Author Topic: My story- update (I wish nobody has to go through this)  (Read 3723 times)


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My story- update (I wish nobody has to go through this)
« on: February 12, 2021, 01:27:59 PM »
So on Nov 18, I started working my first job right out of my university. I secured best placement at my university and one of the few things I am proud of (other being my academic scores throughout). I have suffered with this problem since I was 16-17 (2015) untill now. All the way it has affected my confidence very much to an extent that I feel difficult in communicating even with my family and friends (even in abstinence). I felt all these years my memory has been super weak and brain foggy for most of the times. Somehow I managed good academics scores and an excellent job ( due to my extra efforts and I have been excellent in academics before pois so I continued that legacy).

Now in may 2020 I discovered this condition and this community. Untill then I was thinking that everyone has some problems associated with O but I have some aggravated form of it which will get okay with time and my healthy lifestyle. As soon as I discovered this condition I tried ibuprofen, antihistamines (montelukast+fenofoxidine, hdroxyzine, levocitrizine), Niacinamide (non flush type) Vit D, omega 3 pre as well as post O. These things only made me worse.

Finally got fed up and decided abstinence is the only way ahead for years to come. As expected I started have wet dreams ( once in 15 days) but it gives me less severe symptoms which I was able to manage (2-3 days). But in my job I took excess pressure though it was a simple training period. Now I am getting worst POIS symptoms which I believe are stress induced. I had some 4 wetdreams in these 3 months so that shouldn't have been a problem. Suicidal thoughts are occurring to me now. I have got a super weak memory now and I feel like I am super drunk all the time. I can't even talk properly (words don't just come out right). I can't understand how stress and overthinking can do this to an otherwise healthy 22 year old.

I told my family what I have been going through and took some 20 days off from my job. I have been on an antidepressant course for 27 days now but I can't see much improvement here. My family and my bosses are super supportive but somehow I've lost faith in myself and given to hopelessness. I do nothing except sleeping and scrolling social media for last 1 month. I feel so much demotivated that I even don't feel like bathing leave apart working. There's chest tightness and blackout when I stand up after sitting. My body feels so weak and I've no strength left in my legs at all, otherwise I've no body aches. I find it difficult speaking a single sentence.

I mean I've had this condition for 5 years now but I never stopped trying. I used to do weight lifting everyday and take a good protein rich diet and I never felt physically weak. This time I gave up completely (keeping mind I am on abstinence right now).

I guess I am one of the first ones who is facing such problems even on abstinence. This makes me feel that pois is stress induced and thus psychosomatic. Now there are only 3 days left of my leaves and I've to join back but I am in no mental state too. Please help me otherwise I'll end up wasting my life


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Re: My story- update (I wish nobody has to go through this)
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2021, 03:03:11 PM »
I have got a super weak memory now and I feel like I am super drunk all the time. I can't even talk properly (words don't just come out right).

I guess I am one of the first ones who is facing such problems even on abstinence.

No the same thing happened to me I had symptoms the whole time for years, for me fixing the gut with detox regimes, taking pure epa oil, fixing my methyl cycle defects by looking at my gene mutations, DNRS is helpful but I haven't practiced much at all.

In my experience anti depressants just worsened things for me and did permanent damage especially sertraline.

I think a functional medicine doctor is a good place to start if you have the money.


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Re: My story- update (I wish nobody has to go through this)
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2021, 05:02:50 PM »
Have you ever visited a doctor? :) Just for a general checkup, without mentioning POIS and NOT to get antidepressants.

Yes, stress is a killer for me too.

Other questions:
1) How is your sleep?
2) What is your diet exactly? What do you eat? Are you vegan/vegetarian or anything else that could lead to deficiences?
2b) Do you take in enough salt?
3b) Do you drink enough? I can recommend alcohol free wheat beer with lemonade.. if you're without access to that, you might want to try something like Gatorade..
3) Do you have dental problems?
4) Have you tried breathing exercises?
5) Have you tried taking walks in nature? (I feel bad if I don't take a walk daily..)
6) Have you looked into taking a multivtamin? You can do this ASAP. For physical weakness, additionally I have good experience with ALCAR and Q10.
8) 3 days before re-starting work is a bit little, but if I was you I'd try Ashwagandha Extract and Rosea Rhodiola. Both can help to stabilize mood, anxiety, testosterone, stress resisence, ...

PS: I cannot abstain, if I abstain for too many days (like a week) my brain and mind


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Re: My story- update (I wish nobody has to go through this)
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2021, 05:08:31 PM »
I've now remembered your nick name and skimmed through the other thread :-)

I have been eating raw garlic empty stomach from the last 2 years to no avail.

Don't do it. Cut out onions and garlic for a while. Search for FODMAP brainfog. Try going low FODMAP.

Actually I have been raised a vegetarian, I can't eat animals, neither does my culture allows it. I tried intermittent fasting, got only more weakness though. I am mildly lactose intolerant, so I am planning to reduce my dairy. I am not going vegan now, because I need to eat more in general to keep the weakness away.

This sounds really easy to get into deficiencies of B vitamins, Zinc, Iron, (...)
In addition to the Multivitamin, I'd use a zinc supplement (benefits a lot of people in the forum).


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Re: My story- update (I wish nobody has to go through this)
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2021, 05:19:41 PM »
Reference to FODMAP thing:
After one day of dropping onions and garlic and only eating low fodmap amounts of certain foods I see a massive reduction in brain fog, social anxiety and autistic symptoms, its like it sorted out a neurotransmitter imbalance and now music is much more enjoyable for me also. I was eating a whole cooked onion with every meal before this diet.


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Re: My story- update (I wish nobody has to go through this)
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2021, 07:04:42 AM »
I found that when I added in organic white potato home made chips which are supposed to be low fodmap I felt really bad for a week.

My advice would be to cut out high gi carbs like white rice, white potatoes, pasta, high histamine foods and instead eat brown rice and sweet potatoes as these can help your neurotransmitters. Berlin is right maybe you need to eat meat it probably would help, but if you can't then use a methyl or hydrox b12 supplement.