Author Topic: Rathke Cleft Cyst found by MRI - Possible link to POIS (via pituitary gland)?  (Read 3665 times)


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A Rathke Cleft Cyst has been discovered by doing an MRI of my brain. Such cysts can cause hormonal imbalances by putting pressure on the pituitary gland. This makes me wonder whether there is a link to POIS - in particular, since this is the only abnormality which has been found in the numerous tests which I have done over the years. I am curious to hear your thoughts.

Rathke cleft cysts (RCCs) are benign (non-cancerous) fluid-filled growths that develop between the parts of the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. They are congenital deformities, meaning that they develop while a fetus is growing in the womb. An RCC develops from a piece of the fetus’ developing Rathke pouch, which ultimately becomes part of the pituitary gland.
Rathke cleft cysts are rare. And, they rarely cause symptoms or problems during childhood, so they are not usually diagnosed in kids. Rather, they are most often found in adults during an MRI scan to diagnose another problem, or even after death, if an autopsy is done. Women are more likely to develop this condition compared to men.
If Rathke cleft cysts become large enough, they can cause vision changes or various problems with the pituitary gland's normal processes.

This page lists the hormonal imbalances which can be caused by pituitary tumors.

I have yet to follow up on the finding with an endocrinologist. In the past, my endocrinological tests have come out normal (around the same time, the cyst has been discovered). See here.

I also did a search for 'pituitary gland' on the forum and discovered that several members have had conditions diagnosed which involve the pituitary gland. It is hard to say whether the prevalence is higher than in the population. According to this link, the prevalence of Rathke Cleft Cysts can be as high as 22% of the population.

icefloepituitary gland is smaller than normal
slon_iksagging pituitary diaphragm
demografxEmpty Sella Syndrome
Pyropeachsmall cyst on pituitary gland
lith65benign tumor in pituitary gland
poisioqmicroadenoma on pituitary gland

In the case of poisioq, the tumor seems to have disappeared, but the POIS symptoms remained.

Here are other related posts which I have come across during my search for 'pituitary gland' which I found interesting.

damaged pituitary gland and growth-hormone deficiency
regarding pituitary disorders
old pois website regarding catecholamine imbalance
role of pituitary gland for prolactin release
role of pituitary gland during and after orgasm
post mentioning paper about pressure on pituitary gland and high prolactin

Used to have brain fog, flue-like symptoms, un-refreshing sleep, extreme exhaustion, muscle and joint pain, digestive problems, social anxiety, urge to urinate frequently.
Used niacin in the past. Now using nanna1's maintenance stack. Exhaustion and brain fog now main problem. 3-day POIS cycle


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  • INTP, 19 y.o. aware of POIS since 2019
What is your Prolactin, ask a doctor for Cabergoline (a prolactin decreaser) and see if it does anything your pituitary might be releasing too much prolactin from the pressure which is worsened more after ejaculating


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Thanks @Muon, that's interesting.

@Journey, my endocrinological tests, including prolactin, have come out normal (around the same time, the cyst has been discovered). See here. I don't recall, whether I had symptoms at the time of the these tests. What I remember is that I had endocrinological tests done twice, once out of POIS and once in mild POIS. Both times the tests turned out normal.
Used to have brain fog, flue-like symptoms, un-refreshing sleep, extreme exhaustion, muscle and joint pain, digestive problems, social anxiety, urge to urinate frequently.
Used niacin in the past. Now using nanna1's maintenance stack. Exhaustion and brain fog now main problem. 3-day POIS cycle


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Have you had any developments in the past year?  :)


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    • a Chinese man's case and situation of all the POISers undergoing desenz in China
I've done brain plain MRI and MRA, both are normal.
all Chinese can send me a personal message, I have a wechat group. There are doctors researching POIS in Guangzhou, Beijing, Harbin.