The D3 Experiments (Work in progress page)
Warning: It's highly recommended you work with a doctor when taking megadoses of D3 which
can be dangerous and even deadly if done irresponsibly. With that being said, I believe megadosing D3, or at the very least getting your D3 levels to the higher level of safe range, has enormous potential for improving POIS symptoms. Read up on the following resources:
How Not To Die With High Dose D3 Therapy,
The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3, and
The Coimbra Protocol. I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing information about a protocol which I believe has enormous potential for improving POIS symptoms.
I see two main D3 strategies I will test for addressing POIS symptoms:
1) Getting D3 serum levels (25-hydroxy) to the upper end of the conventional range = 40-50ng/mL. (Safest)
2) Megadosing D3 until level of symptom remission, where serum levels may need to rise well above conventional range (Dangerous if not done under medical supervision)
I think taking high dosages of D3 has enormous potential.
I’ve already seen a lot of its potential from the moderate amount I’ve been taking thus far.
I think it’s possible it could completely transform my food sensitivities beyond their current level.
German doc recommended for autoimmune patients 120ng/ml for transformative effects.
I took 21,000iu daily for a month or two and reached 100ng/ml, but stopped out of fear of toxicity levels.
Will do a full write up + comprehensive research into this as I think it has huge potential.
My D3 shot up to 98.6 ng/mL (16/02) after 2-3 months of 21,000iu per day. Then I stopped for a few weeks and re got tested on the 07/03, with a D3 level of 60.2 ng/mL. So from 16/02, to 07/03 (20 days apart), D3 25-hydroxy level fell from 98.6 ng/mL to 60.2 ng/mL.Even when my levels were at 60.2 ng/mL, I still stopped taking any D3 thinking my levels were satisfactory. A few weeks later I was blindsighted by an increase of symptoms.
Recommended ranges of D3 is currently debated. From my research, minimal range imo for those with inflammatory disease is 70-80 ng/mL. Others may still benefit from higher dosages and serum levels.
This article is an interesting read up for that.Warning: Do your own independent research. I’m not a medical specialist or doctor by any means. None of this is medical advice. goal is to identify the most effective high vitamin D3 dosage and blood level long-term (thats still reasonably safe). There's a solid chance that those with POIS or any other inflammatory chronic disease will do better on higher dosages and blood levels of D3 than the norm.
In 2022 (16/08/22), I had my D3 tested as per request of my specialist. I didn't think at the time I would be deficient in D3 given that my work at the time required me to be out in the sun very frequently. The test result came back as 79 nmol/L or 22 ng/mL... I would personally conder this on the low end, though by generic medical standards it would be considered ok. The fact that my D3 was this low despite spending lots of time out in the sun at the time is probably quite telling... again may support the theory behind inflammatory diseases chewing through D3 at faster rates.
Many times in the past I have actually quoted here in my journal of either how reducing D3 (stopping its supplementation) has increased auditory thought (mental noise), worstened POIS symptoms, etc, and how increasing its dosage to higher amounts (at least 14,000iu) improved my POIS, food sensitivities, and overall health drastically.
The questions I need to answer once and for all:
- What is the optimal range of D3 for me?
- Does a high serum level and/or megadosing D3 have potential in curing my food sensitivities completely?
- Does vitamin D3, when dialled in at optimal range, fix all levels of social apathy/anhedonia? (In the past I noticed this appeared to go away completely around the time period I was doing a lot of experimentation with Nanna1s stack where I was taking high amounts of D3.)