I just registered but I've been lurking for a few weeks and am familiar with most of the main POIS information.
I am 26 and have suffered from a form of POIS for most of my life, worsening in the last few years. My symptoms are mostly mental, and by that I don't mean "POIS is a psychological problem", but that my symptoms are mostly in the mental/emotional realm rather than the physical realm: brain fog, depression tending towards near-suicidal thoughts, fatigue, irritability, bad social skills, timidity, compulsive behavior.
I was raised in a strict religious environment and until I became an adult I associated the POIS symptoms with "guilt" because I thought that masturbation was sinful.
Then, a few years ago, I encountered the work of Marnia Robinson (reuniting.info, yourbrainonporn.com, etc). She and her husband and their followers (sometimes it seems like a cult lol) believe that both porn and orgasms "overstimulate dopamine" (bit of an oversimplification) and that abstinence is and always will be the only solution. Her theories were/are very convincing and for several years I tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to be abstinent. Now I have a girlfriend (for the first time in my life lol) and that makes abstinence even harder (not only the sex itself but she approves of my taste in porn so I am able to enjoy it without the slightest lingering religious anxiety). So I don't want to "believe in" Marnia's theories anymore. I would rather think of the problem as being physical, being an actual "syndrome", i.e. POIS.
I am quite sure that her theory is partially correct. For me, everything I do that helps me relieve POIS symptoms is related to dopamine...junk food binging, competitive video games, buying things, and caffeine are the major ones. It's like sexual activity burns out all the dopamine and my body takes days or weeks to make more. I've felt temporarily somewhat better using herbs that affect dopamine such as St John's Wort or Vitex, but the long term effects of such things make me hesitant to continue their use, and using them for more than a little while seems to reverse the positive effects just like seems to happen with prescription SSRIs with some of the members of this forum. So I think they are just bandaids and not addressing the root problem, which in my "type" of POIS seems to be a lack of neurotransmitters, not just dopamine but surely serotonin as well, if we had low dopamine but high serotonin we should just feel happily chilled out. The dull, "everything is colorless" stupor of my type of POIS suggests to me that all the "happy chemicals" are burned out, not just dopamine.
If Marnia's theories are true, there is no such thing as POIS, but rather no one may have orgasms (male or female) without burning themselves out sooner or later. Essentially a science-driven retake on the old religious story that orgasms are only for procreation and not for entertainment. I wish not to believe this, for obvious reasons, lol.
A big problem with Marnia's theory is that many people seem to happily have as many orgasms as they want with no side-effects. This implies that we are the exception rather than the rule, and that everyone who find happiness in abstinence (and there are many!) are undiagnosed POIS sufferers. However, my paranoid side argues with this by positing that perhaps everyone who engages in frequent orgasm or porn use has these symptoms, and the ones that seem not to are just better at hiding it, better at coping with it, and perhaps too unobservant to notice that their symptoms are related to sexual activity. What if the majority of sufferers from modern diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome are actually just having too many orgasms? Marnia's people might very well say so. And, while I think that's ridiculous, the lingering religious paranoia towards sexuality makes me hesitate, and go, "but what if they were right all along???"
And here my thought processes tend to get a bit philosophical. Maybe we're not supposed to be able to frequently experience intense pleasure. Maybe sex really is supposed to be just for procreation. Maybe you only get so many neurotransmitters and that's that. Maybe the down-regulation of dopamine receptors that occurs after drug use occurs for every pleasurable thing frequently engaged in means that we're biologically programmed to not exceed a certain allotment of pleasure...maybe our brains are our enemies and simply refuse to allow us to have these pleasures unrestricted and without consequence.
But I don't want to believe all that stuff. I would rather believe that this is a reversible syndrome caused by some combination of stress, lack of nutrition, environmental toxins and, possibly, genetic factors. So there's this constant argument going on inside my brain...who is right...the POIS people or the abstinence people?
I add Dr. Lin to the title because his theories are similar but slightly different to Marnia's. He is another person who is (from my current pro-POIS perspective) profiting from "treating" hoards of undiagnosed POIS sufferers. Look at the symptomatology of all the cases (both male and female) on his rather dense and confusing website, actionlove.com, and see how familiar they sound. He's a Chinese self-appointed-expert who's also into Taoism, doesn't write English all that well so his explanations are very confusing and convoluted fusions of science and Taoist metaphysical concepts. He has some legitimately good info but it's very hard to figure out what's legit and what's nonsense. Most disturbingly, all his advice-giving is corrupted by sales pitches for the ridiculously expensive supplements he sells, which he claims will cure people of their POIS-like conditions...but the supplements seem to be nothing more than common vitamins and herbs at shockingly high prices, and reports from other forums indicate that they may be completely useless.
I think it's fascinating how Marnia and Dr. Lin have such a completely different take on what is essentially the same condition as POIS, just not labeled as such. The funny thing is, the people on the other side essentially believe that everyone in the world suffers from POIS, and those that don't are more or less abstinent. That kind of black and white thinking is what makes me pro-POIS...I think it's silly to assume that just because sex burns me out, that everyone else must suffer from the same condition or else are too stupid to realize it.
In conclusion, I wonder how much cross-talk there is between the POIS camp and the "other side"? I know Marnia's people know we exist, because I first heard of POIS from them, a few years ago. But I've tried to avoid reading much of their stuff recently because it depresses and confuses me. Did most of you here know about Marnia's theories already?