Hi Quantum ,
Welcome to POISCenter!
Here are some POIS resources which may be helpful to you:We are proud to announce our first POIS research grant, awarded in December, 2013, to be managed for us by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). Grant awarded to:
Barry Komisaruk, PhD (Principal Investigator), Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Rutgers University
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Study title: Is POIS a Case of Vagal Dystonia? -- An fMRI Brain Activity Analysis
More about our Grant:
You can start here, continue reading following pages and other forum threads:
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=426.msg11042#msg11042Click here to see Mat780's excellent YouTube POIS Channel. Mat's YouTube videos include (1) our great new April 12 POIS TV Documentary. A must-see. And (2) The Learning Channel documentary, featuring our forum member "Animus".
Click here to see The POIS reddit post. Outsiders (non-POISers) spontaneously gifted NORD's POIS Research Grant $1,000+ from this
reddit post. Thanks to "mellivora" and "CertainlyPOIS"!
Our POIS chatroom (realtime chat). Invite or visit another member(s) there, ANY TIME. We can all get to know each other better:
Just click here first, and then look for "CHAT" button towards top of page, 6th button to your right!Our POIS Forum - architectural genius: "Daveman" - for detailed subject-by-subject discussion.
POIS Information Website, built by "mat780", is here:
http://sites.google.com/site/POISwebsite/The POIS Information Website is home to the
POIS Forum Compendium, written by "Pyropeach", and contains theories already discussed here and treatments that have both worked and failed.
Please see "B_Jim"'s
POIS Summary of All Cases, here as well as others on the Web. This includes remedies that we have tested, and results.
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg149009#msg149009"Girlwind" has created an excellent
POIS Video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWBxAUC9k1gPost Orgasmic Illness Syndrome "POIS": Case reportAuthors:
Abdalla M Attia*, Magda H Al-Ziny, Hossam A Yasien
*Corresponding author: Andrology Unit, Minoufiya University, Shibin El Kom, Eygpt
For more info, check out emi_b's SMF POIS thread:
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=191.0;topicseenPOIS Research Studies available Upon Request:1. and 2. POIS Research Studies, 2011 These 2 papers reveal Dr. Waldinger's POIS autoimmune hypothesis and suggest one possible avenue of treatment.
3. First POIS Research Study, 2002We have a copy of the first formal medical investigation on POIS by Prof. dr. Marcel D. Waldinger,MD, Ph.D., and Dr. Dave Schweitzer, MD.
4. Recent POIS Research Study, 2010CASE REPORT
Postorgasm Illness Syndrome - A Spectrum of Illnesses
Jane Ashby, MRCP, and David Goldmeier, MRCP
http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg316781#msg3167815. British Medical Journal Case Report, 2010Case study by Dr. Selwyn Dexter of a patient with a headache-featured POIS symptom treated with progesterone/norethisterone.
http://casereports.bmj.com/content/2010/bcr.10.2009.2359.short?rss=1How to get any or all of the above 5 studies: send the Administrators "demografx" or "daveman" a Private Message (PM) with
your regular email address (e.g., jim@abc.com) and we'll send you back the PDF(s).
To send a Private Message, click on messages link at the very top of this page. Then click "Send Message". From that point on, it works just like posting a message here, except that it only goes to the person(s) you designate. New York Times article,
January 20, 2009
Sex and Depression: In the Brain, if Not the Mind
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/20/health/views/20mind.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=friedman%20sexual%20January%2020&st=cse- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In addition to serving our own informational interests, the resources listed above can be useful for you to show our
credibility to the medical world - which often shows little understanding and is sometimes skeptical of our condition: POIS has scientific underpinnings and POIS is not "just another psychological problem" related to sex - to be treated by the psychiatric/psychotherapeutic community. All of this information can greatly help you to fight the immediate reaction of some doctors: so just tell them, "IT'S

It can be very helpful to you when dealing with medical professionals to point this out. Click to see
POIS' official listing, as recognized by the
National Institutes for Health (NIH), Office of Rare Diseases Research:And in Europe: Orphanet now lists POIS on their website. - Click here.The Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (P.O.I.S.) Forum is listed in the organization database of the
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) --
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php. The link for this, through their home page, is --
POIS also appears in credible medical sources such as the
Journal of Sexual Medicine (Dr. Waldinger's study),
British Medical Journal (Dr. Selwyn Dexter's study), and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postorgasmic_illness_syndromeFor over 5 years, our POIS forum has attracted over 200 POIS sufferers worldwide who have posted here, research on an additional 200 sufferers elsewhere on the internet, plus our pages have been read nearly
2,000,000 times. Not bad for a rare malady.
Show some of this to your doctor - with pride. Chances are, you know far more about POIS than s/he does. Don't be intimidated by fancy diplomas. It's almost impossible for any one doctor to know much about POIS before you walk into his/her office. Unfortunately, it's up to you to educate them. And if you happen to find yourself with a disagreeable "student"-doctor (you're the teacher), find another doctor. Quickly! SEARCH THE NSF FORUM ARCHIVES WITH GOOGLE
We have an overwhelming amount of NSF data: more than 5 years' worth of posts (over 10,000 posts!) from 200+ Forum members, and an additional 200 POIS sufferers found elsewhere on the Internet by Member B_Jim.
In the
Google search box, type
for example, I tried
nocturnal emission POIS site:http://thenakedscientists.com/and 740 results came up for "nocturnal emission" within the Forum.
be careful with spaces (you can use them before the word "site") and no-spaces (everything after the word "site")
Google even provides you results with the Message# for each result. But Message #'s do change, so be patient and look for the approximate Message#.