An opinion on this article, by a friend in pm:
"Thanks for the article. I disagree with a lot of statements made there. First of all, theoretical studies without any experiments on mouse or human models (gene expression, not readily available blood tests etc.) are the pathway to nowhere. With the same success, I could attribute every POIS symptom to the loss of zinc in sperm. Pseudoscience seeks to prove a hypothesis correct whereas science seeks to prove it wrong. Moreover, I highly dislike the approach where they try to explain all POIS cases. This theory could be easily declined by simply providing cases where people experience POIS-symptoms just from arousal, and all that spermidine stuff goes into nowhere. This theory can't explain how so many people experience symptomatic relief from such substances as SSRIs, benzos, etc., neither how people were cured by specific dietary protocols. That said, I do not disregard the theory, but this study is completely inappropriate and can't be taken seriously. From my perspective, it is a bro-science anecdote."
I agree with the methodological criticisms, though I still welcome new ideas which can bring about further reflection.