Very Interesting BoneBroth What instrument do you use to measure this?
Its called a Bicom Bioresonance, probably one of the most recognized bioresonance brand.
My "pois cascade hypothesis":1. Orgasm releases
inflamatory substances. Why? Deficiencies of some hormons because of too many releases? Or in combination with genetic predisposition, stress, gluten/lactoseintollerance? I don't know, but
releases seems to be central.
2. The inflammatory substances
harms many organs and each organ gives it own symptom (or in chain reactions). For example:
Brain -> Headache, depression, no motivation
Thyroid -> Temperature regulation, hotflash, difficulty sleeping, muscle weakness, hyperactivity.
Hypotalamus - > Dry skin, dehydration, hotflash, heartbeat etc
Liver/gall bladder - > Acne, advanced hormonal iimblances, SIBO
Kidney -> Low blood pressure, POTS, headache, varicose veins
Adrenal -> Cortisol excess followed by cortisol decline -> inflammation, testosterone deficiency. Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease.
CNS - > tingeling, difficult to breath
Blood vessels/blood - > varicose veins, blood pooling (thick blood) because of clumping platelets
Intestines - > Bloating, gas, candida, vitamin deficiency, advanced hormonal imblances, SIBO
Gonads -> Testosterone deficiency
When you google symptoms for problems with those organs you will recognize many of your POIS symptoms. But thats just secondary effects.
I did a liver-detox and managed to decrease the acne outbrek to a minimum, but the other symptoms remained. With a SIBO protocol I reduced the bloating (and the pois caued by bloating) but the other symptoms remained etcetera. So we could strengthen some individual organs and restore their functions to a certain poin (remove some symptoms) but it would not cure POIS unless the main cause is fixed and the organs cant take the load for any length of time without the risk of permanent damage.
To cure POIS (which I believe is possible to a great extent) we have to adress the main cause. And as I see it, the startpoint must be to restore a healthy orgasm-routine/function (stop orgasm for a long time!), restore the hormonal balance and rewire the brain.
Healing the intestines, detoxifying the liver, taking certain vitamins/minerals, reducing stress, improving sleep and exercise would hugely catalyze the healing process, along with protecting the body from inflammatory substances when accidently orgasm (with Quantum/Nanna1 POIS-packs). But there are a multitude of other health methods that could aim in the process (for example bioresonance).