Author Topic: POIS definitions and synonyms  (Read 3425 times)


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POIS definitions and synonyms
« on: November 16, 2020, 10:52:53 AM »
When searching information about POIS or explaining it to your doctor it will help to know the synonyms and the name of symptoms/diseases that are near.

Definitions and papers to show to your doctor (or family/parents/friends):
POIS Paper Archive - a list of scientific articles about POIS (Compilation by user Muon)

Synonyms and search terms
POIS (Postorgasmic illness syndrome)
Post-orgasmic illness syndrome
Postorgasmic illness syndrome
Post orgasmic sick syndrome
Post-Ejaculation Illness
Primary headache associated with sexual activity (defined by International Classification of Headache)
Sex hedaches
Post-coital Headache
Orgasmic headache
Orgasm illness

Similar conditions
Peri orgasmic dysfunctions
Preorgasmic headache

Please give suggestions of more good introductions to show to the doctor!
« Last Edit: November 16, 2020, 11:19:59 AM by BoneBroth »