Author Topic: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Protocol)  (Read 51011 times)


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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #80 on: March 30, 2023, 05:44:21 AM »
Read about NAC and CBS gene. This gene is often responsible for bad response to NAC.


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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #81 on: April 09, 2023, 04:12:06 AM »
I have proven time & time again red meat & eggs make me feel amazing - especially during my POIS recovery period.

The CVD risk of eating red meat frequently over a long-term period is a cause for concern, so I will opt for leaner cuts & see if I still feel as good as I do -- I believe I am feeling good from the nutrients found in the actual meat rather than fat, but we will see.

My stools are a lot better on a lower-fat diet as well - I seem to have some kind of issue with fatty stools / absorbing fats. Taking schisandra does seem to help, but I don't think it has actually fixed the root of the issue.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2023, 04:19:30 AM by Warrior »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #82 on: April 12, 2023, 05:59:56 AM »
For a long time I assumed my condition was autoimmune related given that I feel such an enormous improvement by being gluten-free. It is hands down the most important ingredient in my POIS solution. If I am not gluten-free, my POIS solution does not work at all! I will experience full blown POIS symptoms (last time I checked).

But from speaking with a functional medicine herbalist who works with people with all kinds of strange & weird illnesses, he believes that it's actually not that simple. Gluten & the subsequent leaky gut can effect many conditions including histamine & viral -- two common POIS hypothesis. So just because one has a gluten sensitivity in regards to POIS does not definitively mean it's autoimmune related.

The lesson is not to assume stuff. At the end of the day, we are all just guessing in the dark. Which is a lot better than nothing. The name of the game here is definitely self-experimentation. All POISERS should experiment with EVERYTHING, and do not assume ANYTHING is safe, but equally do not self diagnose root causes. It's impossible to know unless you have a strong medical background, knowledge, experience, etc. The wrong self-diagnoses can send you down a road of neuroticism over a root cause you don't actually have.

Just some thoughts I wanted to add. Hope everyone has been well. Forever grateful for this community & hope all of you find solutions to your POIS.
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #83 on: April 18, 2023, 04:42:03 PM »
I've noticed lately that I have been experiencing more anhedonia than usual.

I have just recently begun including corn. I am also having more figments of soy than usual. Will dial this back and play around with gluten, soy, & corn free wholefoods diet seeing as these are known inflammatory agents.

I also have a history of feeling bad after eating thai food (which would use corn & soy quite often). I doubt its the soy - the amount of soy I eat would be negligible. It's more likely the corn that is eliciting a response.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2023, 01:12:46 AM by demografx »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #84 on: April 27, 2023, 04:29:13 PM »
Diarrhoea and appetite suppression are two additional symptoms of my POIS. Over the past year, I have noticed my body's inability to absorb fats it seems. Well, recently have started doing semen retention again and it seems like both of these symptoms have basically disappeared.

I think because, in the past, I would only abide in a 3-day POIS state every so often because of how bad my symptoms were. Diarrhoea during this short time period wasn't really recognised as a symptom given how mild it is compared to debilitating anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, etc. Because I've improved all of these symptoms so substantially through my POIS solution, and abide in that light POIS state much more often, I am only now realising that diarrhoea and appetite suppression are additional symptoms.

So currently my POIS solution significantly improves energy and psychology symptoms, especially with the addition of red meat and eggs. However, I can still feel like my body is operating at a far less than optimal level. My energy still sucks compared to when I abstain, my mood is generally more inconsistent, foggier in general, more sensitive to foods, dopamine is more screwed up, etc. Keep in mind, my symptoms at their worst were horrendous. This is nothing compared to the severe anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, etc I used to experience before discovering my solution.

So currently, it isn't a big deal if I release frequently, but it's still not optimal by any means. Long-term I do not believe it would be very good for my health either. Thats why on top of my POIS solution, I have recently decided to opt for a lifestyle of semen retention, non-ejaculatory sex & orgasms, transmutation practices, etc - it simply allows me to perform at my best overall and experience life at deeper levels.
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #85 on: May 02, 2023, 09:41:06 PM »
Coffee / green tea is great on post o days.

Want to try niacin + green tea / coffee combo to see if it helps improve any symptoms, particularly energy levels in the days following release. A non urgent experiment I will do sometime in the future, putting here to remind myself.
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #86 on: May 23, 2023, 06:18:51 PM »
Often times in the POIS community and the semen retention community people choose sides.

I have gotten to a point now where I believe both worlds are useful. When I say worlds, I am talking about worldviews and tools.

POIS is obviously physiological in nature. It's useful to see it as a medical condition so you can try lots of different things to see what helps it i.e., diet, supplements, etc. When people become ideological about semen retention, they are unable to seek out possible medical solutions and improvements. This is obviously bad.

In my experience, I've only been able to "fix" the most severe symptoms of my POIS - which I am super grateful for. This seems to be a common thing around people who have luck in improving their symptoms here. This is still amazing, as it allows you to not sink so low when you ejaculate. I can still function as a normal human being, I just won't be operating at an "optimal" level - there are obviously physiological reasons that we don't presently know causing this.

It's only when I do semen retention do I realize the self and deep experience of life that I am missing out on when ejaculating frequently. My energy levels, clarity and state of mind, groundedness, social charisma, ability to tackle multiple goals at once, and general health improve substantially. It really is the difference between living a mediocre life and a life constantly embodying your deepest highest self.

The idea of semen retention can be depressing because we've learnt that orgasm = ejaculating. But these are actually two distinct events, and there is something called a "non-ejaculatory orgasm" one can learn. They're definitely different from a regular ejaculatory orgasm, but apparently, provide incredibly rich and pleasurable orgasmic experiences without triggering ejaculation. Ejaculation is what seems to cause most people's symptoms around here.

So at the moment with the way my life is going, I am going to utilize both worlds - at least that's what I am feeling at the moment. If I ejaculate it's not too much of a big deal like it was many years ago before discovering my POIS solution, but I will certainly embrace the semen retention lifestyle (which includes learning how to experience non-ejaculatory orgasms, energy transmutation practices, non-ejaculatory sex, etc.) To me, it seems that the paradigms of sexual energy cultivation ring true in my experience, giving birth to a much deeper level of consciousness that is psychedelic and dream-like. The physiology in one's body directly influences the state of consciousness and health one abides in - ejaculation is obviously changing our physiology in some kind of negative way (which is what POIS is.)

In the future when I am making more money, I plan on doing a rigorous and holistic investigation into my own health leaving no stone unturned.

I also personally believe that AI is probably the best shot the POIS community have at making long strides in medical understanding in a relatively short period of time.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2023, 06:26:38 PM by Warrior »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #87 on: June 07, 2023, 02:03:31 AM »
Friendly reminder that eggs AND ground beef are the GOATS during my POIS recovery. When I don't have them, I experience a lot of more social apathy and general mood swings.

Also recently started taking nicotinamide 500mg & matcha green tea to re-experiment. Feel like my energy levels have improved a lot, I believe due to the nicotinamide.

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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #88 on: June 09, 2023, 05:15:26 AM »
Animal-based diet vs gluten-free micronutrient rich diet (‘perfect health diet’)

Animal-based is definitely ideal. Gluten-free micronutrient rich diet (‘perfect health diet’) is probably more realistic & easier to sustain.
- tested time & time again, animal-based works more effectively then any other diet for reducing my POIS symptoms.

Seems like plant foods trigger some kind of immunological response, especially grains, legumes, peanuts, vegetables, etc. Have found this to be true anytime I do a gluten-free wholefoods diet (gluten-free wholegrains), AIP &/or perfect health diet (vegetables), etc - always experience more ringing in the ears, which to me is a sign of inflammation.

BEST to WORST diets in ascending order for my POIS:
1. Animal-Based (optimal - emphasises nutrient rich animal-based foods while cutting out inflammatory foods. Very mild POIS symptoms)
2. Perfect Health Diet (step up from 3, as cuts out ALL grains, legumes, etc - which are def inflammatory for my POIS. Mild-moderate POIS symptoms)
3. Gluten-Free Wholefoods (same as #5, but extra nutrition emphasising wholefoods is obz better. Moderate POIS symptoms)
4. Gluten-Free (big step up from gluten, but still eating foods triggering inflammation - most likely veggies, gluten-free grains, etc. Moderate POIS symptoms)
5. Normal diet that includes gluten (by far the most inflammatory/chaotic/drives my POIS symptoms to their MAX)

From now on, I will switch between the two when needed (animal based & gluten-free micronutrient rich diet (‘perfect health diet’))

Question for when I redo animal-based:
Do I experience any social apathy in days 2,3 etc post-release? (Literally go out & test, talk to people, etc)
Is mood more consistent on animal-based diet on days 2,3,4 etc post-release? Do you experience general anhedonia at all?

I've noticed I am experiencing more social apathy/anhedonia on gluten-free diet after POIS episodes, especially on days 2,3,4 etc post-release. From memory, I do not believe I experienced this when doing animal-based (which seemed to handle my episodes the best out of all diets I've tried).

Interesting thing I've noticed is that I tend to experience anhedonia, low mood, etc on days 2,3.... post-release etc. On the first day post release, sometimes my mood can actually be very positive and almost "high", then it drops on the 2nd, 3rd day etc. It's easy to use that 1st day as a 'success!' for POIS solution, when in fact the real test is how I feel on average & on the preceding days 2,3,4,5, etc.

Reference experience: when I went back home to the mountains, out for coffee with rents, socially apathetic + went to see my mate at the lake + sauna, feeling socially anxious.
My POIS symptoms in general on a "gluten free wholefoods diet" where I ate wholegrain brown rice, peanut butter, veggies, in addition to meat, yoghurt, fruit, etc seem to trigger some pretty nasty anhedonia, social apathy, and mood disturbances (find myself being anxious especially towards the end of the day, mood a bit up and down in general). Also immediately after releases, my symptoms were rather significant & unpleasant - anxious, brainfog, body aches - which has always been normal to experience stronger symptoms in immediate 2 hour window, but these seemed more severe than usual.

Edit 23/06 answers to the above questions while I've been back on animal-based:

Do I experience any social apathy in days 2,3 etc post-release? (Literally go out & test, talk to people, etc)
Social apathy and mood issues in general are essentially non-existent on days 2,3,4 etc. Even by the end of day 1, I am symptomless. (Eaten 4 eggs & red meat today, along with dosing fenugreek & garlic twice, and had some white rice earlier, altho I believe I would do even better without the white rice). The social apathy I have been experiencing in the past is a clear symptom of POIS, which has been worsened by plant foods.

Is mood more consistent on animal-based diet on days 2,3,4 etc post-release? Do you experience general anhedonia at all? Absolutely it is more consistent, on all days, including 1,2,3, and 4. Definitely do not experience the degree of anhedonia on a gluten-free wholefoods diet. Sometimes mood can be a bit blander, but overall it animal-based does a far better job at handling POIS and reducing its symptoms.

To remind myself of the experiences I am talking about, which served in contrasting symptoms:
- (gluten free wholefoods - severe symptoms / social apathy) when I went home to the mountains, went out for coffee with the rents, sitting in cafe feeling very socially apathetic.
- (mostly animal-based - handled it way better) when I went back to the city, helped my sis by talking thru some of her relationship difficulties, feeling very grounded + present, zero apathy. Also the day I am responding to these questions, 1 day post release, feeling very sharp, clear-minded, zero aparthy, talked to my roomie, etc.

The fact that I am sensitive to gluten should be no surprise I am also sensitive to other plant foods, and therefore do better on an animal-based diet.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2023, 05:41:24 AM by Warrior »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #89 on: June 13, 2023, 01:22:11 AM »
Been following a PHD for past few weeks. It simply just doesn't feel as good as when I am 100% animal-based, especially in regard to my POIS. My mood also doesn't seem as good compared to when I am eating animal-based. Seems like I need to take the raw garlic & fenugreek more when I follow anything other than an animal-based diet, whereas on animal-based I notice I hardly need to take the fenugreek and garlic - or I take it once around the initial release, whereas on anything other than AB, I seem to need to take the fenugreek & garlic multiple times. So strange. Anyway, gonna follow an animal-based diet again for the time being. Just a quick update/post for me to review in the future.

One thing is for sure: Waking up with mild tinnitus + having to take the garlic & fenugreek multiple times 8 hrs later or so after releasing (mild symptoms return). These only happen when I've done AIP, PHD, & GF diets.

This is still true today.

Animal-based is the best diet for my POIS (meat/organs, fruit, dairy, eggs).

Perfect health diet (PHD) is probably more sustainable long-term (emphasis on meat/eggs, fruit, starchy veg like potatoes, white rice, & veg to taste - strictly no grains, legumes, peanuts or vegetable oils).

Anything less than PHD no longer cuts it. Gluten-free whole grain is too liberal with plant foods which significantly worsen POIS - obviously it is better then eating gluten.

More plant foods I eat, worst my POIS symptoms. I am still finding what the right balance is for both diets. I noticed in the past that garlic & fenugreek were not as necessary on animal-based diet, but for anything else (PHD, AIP, etc) it was a must.

My current protocol is as follows:
- animal-based diet, if too difficult (as in not enough variety/flavour) then perfect health diet
- raw garlic before & after release, twice a day during POIS recovery days, & daily on normal days
- fenugreek 2g before & after release, twice a day during POIS recovery days, & daily on normal days
- at least 200-300g red meat & 2-3 eggs daily, especially during POIS recovery period
- nature’s own 150 B forte complex, taken on day of release, every 2nd ish normal day (very intuitive - whenever I feel like I need it)

Matcha green tea & 500mg nicotinamide before & after release seem interesting, but I am not sure of the extent to which they help.

May also be wise to have higher doses of fenugreek & garlic on release days given that daily routine may create a tolerance.

Vortex of my POIS Solution
1. Elimination of plant foods triggering immune response (gluten, grains, vegetables, etc)
2. Consumption of nutrient density (red meat, eggs, animal foods, etc)
3. Medicinal herbs (raw garlic & fenugreek)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2023, 01:07:54 AM by Warrior »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #90 on: June 13, 2023, 10:39:08 AM »
thank you for this wonderful post,it feels like i myself was posting my life...
anyways i got to a point to cooking 2 small of garlic in water for 3 mins just to diminish the stomach ache effect,
but just remembered that its not helping me a lot as it used to could it be because of that although i read that its the same.
also fenugreek i soak the seeds in water for a couple of days while am sexually active, but also consume around 3 teaspoons i think i am overdoing it.
because we are trying to have a baby and to be honest i cant have sex more than 2 times without taking a 2-3day break so,
i feel depressed agitated and no appetite for errection,
last time we were trying i took a kind of Viagra just to stimulate the sexual activity but i got beaten up when we did it daily :(
any suggestions.
i already started vitamin B complex and D,going to add Aleve as an antihistamine.


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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #91 on: June 13, 2023, 04:57:32 PM »
thank you for this wonderful post,it feels like i myself was posting my life...
anyways i got to a point to cooking 2 small of garlic in water for 3 mins just to diminish the stomach ache effect,
but just remembered that its not helping me a lot as it used to could it be because of that although i read that its the same.
also fenugreek i soak the seeds in water for a couple of days while am sexually active, but also consume around 3 teaspoons i think i am overdoing it.
because we are trying to have a baby and to be honest i cant have sex more than 2 times without taking a 2-3day break so,
i feel depressed agitated and no appetite for errection,
last time we were trying i took a kind of Viagra just to stimulate the sexual activity but i got beaten up when we did it daily :(
any suggestions.
i already started vitamin B complex and D,going to add Aleve as an antihistamine.

Hi ram,

It’s possible soaking the garlic in water could affect its medicinal effects although I’m not sure. I would probably try mincing it, let it sit for 5-10 mins, then coat it in a generous amount of honey and swallow it with full cream milk. For me that’s enough to reduce the sting of it that is accompanied when swallowing with just water or on its own without honey. Never tried that method of using fenugreek, all I know is that the fenugreek in pill form by their own work for me, maybe it’s worth trying pill form just to double check.

What’s your diet like? I have found that eating grains especially, and plant foods in general, worsen my POIS significantly. Following an animal-based diet by Paul Saladino works best for me, but if that’s too strict then a Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet is second best. It’s worth experimenting with as little plant foods as possible just to see how they affect you. Don’t overlook this.

B complex should help you a lot. I found that trying a few different ones was useful, as they all contain different amounts & types of B vitamins such that they all fit different people differently.

These are just my suggestions based off what works for me. Good luck
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #92 on: June 18, 2023, 01:08:40 AM »
Currently following animal-based/perfect health diet.

Dosing raw garlic & fenugreek at least twice a day on recovery POIS days is def still optimal. Maybe even 3x a day might be useful.

150 B Forte complex is not always necessary to take all the time. More seems like something to top up your B vitamins in general which seem to be drained a lot more hardcore through POIS. Released yesterday & haven't taken the B complex yet (about 20 hours later) & feeling good still! Taking it now to see what effect it has.


Taking the B complex definitely sharpened up my senses. Still works very well for me, makes me feel good. Completely boosted me mentally, imo.

Took B complex again the following day & felt good.

Raw garlic
150 B Ultra Forte B Complex Nature’s Own

All continue to serve me well.

I have also consistently noticed feeling shitty after having tamari or sesame oil. Either both of them or one of them I intuition is making me feel shitty. Histamine?

Also, while following mostly an animal based diet with a few plant foods (PHD) including morning coffee, tomato sauce, beetroot, etc my symptoms on days 2,3,4 etc are SIGNIFICANTLY better.

Animal-based / perfect health diet are far more effective for my POIS than gluten-free whole foods where I am eating whole grains and veggies in addition to red meat and eggs. I believe that animal based is the most optimal, and that the perfect health diet is 2nd optimal, but even then if I were to eat a large amount of plant foods on PHD, then I would be extremely skeptical and cautious in regards to how much that will worsen my POIS symptoms ie, a bowel of cruciferius veggies, rocket, etc. All in all tho, animal-based / perfect health diet have definitely performed better on those 2,3,4th days post release.

I think ultimately, the answer is animal-based tho. It provides the most steady relief of pretty much ALL POIS symptoms - I hypothesis & partially tested in the past, it is not as up & down compared to PHD, which is still comparatively a beast over gluten-free whole foods diet.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2023, 12:48:47 AM by Warrior »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #93 on: June 27, 2023, 05:21:32 AM »
Even while following animal-based (red meat, eggs, fruit, dairy), with a few herbs & spices in lamb meat, raw garlic & fenugreek continue to be necessary and strong medicinal plants. Taking 3x a day on 'recovery' days (generally the next 2-3 days after release) or basically whenever I feel like I need it. Each dose lasts about 6 hours. Morning, noon, & evening doses. They basically clear up what I call 'light POIS residue'. They also act as a 'security' thing to make sure I am not affected by this light POIS residue or 'spontaneous' POIS residue, which is also why I take it daily in the mornings.

The light POIS residue can take the effect of a mild social apathy & a light brainfog.
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #94 on: July 06, 2023, 05:18:24 AM »
Here's an update on my POIS solution through a video format:

Be sure to like & subscribe!

I will be posting more videos about POIS soon, especially on the topics of semen retention ideology vs POIS, my 6-year journey battling POIS, & mindset.

The video format should help to spread awareness of POIS.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2023, 05:23:22 AM by Warrior »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #95 on: July 06, 2023, 10:23:30 AM »
Nice yob Warrior..


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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #96 on: July 06, 2023, 10:30:56 AM »
Here's an update on my POIS solution through a video format:

Be sure to like & subscribe!

I will be posting more videos about POIS soon, especially on the topics of semen retention ideology vs POIS, my 6-year journey battling POIS, & mindset.

The video format should help to spread awareness of POIS.
Excellent video, Warrior !  Thanks for having taken the time to create it.
I have added the link to it on the "What's POIS" board, where other POIS videos are linked too :)  See at .

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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #97 on: July 06, 2023, 10:47:19 AM »
Here's an update on my POIS solution through a video format:

I really recognized myself in this video, thank you for making this syndrome known on Youtube and for proposing a solution.

By the way, have you tried replacing crushed garlic with alilicin capsules? Or are there other active ingredients in garlic?


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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #98 on: July 06, 2023, 04:35:16 PM »
Here's an update on my POIS solution through a video format:

I really recognized myself in this video, thank you for making this syndrome known on Youtube and for proposing a solution.

By the way, have you tried replacing crushed garlic with alilicin capsules? Or are there other active ingredients in garlic?

I have tried regular garlic pills from different brands, and they were not as effective as freshly crushed raw garlic. Other members have come to similar conclusions I believe. You can check out the experiment I did here:

With that being said, I have not tested the "Alimax" brand which seems to claim their pills are more stable & therefore potent:

Would definitely be worth testing the Alimax, but to me I'd rather save the money and probably just keep crushin real garlic. If it holds to the same potency as freshly crushed raw garlic, then it would be very useful on nights out, etc.

And glad you connected with the video.  :)
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #99 on: July 06, 2023, 04:38:07 PM »
Here's an update on my POIS solution through a video format:

Be sure to like & subscribe!

I will be posting more videos about POIS soon, especially on the topics of semen retention ideology vs POIS, my 6-year journey battling POIS, & mindset.

The video format should help to spread awareness of POIS.
Excellent video, Warrior !  Thanks for having taken the time to create it.
I have added the link to it on the "What's POIS" board, where other POIS videos are linked too :)  See at .

Nice yob Warrior..

Thanks guys. Keen on making more videos.
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