Hi JayDeeSee,
I got 98% oxygen saturation today, after O tonight. I dont think it affects my lungs so much, but for others it might very well do that since I belive that the POIS inflammation acects every organ that has a blood supply, witch, of course, every organ has. Maybe all the supplements I take, never smoked, using a air cleaner 24/7 and air humidifyer during winter, for a long time, protects my lungs. But I will keep noticing the values.
My symptoms development are in
my info-page here. They vary a little depending on the nature of the O (sex/NE), period of restrain (its better after 1 month without any O) and probably better if I had an anti-stress period some weeks before. It's worse if ate something that produced many days of gas / bloating.
However the always present symptoms are more or less (sorted from worst to least worst):
Heavy headache/brainfog originating from the center of the brain behind the eyes, difficult to think in combination with raging brain (difficult to sleep). After 1-2 weeks the headache can be gone or change to a horrible tension headache spreading down the neck which makes it very difficult to sleep.
Lack of social skills, self-confidence, bad and breaking voice. Isolation. However I'm rarely affected by psychological depression even in this state. I guess I always had a positive attitude.
Redness and itchy skin mostly on forehead (feels like something crawling under the skin) in combination with bulging blood vessels.
Dry, cold eyes. Probably the dryness in the whole body is most noticebly in the eyes. The cause might be compromised production of aldosterone / antidiuretic hormone.
Excess cortisol production. The body try to lower the POIS-inflammation by producing loads of cortisol. This is good in the short time, but has horrible consequenses for the body in the long run. Cortisol takes all raw material from the other hormons (Google "the cortisol steal"), breaks down collagen/elastine, increases blood sugar levels and causes damage all over the body.
Weight loss and collagen loss. It seems like the body cannot absorb proteins and gain weight during POIS. Probably because of inflammation in organs responsibly for uptake and digestion. I've managed to gain collagen again after heavy supplementation with collagen peptides and glucosamine (it actually works!)
Muscle pain. I get pain in any muscle doing some extra work during POIS. Specifically the neck and tights. It takes weeks before this pain is gone.
Acne (comes from within). However now I've manage to almost stop this with increaed vitamin C (2-5 grams/day), Omega 3, water, collloidal silver intake and cleaning / massageing the face/scalp many time a day too stop the acne producing bacteria / hormones to settle in the skin for too long time. The downside is that you skin becomes even more dry when you wash it all the time so you have to replace with some face/cream and use a face friendly soap.
Hot feeling (originating from the heart, spreading to the whole body)
Bigestive issues: Bloated abdomen, mustard colored loose stool followed by a period of constipation
Dull pain in the right kidney area, sometimes stinging (it almost gone now, after drinking more water and possibly taking omega 3/vitamin C)
Increased seebum production on head-
Irregular heart beat the first night, directly after O/NE, then I can have a period of 1-2 week with when the heart skips every 10:th beat, most noticeble during bedtime/night.
Cold fingers / feets. Now I've put a heat-blanket on the floow at my working place, it helps a lot.
My hypothiesis is that all theese symptoms are caused by diffrent organs that are temporarily comrimised because of inflammation. Each organ / gland, gives it own symptoms as described in more detail my info below.
The things that works for me is restraining from O/NE for an extended time, avoid dopamin producing activities (porn, facebook, tv etcetera), supplements,
gas minimizing diet, destress like walk in nature,
planning the day/week, deep breathing and avoiding too many fights with your GF
I belive the main cause of POIS is a combination of
stress, bad gut health (
SIBO), sedimentary lifestyle and
dopamin excess (porn, social media, too many nocturnal emissions, orgasms) or just thinking about something that stimulate dopamin too much time.