Also the slightest bit of sexual excitement triggers POIS even if its just texting or hinting at anything sexual.
(...) I could already feel POIS symptoms while texting. My mood got bad out of nowhere and i suddenly felt like going to sleep and ignored the girl for the rest of the night.
(...) My main symptoms are bad mood, sweating, heart palpitations, neck pain and i feel extremely cold despite normal temperature and my bowels get very bad during POIS. Also start feeling anxious/panic for no reason and get extreme insomnia despite being very tired i can't sleep no matter how tired i am.
(...) I feel very irritable during POIS and want to be alone most of the time. I get short tempered and just generally annoyed very easily whereas outside of POIS im usually calm and can control myself well.
(...) I have always been very thin but ever since POIS started i went from thin to underweight unable to gain weight.
(...) Also only during POIS i have (...), congestion/sinusitis, swollen lymph nodes.
Hi, I have exactly the same experience as what I've quoted, except for neck pain (it's rather lower back pain in my case, but it disappears in one or two hours) and my allergies don't seem to be related to POIS, though in POIS I have quite often a mild, latent post-nasal drip and nasal congestion, as well as swollen lymph nodes sometimes. Sexual arousal and exercise are my only non-orgasmic triggers, my stress and anxiety management is very bad and it requires some time to recover but it's not POIS, though it worsens much in a POIS state.
I have no solution to avoid the triggering of symptoms (apart from absolute avoidment of anything which can provoke sexual arousal, which I do recommend), but I did notice that daily Omega-3 were very efficient against some of these symptoms (general anxiety, bad stress management) and would decrease importantly the time necessary in order for most of the other symptoms to vanish after they were triggered (heart palpitations, nervousness and things related). I've been taking them by periods since last september and my general condition has improved clearly, most of the symptoms don't last for weeks or months anymore, only a few days, sometimes even a few hours, and I seem to be less vulnerable to some of them (especially those which are anxiety-related, as well as the need to sleep after arousal). Omega-3 seem to lose in efficiency after some time, though, so I'm cycling off regularly.
I should also add that, last summer, I tried quercetin and curcumin supplements after reading posts from Muon, Quantum & others about mast cells issues. In a short period of time after taking the pill (45 min to 3h, I'd say), quercetin seemed to allow me to be slightly aroused in the way you spoke of (and even to masturbate a bit) without having the immediate unpleasant symptoms you mentioned (sweating, mood shift, tachycardia, anxiety, need to sleep just after). It was completely useless to prevent symptoms from orgasm, however, and I also got symptoms from prolonged arousal. Taking quercetin daily for one month was equally fruitless. As for curcumin, it seems to provide some help in order to recover after orgasm, though it is really a partial help, but as a pre-pack before arousal it was less convincing (sometimes it seems to have worked like quercetin, sometimes it did nothing).
Regarding nasal congestion and things related, I've noticed that anti-histamines seemed to help (I've took ebastine and desloratadine, but I didn't carry on because they stirred up important nervousness and insomnia every time I tried them). Nonetheless, I'm not sure that my nasal congestion is linked to POIS, I'm allergic to dust and some pollens, so it may be just this. Post-nasal drip, though, is more clearly associated with POIS periods (since 2020, it wasn't really the case before if I remember well), but the triggering and evolution of this symptom is not as clear as things like tachycardia, mood shifts, anxiety, gut problems, etc.
Also, if you find a solution against the inability to gain weight, I would be interested

EDIT @Muon : I'm not the lady to whom these questions were addressed but I can respond to the last one, for all practical purposes. I'm not really bisexual but I certainly feel "less heterosexual", or "less manly", in a POIS state, and I experience a much stronger desire for females out of it, as well as a stronger "willingness to assume a manly role", sexually.