Detailed specification in my summary. I'm doing so many things at the same time so I dont know what works and what is not. But something is definitly working! Here is a top-ten list of what I believe makes symptoms worse:
1.Having disrupted sleep quality and not beeing tired when going to bed due to:
- Bad going-to-bed procedure: Getting in bed after midnight. Not relaxing two hours before bed, playing PS4 or working at the computer late, watching action movies etcetera.
- Experience mental stress before going to bed.
- Sitting too long time at the computerwork during the days without doing some kind of excercising at least one time every hour, including two 20 minutes walks outside.
- Not getting sun light early in the morning.
- Eating (specifically meat) too late
- Overstimulated brain. It might take hours for the brain waves to calm down efter intensive mental work and they must be calmed in time for bed time otherwise you will have a raging brain, nightmares and hot body tempertaure during night.
- Not sufficiently varied stimuli (watching the same walls all day).
2. Having upset stommach and gasses/bloating due to eating hight starchy foods (particularly pizza, hamburgers, bread, pie, deserts, cream, wheat) the same day.
3. Having too frequent O and "erotic thoughts"
4. Not taking the Quantum or Nanna1 packs 1-3 hours before bed
5. Experience constipation (I had improvements after start taking a supplement that really gets the gut going with magnesiumoxide and some herbs)
6. Not drinking enought of water (comprimises the liver, kidneys and detoxification)
7. Drinking alcohol
8. Drink too ,uch coffee after noon
9. Not taking the daily vitamin C
10. Not taking liver detoxifications cures enought frequetly (1 time every 3-6 months)