Author Topic: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)  (Read 3818 times)


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Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« on: February 28, 2021, 04:01:45 AM »
From last 2 months I've been facing severe fatigue and weakness despite of abstinence. Went to several doctors and started with antidepressants to treat my depression.
One week ago, I got my urine culture done and turns out there is severe and complicated asymptomatic Urinary Tract Infection. The bacteria isolated is morganella morganii which is a very rare type. I have no urination problems at all but still the reports say that I have infection.

Now this somehow it be linked to my pois. For the background I am 22 and have had pois for 7 years now. And somehow I realise now that I had a bad (symptomatic) UTI in the initial stages after which my pois started. I took antibiotic after which my UTI subsided but POIS continued (it was worst at that time).

Could there be a link between these 2? Maybe UTI is triggering the weakness post-O? This is very critical to my treatment since my all other reports are excellent. Please find attached my report.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 06:09:49 AM by Legendary_animal »


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2021, 07:52:54 AM »

M. morganii can produce the enzyme catalase, so is able to convert hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. This is a common enzyme found in most living organisms. In addition, it is indole test-positive meaning that this organism can split tryptophan to indole, pyruvate, and ammonia.

Hmm I had instances in the past where my stool smelled like ammonia. POISers who treated their UTI still have POIS.


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2021, 09:50:38 AM »
From the French wikipedia page:
"Morganella morganii... responsible of opportunistic infections found mainly in immunocompromised subjects:
- extra-intestinal infections (wound, abscess);
- dietary intoxication to histamine (molecule produced by the bacteria)


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2021, 11:39:28 AM »
Hmm I had instances in the past where my stool smelled like ammonia. POISers who treated their UTI still have POIS.

Hi can you give reference to their posts. I would like to see which bacteria was causing them UTI, because this is not any normal bacteria and is asymptomatic. Further is there any test by which this bacteria can be isolated in stool?


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2021, 11:41:34 AM »
From the French wikipedia page:
"Morganella morganii... responsible of opportunistic infections found mainly in immunocompromised subjects:
- extra-intestinal infections (wound, abscess);
- dietary intoxication to histamine (molecule produced by the bacteria)

Hi, what does this imply? Can you throw light on this?


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2021, 12:00:40 PM »
Quote from: Muon
Hmm I had instances in the past where my stool smelled like ammonia. POISers who treated their UTI still have POIS.

Hi can you give reference to their posts. I would like to see which bacteria was causing them UTI, because this is not any normal bacteria and is asymptomatic. Further is there any test by which this bacteria can be isolated in stool?
No, use the search function of poiscenter, reddit and/or nakedscientist. I've asked a couple of these folks what bacteria it was but never received an answer. You should write down your last question and ask it to your doctor, I wonder if it's in your stool.


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2021, 12:18:24 PM »
From the French wikipedia page:
"Morganella morganii... responsible of opportunistic infections found mainly in immunocompromised subjects:
- extra-intestinal infections (wound, abscess);
- dietary intoxication to histamine (molecule produced by the bacteria)

Hi, what does this imply? Can you throw light on this?

I don't know, I just notice this, first because an immunocompromised state is suspected in POISers, and second because the idea of chronically upregulated histamine (due to some unknown reason) as the cause of POIS was advanced many years ago by some members (Kurtosis & trusttheprocess, notably). They suggested that it could explain the success of both methylation support (clearing histamine) and some anti-histamines as POIS treatments (as well, I guess, as low histamine diets, etc.), and had interesting theories about this. Arousal & orgasm increase histamine in the body. Recently Muon also reported that a member of a reddit POIS forum was tested for histamine in blood and had a very high value.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 12:36:06 PM by Prospero »


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2021, 12:28:55 PM »
The bacteria isolated is morganella morganii which is a very rare type. I have no urination problems at all but still the reports say that I have infection.

Transferred to partner?
I have had CFS for 6 years and my wife just developed it too

Also my gf has terrible POIS too, and by terrible I mean really for like 2-3 days if she orgasms twice in a day...

These symptoms started for my guy when he was 15 years old. But I don?t know when these really started for me. My guy was the one who found that I also have this thing. Before, we thought only he has this shit. (We called it ?Over?). Then we started to notice my symptoms too. We did search internet and I found you tube video about POIS and then I saw this forum link in the comments section.


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2021, 12:48:44 PM »
I have had POIS for 7 years now and since this bacteria is asymptomatic (according to my doctor and what I feel), is there a possibility that it thrived in my body for 7 years? Also I searched UTI in this forum and could hardly find some posts, I think that this area is under rated. How many people have done urine culture or semen culture even though they didn't have any kind of urinary problems. I haven't explored this forum much and I am very new to this area that's why I am seeking your help since you guys are very knowledgeable.

Thanks a ton


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2021, 01:38:18 PM »
From the French wikipedia page:
"Morganella morganii... responsible of opportunistic infections found mainly in immunocompromised subjects:
- extra-intestinal infections (wound, abscess);
- dietary intoxication to histamine (molecule produced by the bacteria)

Hi, what does this imply? Can you throw light on this?

I don't know, I just notice this, first because an immunocompromised state is suspected in POISers, and second because the idea of chronically upregulated histamine (due to some unknown reason) as the cause of POIS was advanced many years ago by some members (Kurtosis & trusttheprocess, notably). They suggested that it could explain the success of both methylation support (clearing histamine) and some anti-histamines as POIS treatments (as well, I guess, as low histamine diets, etc.), and had interesting theories about this. Arousal & orgasm increase histamine in the body. Recently Muon also reported that a member of a reddit POIS forum was tested for histamine in blood and had a very high value.

I've trusttheprocess theory which says this-
[size=78%]Quantum also asked a very good question: "So, it could be possible that the sudden and heightened exposure to prostatic fluid and a potential prostatic antigen in it, following ejaculation, could trigger an auto-immune reaction otherwise not possible."  Yes, this is possible, and occurs in men with chronic prostatitis, as reported in the study "Autoimmune prostatitis: Evidence of T cell reactivity with normal prostatic proteins".  Furthermore urinary tract infection is a proven cause of autoimmune disease, with molecular mimicry and cross-reactivity proposed as the reason for the production of auto-antibodies, from the study "Rheumatoid Arthritis is an Autoimmune Disease Triggered by Proteus Urinary Tract Infection".  These concepts, along with the presence of leukocytes in my urine following POIS, has led me to my theory that POIS is an infection of an immune privileged/"sanctuary site" of the urinary tract with a microorganism that exhibits molecular mimicry to normal human antigens.  I believe it to be a subset of chronic prostatitis, which researchers termed autoimmune prostatitis in one of the studies listed above.  Chronic prostatitis is a common syndrome that researchers believe is caused by a microorganism, which I think is likely fungi in most POIS sufferers due to our symptoms.  Below is the abstract of "Current treatment options in the management of chronic prostatitis", take a look at what is the first proven treatment listed.[/size][/size]


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Re: Got Severe Urinary Tract Infection (Major revelation)
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2021, 06:07:04 PM »
I was thinking about this thread: and this one: (with following pages). But you also found something which may be relevant to your problem.