-health illness.
21.Alanine aminotransferase and Aspartate aminotransferase,122U/L and 75U/L respectively, Close to twice the normal value. My doctor prescribe Polyene Phosphatidylcholine Capsules for me. Recently I am trying Fenugreek@GNC(But I have no ejaculation), this shows that maybe it is Fenugreek harms my liver, so I decide to stop taking Fenugreek, and just take vitamin D@Now, vitamin B-50@Now, Zinc gluconate made in China, fish oil made in China, vitamin K2@doctor's best, calcium and magnesium capsule@Now. What's more, the other two Chinese POISer test his liver every year and it is normal, different with me, so I think maybe it is not the cause of POIS

Any updates Lihua?


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
In the past period of time, I found that I had slight erectile dysfunction. At the same time, I found that my testosterone level was at the lower limit. I was not as sexually active as when I was in high school. I was taking various health products (and testing my liver). After taking it for about three weeks, I found that my erectile dysfunction had been alleviated and I could have an erection through imagining a sexual act(I couldn't have an erection no matter how much imagining a sexual act before), But it's still far from high school.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.