Author Topic: Genetic profile results  (Read 31764 times)


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Genetic profile results
« on: January 25, 2021, 12:43:31 PM »

As some people shared parts of their genetic profile regarding methylation and detox, Muon asked me to gather them in a single thread - so here it is.

Please notice that these are really incomplete results and a very little part of our genes. Moreover, many of the gene polymorphisms highlighted here are very common. I guess that interpreting these results in terms of their concrete consequences on health is not an easy task for any of us. It would also certainly be interesting to look to the genes for other issues than methylation and detox.

Methylation results :

COMT V158M rs4680 : 2 +/+ (Prospero, Muon's brother), 5 +/- (CuriousCharacter, Berlin1984, drop247, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster), 1 -/- (Kurtosis)
COMT H62H   rs4633 : (always the same as the previous one)
COMT P199P   rs769224 : 4 -/- (Kurtosis, Berlin1884, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)

VDR Bsm   rs1544410 : 2 +/+ (CuriousCharacter, rollercoaster), 1 +/- (Kurtosis), 4 -/- (Prospero, Iwillbeatthis, Berlin1984, drop247)
VDR Taq   rs731236 : 4 +/+ (Prospero, Iwillbeatthis, Berlin1984, drop247), 1 +/- (Kurtosis), 2 -/- (CuriousCharacter, rollercoaster)

MAO A R297R   rs6323 : 2 + (Kurtosis, Iwillbeatthis), 1 - (Berlin1984)

ACAT1-02   rs3741049 : 1 +/- (Iwillbeatthis), 2 -/- (Kurtosis, Berlin1984)

MTHFR C677T   rs1801133 : 3 +/- (Kurtosis, Prospero, drop247), 5 -/- (swell, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, CuriousCharacter, rollercoaster)
MTHFR 03 P39P   rs2066470 : 1 +/- (Iwillbeatthis), 2 -/- (Kurtosis, Berlin1984)
MTHFR A1298C   rs1801131 : 1 +/+ (Iwillbeatthis), 5 +/- (Kurtosis, Prospero, Berlin1984, swell, CuriousCharacter), 2 -/- (drop247, rollercoaster)

MTR A2756G   rs1805087 : 1 +/- (Prospero), 5 -/- (Kurtosis, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, drop247, rollercoaster)

MTRR A66G   rs1801394 : 3 +/+ (Prospero, swell, rollercoaster), 5 +/- (Kurtosis, CuriousCharacter, Berlin1984, drop247, Iwillbeatthis)
MTRR H595Y   rs10380 : 1 +/- (Kurtosis), 1 -/- (Iwillbeatthis)
MTRR K350A   rs162036 : 2 +/- (Kurtosis, Berlin1984), 3 -/- (drop247, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
MTRR R415T   rs2287780 : 5 -/- (Kurtosis, Iwillbeatthis, drop247, Prospero, rollercoaster)
MTRR A664A   rs1802059 : 2 +/- (Kurtosis, Iwillbeatthis), 1 -/- (Berlin1984)

BHMT-02   rs567754 : 1 +/+ (Berlin1984), 1 +/- (Prospero), 4 -/- (Kurtosis, Iwillbeatthis, drop247, rollercoaster)
BHMT-04   rs617219 : 2 -/- (Kurtosis, Iwillbeatthis)
BHMT-08   rs651852 : 1 +/+ (Berlin1984), 1 +/- (Kurtosis)

AHCY-01   rs819147 : 1 +/- (Kurtosis), 1 -/- (Berlin1984)
AHCY-02   rs819134 : 1 +/- (Kurtosis)
AHCY-19   rs819171 : 1 +/- (Kurtosis), 1 -/- (Berlin1984)

CBS C699T   rs234706 : 4 +/- (Kurtosis, Prospero, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster), 2 -/- (Berlin1984, drop247)
CBS A360A   rs1801181 : 2 +/- (Kurtosis, Berlin1984), 1 -/- (Iwillbeatthis)
CBS N212N   rs2298758 : 2 -/- (Kurtosis, Iwillbeatthis)

SHMT1 C1420T   rs1979277 : 1 +/+ (Prospero), 1 +/- (Kurtosis), 2 -/- (drop247, rollercoaster)

Detox results :

CYP1A1*2C A4889G   rs1048943 : 2 -/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis)
CYP1A1 m3 T3205C   rs4986883 : 2 -/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis)
CYP1A1 C2453A   rs1799814 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
CYP1A2 164A>C   rs762551 : 3 +/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster), 1 -/- (Prospero)
CYP1B1 L432V   rs1056836 : 3 +/+ (Prospero, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster), 1 +/- (Berlin1984)
CYP1B1 N453S   rs1800440 : 2 -/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis)
CYP1B1 R48G   rs10012 : 1 +/- (Berlin1984)

CYP2A6*2 1799T>A rs1801272 : 1 +/- (Iwillbeatthis), 1 -/- (Berlin1984)
CYP2A6*20 rs568811809 : 2 -/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis)
CYP2C9*2 C430T   rs1799853 : 1 +/- (Iwillbeatthis), 3 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, rollercoaster)
CYP2C9*3 A1075C   rs1057910 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
CYP2C19*17   rs12248560 : 1 +/- (Iwillbeatthis), 3 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, rollercoaster)
CYP2D6 S486T rs1135840 : 2 +/+ (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis)
CYP2D6 100C>T rs1065852 : 1 +/- (Berlin1984)
CYP2D6 2850C>T rs16947 : 1 +/- (Berlin1984)

CYP2E1*1B 9896C>G   rs2070676 : 1 +/- (Prospero), 3 -/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
CYP2E1*1B 10023G>A rs55897648 : 2 -/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis)
CYP2E1*4 4768G>A   rs6413419 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)

CYP3A4*1B   rs2740574 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
CYP3A4*2 S222P   rs55785340 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
CYP3A4*3 M445T   rs4986910 : 3 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, rollercoaster)
CYP3A4*16 T185S   rs12721627 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)

GSTP1 I105V   rs1695   : 1 +/+ (Iwillbeatthis), 1 +/- (rollercoaster), 2 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984)
GSTP1 A114V   rs1138272 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)

SOD2 A16V   rs4880   : 2 +/+ (Prospero, Iwillbeatthis), 1 +/- (rollercoaster), 1 -/- (Berlin1984)

NAT1 R187Q   rs4986782 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
NAT1 R64W   rs1805158 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)

NAT2 I114T   rs1801280 : 2 +/+ (Iwillbeatthis,rollercoaster), 1 +/- (Berlin1984), 1 -/- (Prospero)
NAT2 R197Q   rs1799930 : 1 +/- (Prospero), 3 -/- (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
NAT2 G286E   rs1799931 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
NAT2 R64Q   rs1801279 : 4 -/- (Prospero, Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster)
NAT2 K268R   rs1208 : 3 +/+ (Berlin1984, Iwillbeatthis, rollercoaster), 1 -/- (Prospero)

Links to the personal profiles : Kurtosis (M), Berlin1984 (M, D), Drop247 (M), Iwillbeatthis (M, D), Prospero (M, D), swell (M), CuriousCharacter (M), rollercoaster (M, D), Muon's brother.
Iwillbeatthis' more complete profile.
Additional genetic information from Trusttheprocess: FOXP3, IL-12B, CD40 etc
« Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 01:05:33 PM by Prospero »


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2021, 12:57:09 PM »
Reserved, for any practical purpose.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2021, 12:59:40 PM »
Reserved 2.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2021, 03:22:03 PM »
Thanks a lot for going through the effort!

What I find very interesting (we also had a poll about this here in the forum) that a lot of people in the forum are engineer/science/nerd type of guys. (No idea about the low number of female POISers we have, but would beinteresting too).

Could be a coincidence that people like us are more likely to visit this kind of forum, but could also be a genetic clue for something.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2021, 03:26:04 PM »
Thanks for the thread!


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2021, 11:47:34 AM »
Thanks, Prospero !   I am sure it means a lot of work to create a compilation like this one.
I suppose not everyone is familiar with genetic polymorphisms results.  Could you confirm that, in your chart, a "+" means that the person has the allele that is less common, so that a +/+ means that this individual has 2 genes of the rarer variant ( homozygote SNP )?  Having the rarer variant/allele can potentially mean that a protein in this individual body and metabolism, like an enzyme, a cellular receptor, or another type of protein, is not functioning like in the majority of the human population, because one amino acid, which means one of the building blocks in the chain, is not the same.   A +/- means that one of the the 2 genes someone has for the same loci is the more common variant, and the other one is the rarer one. We all have 2 copies of all our genes, one copy from eahc of our parents. An heterozygote result usually has less impact on the individual's biology, but may be halfway between the common function for the majority of the population and those who have 2 copies of the rarer gene.

 A rarer variant is also called a SNP (Single Nucleotide Permutation), and is found in more than 1% of the population ( if the variant is rarer still, less than 1% , it is rather called a mutation ).
If what I have written above is in line with your notation, Prospero,  a  "-/-" result means that the individual has the more common allele/variant in both of his genes for this loci, for this particular location on a particular gene, so has likely the normal/usual function for whatever is coded by this gene.
A gene loci is usually named by a series of capitalized letters, like "COMT".  You can search these specific gene names on the net to know more about what is known about each one of them.
A "rs" followed by a serie of numbers, like "rs4680" is used to define a specific SNP.  It stands for Reference SNP cluster ID.  For example, rs4680 refers to a specific SNP found in the COMT gene.  It is also called COMT V158M, the V158M part referring to the amino acid change that this nucleotide permutation will produce ( I spare you all the details, but if you are interest in genetics, DNA structure, and how it encodes for amino acids and leads to proteins synthesis, you will surely find all the details over the net)
It is useful to know that all these SNPs can be searched with their rs ID,  There are great internet databases for that.  For example, you can search rs4680 on sites like (  Of course, you can also make your search with COMT V158M and will also get the the right information.   You just have to get used to the fact that a single SNP can go by multiple names and types of notation.
Don't worry, if you are not familiar with biology and genetics, it is normal that, at first, all this information seems really confusing and hard to understand.  Just go slowly, and you can always use Wikipedia to search any individual term, and know more about it ( like, "SNP", "mutation", "gene"  "COMT", and even well known SNPs will have their own entry, like "rs4680" - )
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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2021, 12:18:13 PM »
Yeah I only realised a few days ago that Allele type is very important. Some allele variants are gain of function and others are loss of function depending on which allele is there.

So what I mean is that you can have some homozygous SNPs that are actually a good thing depending on whether the allele type is AA, TT, CC or GG. So just because you have a homozygous gene don't automatically assume it's bad check the scientific literature to see what your allele variant means.

Then you also have things called VNTR repeats that don't have a RS number which also have a big impact on gene function.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2021, 01:08:27 PM »
Could you confirm that, in your chart, a "+" means that the person has the allele that is less common, so that a +/+ means that this individual has 2 genes of the rarer variant ( homozygote SNP )?

Thank you for your specifications.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2021, 06:42:18 PM »
I am a certified functional genomic analyst and health coach.  A new client presents with POIS, and that brings me to this forum.

The DNA test I use looks at over 200000 variants in the inflammation and detoxification pathways, beyond the common and usual suspects (COMT, MTHFR, ACHY).  This test uses a proprietary CHiP and is fulfilled at a lab at Rutgers in NJ.  The data is loaded into analytical software and, along with an organic acids test and signs/symptoms questionnaire, gives us very good insights into sources of inflammation.  We're looking at not only variants in enzymes (genes) but toxins and nutritional/biochemical imbalances.

For this client, in the enzymes/genes, I will be looking at several cycles of inflammation/detoxification (Krebs, methylation, sulfation, glucoronidation, urea  ...), the roots of his oxidative stress (hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite, etc), "mast cell activation"/histamine, NOS uncoupling, neurotransmitters, ammonia, and more. 

I suspect mold mycotoxins, and other toxins like glyphosate, aluminum, borrelia, are taking "hits" on my client's immune system (NADPH oxidase, NOX) and blocking detox pathways.

I highly recommend the book, "Toxic" by Dr. Neil Nathan who contributes to "my" research team at NGRI.  Chapter 16 describes our methodology.  My website has additional info, graphics, resources.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2021, 06:49:00 PM »
about the "geek" factor ...  most of my clients are engineers, scientists, ITers; they are analytical, often type A and sensitive males.
I've attached some files (sample organic acids test), graphics of the inflammation pathways, a "zoom in" to the mast cell and histamine pathways.  I can look at the data in many ways. 


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2021, 06:54:23 PM »
Hi Heather and welcome to the forum. What kind of time frame are you expecting to have the results of your client's testing? I'd be interested to hear the results.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2021, 07:00:02 PM »
Thanks a lot for going through the effort!

What I find very interesting (we also had a poll about this here in the forum) that a lot of people in the forum are engineer/science/nerd type of guys. (No idea about the low number of female POISers we have, but would beinteresting too).

Could be a coincidence that people like us are more likely to visit this kind of forum, but could also be a genetic clue for something.

GLUTAMATE (quite possibly, GAD genes, and others related)


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2021, 07:26:09 PM »
I am a certified functional genomic analyst and health coach.  A new client presents with POIS, and that brings me to this forum.

Hi Heather

Does your client have a username on here? I'm interested to see if you are able to fix your clients POIS.

I have done an OAT test, genetic testing but I still find the results confusing, I've attached my results bellow.

Maybe my MAO A genes are causing issues with catecholamines in me?


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2021, 12:42:21 AM »

You all seem very good with your knowledge of DNA, I havnt a clue when it comes to science and this question may seem like a stupid one for you all but if you find a link between DNA and the POIS what actions are necessary? Are you able to turn on and off certain DNA strains?


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2021, 07:12:42 AM »
I am a certified functional genomic analyst and health coach.  A new client presents with POIS, and that brings me to this forum.

The DNA test I use looks at over 200000 variants in the inflammation and detoxification pathways, beyond the common and usual suspects (COMT, MTHFR, ACHY).  This test uses a proprietary CHiP and is fulfilled at a lab at Rutgers in NJ.  The data is loaded into analytical software and, along with an organic acids test and signs/symptoms questionnaire, gives us very good insights into sources of inflammation.  We're looking at not only variants in enzymes (genes) but toxins and nutritional/biochemical imbalances.

For this client, in the enzymes/genes, I will be looking at several cycles of inflammation/detoxification (Krebs, methylation, sulfation, glucoronidation, urea  ...), the roots of his oxidative stress (hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite, etc), "mast cell activation"/histamine, NOS uncoupling, neurotransmitters, ammonia, and more. 

I suspect mold mycotoxins, and other toxins like glyphosate, aluminum, borrelia, are taking "hits" on my client's immune system (NADPH oxidase, NOX) and blocking detox pathways.

I highly recommend the book, "Toxic" by Dr. Neil Nathan who contributes to "my" research team at NGRI.  Chapter 16 describes our methodology.  My website has additional info, graphics, resources.

Hello!Can you tell us what symptoms does he have?


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2021, 08:53:43 AM »

You all seem very good with your knowledge of DNA, I havnt a clue when it comes to science and this question may seem like a stupid one for you all but if you find a link between DNA and the POIS what actions are necessary? Are you able to turn on and off certain DNA strains?

It is a very good question, Cosmic!

Genomics can help you by giving you personalized information on your SNPs ( small DNA variations) that can lead to some lifestyle adjustments that will help raise your overall well-being.
For example, if you have a SNP with a risk allele ( the "bad" version") causing that a specific enzyme in your body is 60% less active, you can adjust depending on the biological function of this enzyme.  If, for example, the function of this enzyme is to digest a specific type of sugar, you will then avoid eating food containing that specific type of sugar.  You can also take as a supplement the vitamin or other substance that is a co-factor to this enzyme so that you help boost and support his level of activity.  If an alternative pathway is known for the digestion of this specific type of sugar, you can also help this other pathway with supplementing with the cofactors if this other pathway.
It will especially help if you do that for those SNPs for which you have 2 risk alleles on the same gene locus ( we have two copies of all our genes, one copy from each of our 2 parents).  If you happen, on a specific gene locus, to have 2 "bad" versions, risk alleles, then you have a homozygote, +/+ SNP, there, which usually creates more problems than a +/-, half-"bad" version ( one of your parents gave you the usual, "normal" version). 

Genomics is a young science, there is not useful and clear information for all SNPs, and for some, you will not find anything.  But new information is adding each month in the databases. Apart from accumulating good information, another current challenge is to detect the cumulative effect of many different +/- and +/+ SNPs, and find the specific bad effects of a certain specific combination of SNPs

My opinion is that POIS is possibly caused by the cumulative effect of many SNPs.   I also think that all POISers do not all have the exact same kit of risky SNPs, but similar enough to display similar sets of symptoms.  Like I have written already, I think there is more than one type of POIS.  this is reflected in my POIS Types Chart, and their possible relief methods ( see ).  This would explain why some members get relief from a specific elimination diet, some others from of methylation support, and so on.  It depends on their specific SNPs, leading to specific metabolic problems.

If, let's say, it takes 50 to 80 different risky SNPs to cause POIS, maybe that 30 of them are common to most POIS sufferers, and the other SNPs would account for the different types of POIS ( of course, this is a very speculative hypothesis, it will take many, many years to see if this is the case or not). 

Anyway, I suppose that all those complex syndromes that evade detection by simple blood tests or standard exams will benefit from genomics research.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 08:59:45 AM by Quantum »
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2021, 09:30:21 AM »
Genomics is a new science, but I think of it as more an art, this identifying root causes of health conditions and how to heal from them.  Many people are so sick that even a whiff of quercetin can make them sicker.  There is no 'cookie cutter' solution.
It really isn't helpful to name/diagnose a dysfunction/disease and work backward into an explanation in order to reverse the condition, though it does help in finding community :)
Genetic variants plus toxins plus nutritional deficiencies plus gut micriobiota imbalances plus poor vagal tone manifest differently in each person.   My client exhibits symptoms of POIS (post-coital fatigue, irritability, brain fog).

Genomics is about far more than diet and food.  It's about inflammation, detoxification which are at the root of chronic health conditions.  It's a powerfully female story. The DNA in the mitochondria, where energy is made, come from your mother only; so for some genes, whether heterozygous or homozygous for a variant, they come from your mother.   

This recent conference addressed the complexity of functional health and healing:
I direct clients to MyMedLab where they can order tests themselves (organic acids, glyphosate, heavy metals, mycotoxins, pesticides etc), residential/building mold testing/remediation. 

Voltage is vastly ignored in America; Germans and Russians are far ahead in therapies/treatments using electrical frequencies (we are electromagnetic beings ... eventually, that's where the conversation ends up.)  For energy medicine, see James Oschman's "Energy Medicine" 2nd edition).

I can't offer advice/insights here for individuals.  It takes me hours to analyze the data and work though it with clients.  Software helps!

In short, I look for ways to better "express" my clients' genes:  remove toxins, bolster microbiome, immunity through diet and supplementation, balance the autonomic nervous system.  Therapies will include micro-frequency currents, osteo/chiro manipulations, EFT and whatever the client is open to trying/works for them.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2021, 10:07:13 AM »
It's a powerfully female story. The DNA in the mitochondria, where energy is made, come from your mother only; so for some genes, whether heterozygous or homozygous for a variant, they come from your mother.

That could explain the dominance of women presenting health conditions in my family. The concept of resonance frequencies is barely investigated in medical research.


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Re: Genetic profile results
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2021, 03:37:00 PM »
Hi, HeatherRaeINHC, we hawe some medical data colected in medical test results treed too.
