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POIS Theory Master List
--- Quote ---Personally I believe this is all driven by the parasympathetic nervous system. Most of the people here fit the criteria of acetylcholine dominance. There are a few things you can do, but there is no magic pill. So your sympathetic system is asleep and your stuck in this dark state. The only way out is to lower choline. Choline manufactures acetylcholine, when acetylcholine is high dopamine is low. there is an inverse relationship to the two. Tonic water has quinine which lowers acetylcholine. Search reddit, loads of ideas on this. One way to tell is if your breath rate, is low like 8 breaths per minute. Normal is around 14 breaths per minute . Is your blood pressure low? All of these things show what's going on with the autonomic system.
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--- Quote from: Muon on November 09, 2024, 01:19:24 PM ---An extension of the previous post:
EDIT 2: My hormones are all normal, which... fun. So wish that could've been a solution.
Good question from POIS patient:
So r u female, how do you react to periods ? Curious to know about it, as with all of us slight hormonal flush do mess with immune response that leads latent virus to Reactivation.
Definitely have a reaction to my periods, (flushing, joint pain) but not as severe as the kind I get to orgasms.
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Hi fellow patients,
Dr. De Boer has retired. He treated several patients with POIS and was also involved in research. He is listed on the "List of Doctors Who Know about POIS and are seeing POIS patients." I visited him as well and was impressed by his personal commitment. I sent him a thank-you message. Since he was involved with multiple POIS patients and research, perhaps more people could send him a message?
dr.lj.deboer at
I suspect he would appreciate this.
--- Quote from: Jan on November 12, 2024, 09:18:48 AM ---
Hi fellow patients,
Dr. De Boer has retired. He treated several patients with POIS and was also involved in research. He is listed on the "List of Doctors Who Know about POIS and are seeing POIS patients." I visited him as well and was impressed by his personal commitment. I sent him a thank-you message. Since he was involved with multiple POIS patients and research, perhaps more people could send him a message?
dr.lj.deboer at
I suspect he would appreciate this.
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Thanks, Jan!
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