Author Topic: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.  (Read 6638 times)


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I have been taking ashwagandha (+ginseng) and fenugreek since more than a week (in addition to creatine). Also l-theanine since almost a week.

Had an O. I recovered pretty much after a day. I know because I woke up after only 5 hours feeling quite good in the morning. I also took NAC 600mg and Cordyceps during the day again after 6 months without it.  Also took passion flower extract (liquid form) in the last couple days. Plus, I ate broccoli each day.

I don't know which supplement exactly helped here. I think ashwagandha (+ginseng) and fenugreek raised my test levels over the last weeks. Also starting cordyceps might have improved it a little further.

Then l-theanine, Nac and even passion flower might have helped with mood, sleep and the brain in general.

Either way, I am really happy and grateful about this.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2024, 06:23:52 AM »
I'm starting to think that fenugreek is not necessary in my case.
In my post of July 11th I mentioned that I started fenugreek and creatine at the same time. Maybe it's moreso the creatine that is helping me?! Maybe I can chuck fenugreek from my list of supps and buy creatine instead of that and save money this way.

Anyways, I have been taking my supplements, following my protocol. Too many supplements lately in all truth. Pois is still very much real. But perhaps the mental pois is bigger. I think I would benefit from a silent meditation retreat. Just 1 week or 2 without any media input other than the nature sounds. But I'm sure it would be equally uncomfortable as it would be healing and tearful. Unfortunately, commitments and circumstances don't allow that.

I have been listening to calming brain wave music on youtube with good headphones as much as possible though and have realized it definitely does help a bit. Also just coupling it with nature sounds or rain sounds.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2024, 11:25:06 AM »
Unfortunately egg yolks are rich in vitamin A, which according to @Iwillbeatthis could be the leading cause of pois. I recommend reding his latest posts where he explins his journey & how he got cured from pois.
I was also consulting with an ayurvedic doctor years ago and they recommended me to eat egg whites (and exclude egg yolks). This is interesting.
Thank you community! I am no longer alone, with “unreal” symptoms.
I have hypothyroidism & constipation (toilet every 3 days or more). Worst constipations = more pois, & lots of mucus in the stools, or just mucus coming out.
Solutions: testing Urine therapy by John W. armstrong & @Iwillbeatthis


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2024, 03:37:16 PM »
Really? Eggs causing pois, damn. I'm hearing this for the first time. Can you please link the post you are referencing, I can't find it now.
To be honest, in my case, I distinctly remember that I developed pois before including eggs in my breakfast. It became a part of my daily breakfast like 2-3 years after the onset of this. Also while I do eat eggs, I don't eat as much eggs a day as some other people, for me 2-3 eggs is more than I can eat whereas for some others it's like 5-6 eggs a day, atleast that's what I'm seeing in daily vlogs from fitness athletes and so on. I don't know if it's exaggerated.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #44 on: September 20, 2024, 02:14:55 PM »
Have gotten taurine again after a long time. Taking it definitely helped my sleep. When I need to wake up more early I'm gonna take taurine.

Also I have bought pomegranate juice after I saw pomegranate being as the go to for someone here. It looks like it helped to raise my testosterone levels.

I took about 3 grams of taurine and I also took 2 tablets of melatonin (as the bottle advices). I had one ejaculation about 45 min later.

How did I feel? Well, I noticed that I was calmer and had no sudden onset of panic like heart beating much harder and so on after I took a shower.
After waking up, I had no desire or energy to workout. Except for 2-4 sets of bicep curls that I did. Throughout the day, after taking my supplements in the morning, I was not at my best but not at my worst either.

So, all in all, Taurine before O. seems to have helped a bit. I.e. it helped on the same night to not feel overwhelmed. I don't know if it had any effect beyond that hour or two. I hope so. Maybe me being more calm during that moment can decrease the length of the POIS episode and shorten it by a day or two?!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2024, 06:01:21 AM by quiteQuiet »


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2024, 03:53:38 PM »
After 1 day I could exercise quite well.
After 2 days I was quite confident again, at least to just be present in public places with lots of people (fluency of speech will take longer).
After 3 days, I'd say I fully recovered from POIS.

I had followed my protocol, + also eaten lots of different berries, drank pomegranate juice and coconut milk each day.

Also I had taken 2-3 grams of taurine each night.

I had also began taking L-Carnitine on the morning after my last O.  I had not taking Carnitine probably in 2 years as I didn't notice a difference in the past. Idk if this was the supplement that helped me now to recover quite quickly.
In the past I had taken on a tab or two a day I think whereas now I took 4 tabs throughout the day.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2024, 06:24:46 AM by quiteQuiet »


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2024, 09:29:33 AM »
To preface - I have consumed way more sugar than before. And had more sexual activity. But I'm not feeling as bad as I expected.

Now I'm starting to think that pomegranate is really good for me.

Other than that I have not really introduced much change. I have also eaten more fruits aswell. But have always been a fan of those.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #47 on: October 09, 2024, 06:57:03 AM »
Like I reported previously, after 1 day I could exercise quite well. On the 3rd day I woke up on time, so I was happy about that. but mentally I felt worse than ever before. So I took 1 Gram of taurine. And after one hour again 1 Gram.
Also pomegranate juice.
Suddenly I felt good again.

I have some nerve twitching on my arm not gonna lie. I think bc I had one cup of coca Cola the night before. But all in all, very good.

Also I am physically in the best shape of my life. I am surprised myself as I had some pois episodes lately. I am thinking, it must be one of the Supplements that I am taking. Maybe taurine 3-6 Grams is causing it. Maybe l-carnitine. Maybe Creatine.

My guess is that Taurine is causing better sleep and regeneration. And Creatine, carnitine and pomegranate is elevating Test Levels.

Very very happy and optimistic at the moment. It looks like I will succeed in 2025 in reducing pois to 2 days. Which will be huge for me.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2024, 03:27:43 AM »
I believe I am getting one step closer to healing.

I think freshly pressed pomegranate juice is really not to be underestimated.

So, from now on I will always buy pomegranate. Also I have an idea that maca might be helpful aswell. On top of gingseng that is the staple.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2024, 07:48:12 AM »
Recently I?m having some success. I only have pois for 2 days lately. For the third time now. That is if I have sexual activity only on one day after abstinence of 5-7 days.

I have not taken new supplements really. Mostly the Stack I described above.

New is Maca complex with arginine, pomegranate etc. I have been taking carnitine since a month.
New addition is pomegranate. Fresh juice or eating the fruit each day. And fresh berries each Morning and evening. And some garlic (also before O).
Also reducing coffee from about 6 spoons to 2 spoons a day.

I take garlic, Taurine and Drink a Strong Ginger Tea about 45 min before the sexual activity. And I try my best to have 30 min before a second O.

I don?t know if this recent success will last but I am really happy. If it stays this way, then life will be better for sure.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2024, 07:51:09 AM by quiteQuiet »


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2024, 02:02:32 PM »
Reishi in liquid form makes it easier to socialize as per my observation. Reishi in general seems to be helpful in dealing with this condition.

Recently I have not made much progress though. Although I quit coffee 2 weeks ago. I think also mentally I was under a lot of stress maybe that?s why. I have not been exercising as much, although I?m taking more walks.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #51 on: November 11, 2024, 05:06:12 PM »
After starting daily cardio exercise again and also muscle / home training again, I feel better :)


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2024, 10:32:09 AM »
I drank pure matcha powder tea, ate garlic and ginger with honey about 45-70 min before 3 O?s (that were spaced out actually). Also took 2x 600mg NAC.
Also I smoked in this time window. And afterwards aswell.

Afterwards I drank pomegranate juice, ate berries, drank green smoothie. Also took creatine after a weeks break.

In the following morning I ate 3 eggs, drank a preworkout for the first time in my life (has taurine, arginine etc.), creatine, green smoothie, and took a ginseng+bvitamins supplement.

I don?t know what it is but I felt better than I expected. And my skin was still very clear without breakouts.
I did feel bad until noon, after about 12 hours post O. I felt better mood wise. Also not enough energy to workout. But ginseng is good at preserving muscle mass I figured, so soon I will start my routine again.

All in all, I am now of the opinion that matcha powder tea is indeed something that I want to drink before, so thanks to the OP for the idea. Also ginger and garlic.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #53 on: November 26, 2024, 11:52:23 AM »
It still looks like an episode lasts 2 to 3 days. Hard to say on which day I am fully cured. After 2 days my sense of humor returns, I am also able to get in some exercise with some breaks in between sets.
After 3-4 days I notice my eyes look shinier. It?s like my eyes went from 240p to 4K.

Berries are very good. Curcuma tea for the skin. Creatine and ginseng for preserving muscle mass.
Also after eating meat like chicken I notice an improvement. Also some piece of dark chocolate is good. Bananas are also good.

One of the worst things is drinking coffee, especially more than 1 cup a day. Leads more often than not to more stress and less good sleep. I started drinking coffee again and unfortunately it?s better to be avoided.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2024, 11:52:27 AM »
It lasts for 2-3 days.
I started taking mushrooms complex about 4-5 days ago. Very good choice, it helped me I?m sure.
The only issue now is that I still require more sleep than I expected/ want to sleep. Also the eyes/ under eyes become more pronounced after having an O. and the veins become visible. I don?t know if this was always the case, I noticed those a month or two ago.
If you know any tip on regards to that I would appreciate it.


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Re: Reflections: What I have learned and what I'm yet to fully comprehend.
« Reply #55 on: December 14, 2024, 08:04:55 AM »
One of the beat things is mushroom complex that contains reishi and other components.
I wish I had known that earlier, like with certainty I mean.
Also just taking niacin with flush in a fasted state is still one of the beat tips.
I think now I have learned enough to just move on. I'm thinking about moving on from pois forums. I wish everyone all the best.