Author Topic: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.  (Read 3973 times)


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The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« on: September 11, 2020, 09:16:44 AM »
Just an update. I am one of the worst POIS sufferers here so for me this was a nice discovery. I suffer severe POIS for 2 full days after O. Certain vitamins give me much relief when taken before O, but often it is not enough to allow me to function/socialise normally. Anxiety and brain fog in POIS is extreme, and I can barely go outside without feeling deep discomfort.

Finally I took Diazepam (Valium) the day after O, while in POIS, and it completely removed my brain fog and anxiety. It was only a small dosage, 2 mg, and I fear the addictiveness of benzo drugs, so I did not take it more than once and I don't recommend people use this regularly without speaking to a doctor as they can have very damaging side effects and shorten ones lifespan if taken regularly.

Still, it is comforting to know, if you have an important function, event, dinner, business meeting, etc, that there is something to fall back on. Something that can enable you to function normally. This relief of anxiety, knowing you have something to help you in these situations, can relieve ones anxiety in general, and this reduction in general anxiety may even help reduce the severity of POIS. I know for me personally, when I am stressed or anxious, my POIS is MUCH worse. If my base line anxiety levels are low to nil, my POIS is often very manageable and I can even function normally IF I take a prepack of vitamins before orgasm.

So, this post is really just to provide an emergency option for those that are desperate, which many probably are at times.

I am awaiting a flight to a country that has Milnacipran, as another member (hurray) has mentioned works for them, and another member after that has also given it an 8/10.

For now, it is comforting to know there is something that helps.

All the best 🙏


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2020, 09:20:37 AM »
I should add, I took it in the evening, at about 730 pm, and it was effective when I went to bed that night at midnight. However, I woke up the next morning and my normal 2nd day of POIS had returned. So, I consider it an emergency option for times when you absolutely must be "switched on".


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2020, 09:21:50 AM »
I also left out the fact that it kicked in and started working 30 minutes after I took it.


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2020, 12:38:55 PM »
"Diazepam at high doses has been found to decrease histamine turnover in mouse brain via diazepam's action at the benzodiazepine-GABA receptor complex."

What does histamine turnover mean in this context?

I find any substance that is a GABA agonist decreases my anxiety and my POIS. Lemon Balm, Taurine, Ashwagandha, Magnesium seem to have the best effects for OTC supplements.


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2020, 04:15:49 PM »
Klonopin works for me as well, but I hate taking it.  Just a word of warning about benzos in general, it?s easy to end up relying on them ? your body becomes acclimated to them very quickly, and you need to up your dose for the same effect... this can happen repeatedly.  Also coming off it is no joke, I wouldn?t wish benzo withdrawal on my worst enemy (I have experienced this and I take the lowest dose possible as needed). Honestly I wish I could go back in time and never take it.

I?m glad it works for you though, just wanted to throw out a warning about the potential long term risks (obviously I understand the need to stop the POIS symptoms as well, so it?s not an easy choice).


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2020, 04:20:19 PM »
I just re-read your first post, it appears that you are well aware of the risks.  That?s what I get for skimming through  ;D


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2020, 10:47:52 PM »
Thanks for the warning Charles. I am aware of the potential risks, and it is a pity that the one drug that appears to mask POIS symptoms happens to be one of the most dangerously addictive drugs you can use. My post was really for the odd occasion where you absolutely must be "switched on" within a POIS episode. My second day of POIS yesterday was the usual disaster, but I did not take another Valium for the reasons you mentioned. I have heard many stories about coming off benzos and I will not take that risk. I guess it also depends on the severity of one's POIS; if you suffer the absolute extreme, where you cannot function in society, one must weigh the cost/benefit. Members here have mentioned suicide due to POIS. My POIS is very extreme too, so I understand them. In my POIS state, I simply cannot function, or have a simple conversation. It cripples me both physically (from exhaustion) and cognitively.

Anyway. Anything that potentially provides relief is good news, even if it helps us to understand the illness better; if we understand what provides relief in POIS, perhaps it can contribute to understanding the nature of the condition.

Awaiting a trial of Malnicipran, I hope other members try it and report back before I am able to (under medical supervision of course).


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2020, 07:46:37 AM »
Thanks for the warning Charles. I am aware of the potential risks, and it is a pity that the one drug that appears to mask POIS symptoms happens to be one of the most dangerously addictive drugs you can use. My post was really for the odd occasion where you absolutely must be "switched on" within a POIS episode. My second day of POIS yesterday was the usual disaster, but I did not take another Valium for the reasons you mentioned. I have heard many stories about coming off benzos and I will not take that risk. I guess it also depends on the severity of one's POIS; if you suffer the absolute extreme, where you cannot function in society, one must weigh the cost/benefit. Members here have mentioned suicide due to POIS. My POIS is very extreme too, so I understand them. In my POIS state, I simply cannot function, or have a simple conversation. It cripples me both physically (from exhaustion) and cognitively.

Anyway. Anything that potentially provides relief is good news, even if it helps us to understand the illness better; if we understand what provides relief in POIS, perhaps it can contribute to understanding the nature of the condition.

Awaiting a trial of Malnicipran, I hope other members try it and report back before I am able to (under medical supervision of course).

Yep that makes sense.  I get that sometime for quality of life we need to take stuff we?d rather not, to get some modicum of relief/normalcy.  I?m glad you are aware of the risks, I absolutely was not aware when I started taking it, nor did my Dr. warn me.

Anyway, good luck with the milnacipran!


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Re: The first thing that works for me once in POIS.
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2020, 06:53:53 AM »
Just an update for anyone interested.
I tried Diazepam (2mg) this morning, my first day of intense POIS. This is normally 1 of 2 days where I am deeply uncomfortable even stepping outside.

Took a pill at 11 am, within 20 minutes all symptoms (apart from a slight headache) had disappeared. Slight tiredness from the effect of the pill. No brainfog. It lasted until about 5 pm.

Now it is 7 pm and it seems as though symptoms have returned to normal. Today was just a test, to see how long I could potentially get relief for. Very pleased with the result. Again, these drugs are easy to obtain but are one of the most dangerously addictive drugs you can take, with long term side effects that anyone who has taken them regularly will confirm. Diazepam (valium) is not a viable solution for POIS. I tested it simply to know, if an emergency comes up in future, does it work and how long does the relief last.

From my last test last week, it did not extend my POIS period at all, but gave me relief on the day that I took it. Tomorrow will be my second day of POIS and I will not risk taking it again due to the experience of so many others who have taken it, and got hooked almost immediately, and couldn't get off it without having a total breakdown.

Hope this helps.